
Psycho Ripper [Blood Bath]

Follow A killers story by the name Miguel .M. Krane but before being summoned to this weird world, he was called Psycho Ripper, Nonetheless, he hasn't changed his character, Still keeping his killing ways but he is tasked with slaying the dark king of darkness but will he do it or will he kill, kill and kill some more find out more by reading.

Maison_Morris · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 9 A Lovely Surprise

As we walked out of the exit and into the dark kingdom I immediately started looking around to see if I could see anyone or anything that could help us find this dark king.

"We're almost there"

The lady said to me the hunter, I rolled my eyes but at the same time I couldn't wait for this to be over, We walked up to the front door of the king's castle as two guards halted us.

"Halt, Why do you seek an audience?"

The grounds said to us as they blocked us with their spars, I took a deep breath and said.

"Here we go again"

I kneed one guard in the gut as the second guard tried to stab me with their spar, I leg sweet the second guard as the first guard got up but right after I shoved my hand into the first guard's side and ripped out some flesh, The guards fell to the ground, The second guard tried to stab me once again but I rolled out of the way and kicked his hip, He fell to the ground, Holding his hip in pain as I stopped and opened the door so that all three of us can walk enter the castle.

We looked room after room but yet we couldn't find anything or anyone, I smiled because I knew this was such a classic move, When everything is so empty there is either hiding or planning, We moved to the top of the stairs and saw a room with guards guarding it, They turned to us and told us to enter and so we did.

Once we opened the door there he was, The dark king of darkness with his dark cloak covering his body and his long black hair and soulless blue eyes, I threw a fireball at him once I saw him because I didn't want to waste my time with this, The dark kings just absorbed my whole fireball and with one spell he put knocked us all three of us back.

I got up and was ready to throw hands with the king of darkness when something surprising happened, The Princess stepped from behind his throne and walked to the king, And stood by his side, It was surprising but I didn't even like her so it wasn't that surprising, The hunter then hit me with a poisoned arrow as the lady then kicked me to the ground, The poison wasn't enough to kill me just meant to knock me out, I fell to the ground unconscious.

I woke up and I was tied up in the middle of the room, I saw the hunter and the lady by the king's side as one of them told him that I was awake, the king looked at me and said.

"I know you have a lot of questions, Allow me to give you the answers"

He told me that this whole journey was fake, My meat shields are fake, and even the castle where I was summoned was all wrong, I was supposed to be summoned in the wastelands to improve and to grow, The king's men went to the wastelands and took everything and one of the things they took where magic scrolls and once I read it they summoned four heroes only to prove a point that their empire will take over all who doesn't bow down to the king, He left that job in charge of the princess and once she summoned me he saw that I wasn't like the other heroes, I was more of a villain.

That's why when I killed someone in the Princess Empire there didn't do anything Because that whole thing was rigged for me to lose, A cloaked me walked up to the king, It was the same guy I talked to in the princess empire, The cloaked men looked at me and said I got more powerful, He then said that it would be a shame to kill someone like me, He asked me.

"Why not join us, you would have all the fun in the world with us"

I smiled and said.

"Ever since I got here I have just been getting annoyed, I ran into a boring princess, I ran into a meat shield, I ran into a lady who was helpful for nothing, Yet you asked me to join your pint house...I got one word for you forget your offer, forget your minions, and forget you, I got my hand bloody back home and I'll do the same here"

I burned through the ropes with my fire magic, The hunter shot an arrow at me and the lady rushed at me with a knife, I grabbed the arrow and dashed to the side and grabbed the lady's arm and broke it, I jammed the arrow in her ear and out the other ear and I twisted her head all the way around, The hunter rushed at me as well, Only for me to kick her neck, She started coughing and holding her neck in pain, I grabbed her head and lifted her and made her face me, I jammed my thumbs in her eye sockets, I jammed my fingers at the top of her head and I started grunting.

The King saw a deep cut on the hunter's head, He knew what I was doing, I pulled from both sides as I started giggling, A loud ripping sound filled the room as I ripped the Hunter in two, I threw one half at the king which he slapped away, And I threw the other half at the cloaked figure which he teleported in front of me used a spell and I just vanished.

I woke up in a dark room and someone in a butler outfit tapped my shoulder and told me to follow him and I did so, we came to a stop in front of a table where I saw four people sitting there, the butler then said.

"We will start the meeting"