
Psycho Ripper [Blood Bath]

Follow A killers story by the name Miguel .M. Krane but before being summoned to this weird world, he was called Psycho Ripper, Nonetheless, he hasn't changed his character, Still keeping his killing ways but he is tasked with slaying the dark king of darkness but will he do it or will he kill, kill and kill some more find out more by reading.

Maison_Morris · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 8 Something Calls To Me

I have been falling for who knows how long but really it's just been a few seconds, I'm just impatient, A few more seconds we landed on a soft mattress but sadly it was full of dirt but nonetheless at least I wasn't still falling

I looked around and saw that this place looks like some kind of underground market, The lady that was leading us told us to follow her as we did so and followed her, We then came to a shop as the lady said.


The door handle then started turning, Once the door handle completely swung open a pair of hands grabbed me and the lady but I grabbed the hunter as all three of us were pulled inside as the door slammed shut, Freak then said.

"Shhhhhhh today is the day I knew it would happen to me, I could feel it, The heart of the beast is close to us my child"

I didn't want to give myself away, I raised my hand and asked him what was the history of this heart that he was talking about, He looked up at the roof and then walked to a shelf and took out an old book and showed us a picture of an altar with Heroes around it, they were pouring some weird liquid on the heart, I look at and said.

"Well that shows what it looked like back in the day but what is the history about it?"

Frank said in a calm voice

"No one knows how the heart was made but it was founded in an underground tomb as a group of explorers looked around for anything worth keeping, One of the men bumped into a tomb and knocked it open as it fell to the ground the men gathered around it and saw there was a skeleton but the heart was still beating and it looked fresh, There was a note on the tomb, It said the heart will never stop beating, One beat, Two beats, Three beath, Four, Once it turns Black it's found a host to care for"

I took a glimpse at the heart and saw that it was pitch black and yet it was still beating, I told frank what to do if the heart does choose you, He explained that he didn't know, He never had the chance to see if he was worthy because one of the men was greedy and took the heart on the way out of the tomb and used a magic spell to get away.

He raised an eyebrow and grabbed my wrists, He then made me hold out my hands as he saw the heart and smiled ear to ear, He started jumping with glee and told me that I was the one, I yelled at him.


He then put up a finger and told me to wait as he looked through books and told me to eat it, I blinded in confusion and questioned why as he told me that in the picture there are four heroes and they all fight to see who gets the heart, he then explained that the hero who won had eaten the heart, He pointed to the picture and showed me the heros eating the heart.

I gulped and started eating the heart as if I didn't eat in years, Once I finished eating I didn't feel anything but right before I said that I felt a massive heat wave coming from my chest as I looked and saw that my chest was glowing bright red just like that beast I took out, I punched the ground as I felt like a ice cream melting from this heat as someone walked through the door and said.

"Your mail is here"

I got up and slammed the door and told him that this wasn't a good time and frank then put a bag of ice on my chest, Once I was nice and cold the lady told frank that she will be leading up outside the cave to the dark kingdom, I waved at frank telling him goodbye and so did the hunter as I looked to my right while we were walking and saw a guy yelling at his wife it seems, I speed walked to the guy and ripped out his vocal cords and knocked him out as the lady told me to keep up, The lady then said.

"I Know you're trying to help in anyway but please don't do things that will get you thrown in behind bars"

I said back to her

"Oh I'm not trying to I just needed to satisfy myself before we leave"

We walked to a wall, The lady cast a spell and then the wall split open, We saw an exit and on the other side, We saw the dark kingdom, I said in a satisfying voice.
