
Psycho Wish

“I feel cold , freezing but I like the feeling “. Witness the journey of a girl turning into a full fledged psychopath , a twisted being..an impeccable and meticulous killer who never leaves a trace behind...can she be stopped? Can she fall in love? Wait as the madness unleashes and soars through her mind ....get ready for a roller coaster ride through murders, death , torture, thrill , debauchery ...and a twisted love ....all through the eyes of a psychopath...

Arya5421 · 都市
13 Chs

Chaos in the Devil’s eyes

"Mum, look I drew a butterfly ", ....I didn't get a word of appreciation, except a nasty scowl and her mumbling...," monster...u shouldn't have been born." I tried to pretend that I didn't hear it and I tried hard , she never opened up to me. Always looked at me with disgust in her eyes . That day I went out to play , that day I just didn't wanna be alone . I was desperate to find a playmate. I saw my brothers playing together. I went towards them , they looked at me and scowled..." why are u here?" , they asked curtly ....," I wanna play." , they smiled at each other , looked at me and giggled to each other then one said to the other ," u know, " I heard mum say to dada that she is bad luck and nothing but a monster" , the other smiled and answered," I heard she asked dad to send her away, so we don't get affected by her , she's so scary." And they resumed playing, pretending I didn't exist. I understood the situation too well. I left the playground, I came back to my room ....closed the door and turned the lights off. My parents were too busy to notice my behaviour. I wanted them to notice but they didn't. I looked out of the window where the full moon shone with its serene brilliance. Suddenly I felt a pressure on my heart. I wanted to rip it out . I cried out . An aching noise came out of me . I wanted it to stop . My tears , they were doing me harm , making me weak . STOP , just STOP was all I could think of but they were hellbent on coming out . I cried for long and my tears dried up ...I looked around my room , there it was....a fruit knife.....I took it looked around and scratched myself softly yet firmly.....Crimson came out , surprisingly the pressure I felt was gone, the moment I saw the Crimson...I scratched again and again and felt a relief in the physical pain ....that I never had found in mental pain.... When I went to dinner that night , my mum yelled at me again but I didn't feel sad , I felt angry....for the first time in my life but I didn't show my anger , that was the day I learned to nurture my anger .....I went to sleep with the knife in my hand .....

I heard a noise ....a noise , a screeching one. I felt a throbbing pain in my head and my whole body was full of holes from the knives , I half opened my eyes ....there was someone sitting in front of me , cross legged . Everything became clear, the previous events that happened.....blood came out of my mouth. Damn I was bloody . I panted for air ,

" you are alive , I thought that u were dead." A male voice chuckled . I looked at the man in front of me , sharp features, slender body brushed back hair .....but the striking feature was his eyes...he had the devil's eyes, darker than an abyss. I looked at my surroundings....it looked like a factory of some kind...," girl , I thought u had questions about me..." , he said in the most sadistic voice I had ever heard in my life. I looked at him , I don't know why , his demeanour was too intimidating....but I kept myself together. He was enjoying my pitiable state ," who are u ? How do u know all about me?" , I was so weak ...my voice came out like a whisper. He smiled took the chair and sat on the opposite side ....resting his legs in both the sides of the seat and his face on his hands....," I know everything and everyone" he smiled again.

" what do u want from me?"

"You already know."

" if I say no?"

He smiled yet again....he took out something from his pocket , a pendrive.....?!

" you know that day at the hospital, I was there too , to clean up some of my own business. I saw you . I could tell ur type just by looking at you . You see , we are all the same behind the curtains...", he smirked....

"U had that bottle in ur hand u were looking at it nervously, I also perceived the string u attached in the hallway . I liked ur idea , I got intrigued as u looked so young and cunning yet so damn dangerous..." he laughed out , a laugh of my kind ...," u amused me ....So I took a video ....u thought ur commotion would create a confusion?" He came near my face ," unfortunately dear, I am the chaos ...", his eyes, uncannily dark and his expression one of utter excitement. He took the pendrive and took the chip out and played it on his phone .....it clearly showed me ...doing it ...

I smiled one sidedly, as much as I hate him , I liked his antics," so u r like me?" ,

" I told u so ..."he still went on savouring the video.

" tell me what you want",

" that's more I like it ." He came near me and put his hand on my face ....u shouldn't have done that ...., thought I .

I bit him hard , Crimson came out , he smacked my face and stepped back ...he cracked up again.

"This is why I like you . Now you have pissed me off. "

"You wanna kill me , do so ...."

"Why would I kill u? U have potential."

"Speak clearly..."

"I want u to join me ."

"I work alone ."

"Yeah , and go on doing a sloppy job destroying the evidences? Don't u get tired?"

*I looked at him*

"I tailed u that day after u went out of the hospital....u didn't even notice me . I saw ur face ur home ur everything.and it's all in the chip..and I have it backed up ...so no escape plans ..."

"What do u want ?!"

"I know u can't go on without killing people anymore. How about u turn ur hobby into profession?"

" meaning!"

" u see when I found out about my true self....I wanted to find people like me and I did ....I made my own family ones that understand our emotions...We take contracts for killing and torturing people."

" so u r a gang leader?"

He sneered ," eww! No I'm not....I'm an artist who wants to paint the world red ....I want us to get together...u see I will provide u a shelter, I will clean up after u ...all u need to do is the killing."

" and what exactly makes ur words trustworthy?"

" crazy bitch we don't trust anyone and u know that ....but this little family is like a small horror house , snitches get stitches all over their bodies here . U know how we all get when we feel betrayed."

" makes sense ....so my first kill is the tycoon Girlie?who gave her contract?how much will I earn?"

" don't think about that shit . U just kill her .ur paycheque will come to u . I will clean up . The public relations...leave it to me okay?"

And he smiled.

"What's your name?" , I asked...

" call me Hades. Your name?"

" u already know."

" use a made up name ."

" Autumn "

" okay Autumn. I will contact u and give u further instructions." He called someone and a guy in lab coat came and started tending to me wounds.

Hades came near my ears and said ," try not to get killed and enjoy ." , he smiled and left . The doc guy eyed me with curiosity and treated me with meds ...I went to sleep again ...an anaesthetic i guess.


"Hades, u sure she killed Maria ? That's practically impossible."

" dear Seiran ....pride breeds a tyrant, situations breed monsters. She indeed is different. Let's see how she evolves..."

The doctor looked at him while he wiped his hands off of the blood. " please kill me I can't take anymore!!!.....", a man , kneeling in front of him with every ounce of his skin pierced with fish hooks. Hades smiled ." Up u go." Seiran pulled the the rope attached to the fishing ropes and the man screamed out ...

" it indeed is gonna be interesting ".....