

I almost lost myself fighting for the people I love......I almost became an image of my enemy.... " I watched the cops lead my father to the back of the car as all our neighbors gathered around with mum and Minah sitting on the porch crying..... I am the son of a murderer "

Alex1sKnight · 現実
46 Chs


I stood in the rain and watched the cops lead my father to the back of the car as all our neighbors gathered around with mum and Minah sitting on the porch crying. The sounds of the siren soon died out and I could hear the murmurs and whispers... I am the son of a murderer.


I opened my eyes slowly as the sun rays hit my face and groaned lightly as I got out of bed. I dragged my legs lazily towards the bathroom and turned on the shower. The events of yesterday came running in my mind as the cold water hit my back. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed deeply.

"My father would never do a thing like that...never"

I put on my uniform slowly to kind of kill time. The boy next door was in the same class as me and I knew by now my father's news would be all over school.

I wasn't too popular but I knew a good amount of people since I was the basketball captain and class president. I had three bestfriends and we've known each other since middle school. I kept thinking about how they would react and how the rest of my class would.

" People don't change easily right?"

I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I didn't bother waiting for breakfast, so I just left. On my way to the bus stop, I still kept contemplating if to go to school or not.

I got off the bus and made my way up the alley, as thousands of thoughts ran through my head.


I sat up on my bed and stared at the mirror as a pair of puffy red eyes stared back at me. Last night, my mum and I got news that my father had been murdered. The house felt so heavy and gloomy, so I decided to take my bike out for a ride.

I drove down an alley and was about to make a turn when a boy around my age, suddenly appeared out of the corner. Luckily,he moved out of the way in time.

" Are you okay?.... I'm so sorry ". I said with a slight bow as I stepped down from my bike.

The boy just turned away and kept walking, leaving me in a daze


My head was too occupied to take any notice of the boy. I dragged feet as I got closer to the school gate. I let out a sigh and walked into the building.

The hallway seemed awfully long as I made my way through it. A bunch of people kept staring and pointing at me so I pulled my hoodie over my head and kept walking with my head down.

" It's fine.....they won't change just like that ".

I walked into my class and found my bestfriends in front of the class.

" Ya!!! Yoonho". I called out and waved.

( Ya is a Korean slang meaning Hey)

Yoonho looked at me and turned away, so I walked towards him.

" Ya what's up.....I've been calling you for a while now ".

I said and tapped Yoonho on the shoulder jokingly with a small smile.

" Ya!! Have you gone mad?"

He yelled and pushed me so hard I fell to the ground .

" People like you make me sick . You have no shame and it's disgusting. How dare you show your face after your father killed someone so brutally ". Yoonho said and left with Deokhwa and Minho.

" He's the son of a murderer "

" I don't feel safe with him here"

" What if he becomes like his father? "

" I heard he did it for money "

" I think he's a psychopath "

I looked around as everyone murmured and stared at me with disgust. My head felt heavy as I pulled myself up from the ground and walked towards my desk while having papers and juice boxes hauled at me. All sorts of vile names had been written on my chair and table .

The teacher walked into the class and everyone settled down. At the end of the class, she stopped at the door and turned towards me.

" Kyung Eunsoo meet me in the teacher's lounge when you have any free time". She said and left.

" I hope he gets expelled "

" Seeing his face makes me sick "

I got up from my seat and walked out of the class. I sat in a corner on the school roof and plugged in my earphones.