
Psycho Ripper [Blood Bath]

Follow A killers story by the name Miguel .M. Krane but before being summoned to this weird world, he was called Psycho Ripper, Nonetheless, he hasn't changed his character, Still keeping his killing ways but he is tasked with slaying the dark king of darkness but will he do it or will he kill, kill and kill some more find out more by reading.

Maison_Morris · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 7 The Headless Monster

"It's so hot I can't believe this heat, I think I see it tho"

I squinched my eyes as I started to see a land with trees and grass, I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating but it was still there, I screamed.


I grabbed the hunter's hand as she was behind me as I darted to the land, As we zipped past the trees I sat down and looked at the map and said.

"Let's see where we stand, We started at the empire then the forest then the wasteland, and now we will go... forward to the abyssal lands"

I got up from the ground and started walking forward as the hunter joined my side, From the distance to our right someone was watching us as this strange person then said.

"Now...Begin the phase"

As we heard someone screaming for their life, The hunter told me that we need to go help this person, I commented on the fact that we don't know if it could be a trap as I commented again explaining that for all we know it could be a monster using a human voice to lure us to...whatever is making that noise.


I said in an annoyed voice to the unknown voice in the forest, The hunter just ran off to the voice as I followed after her, She turned back and saw me running with her as she said.

"You have a change of heart?"

She said in a loving voice.

"No, You're still important to me, I can't have you die just yet not until we make it to the dark king then you can die"

She rolled her eyes as we continued running to the voice, We came across a clearing and we saw a headless beast holding a girl in its hands as the beast's grip got tighter and tighter, I said to the hunter.

"Well, We've found out what's going on let's go"

The hunter grabbed my arm and begged me to do something as I told her to use that light arrow thing she used against me in the cave where we first met, She signed and used that magic move she called the arrow of light, She shot her arrow as the arrow did nothing but scratch its arm and grabbed its attention, The beast then let go of the lady and charged for us we, I said to her as we started running.

"Good, Now look what you've done, Instead of leaving it be now we got Gorilla Grodd 2 point 0 running after us"

I quickly turned back as the headless beast was still running toward us, I jumped in the air as I forgot...It was headless as I went over the beast, passed through the stim of the head where my kick should have landed and I plopped on the ground.

The beast came to a halt and turned around, I got up and rushed at it, throwing a fireball as the fire only pushed back the beast only by an inch, I took a big gulp and heated my hand hands at a high degree as rushed forward and kicked the beast's chest as I saw it didn't graze the beast.

The beast grabbed my leg and threw me into a tree as I smiled to deal with the pain I noticed that the beast's chest glowed height red for a split second, I looked back and saw that the same lady was crying in her hands, I threw another fireball at the beast and ran to the lady as the beast was following me, I grabbed the lady and picked her up and threw her right into the beast as the beast just grabbed her mid-air and dropped her on the ground, I once again saw that the beast chest glowed red.

"His attention is on me now"

I thought to myself as I was ready to release another attack, Just then a light arrow bashed the beast back as the beast turned and there was the hunter, The beast then emitted a red aura as it turned to me, and then to the hunter, When it turned to me I saw its chest glowed and stayed red as I tried to tell the hunter that the chest is a weak spot but I just thought.

"I don't have time for this"

I fired Fire streams of fire on the ground, Sending me flying in the air as I landed on the stim on the headless beasts, I put my hands on the stem where its head was supposed to be and saw it did damage, I headed my hands ever higher degree burned my way in the beast's body, The hunter saw that beast of swings it's arms around and scratching itself, The beast's whole body then started to glow bright red as the body then exploded as blood and guts and organs painted the trees and grass red as I stood there with the beast's heart in my hand as I was covered in blood, I looked down and saw the heart was still beating but it turned purple, It was strange but I kept it as a trophy as I held on to it.

The lady on the ground then looked in amazement as she got up and walked to me, her face turned from amazed to upset as she tried to sleep me as I grabbed her hand and slightly burned it, She yanked her hand away from mine as she yelled.


"Oh my goodness can you stop, your hurting my ears"

I said to her as she turned her head away from me, The hunter then walked to the lady and explained that we need to head to the dark king of darkness kingdom and if she knows how to get there to please tell us, The lady then told us not to go to the abyssal land, I raised my eyebrow in suspicion as I knew the abyssal land was next on the map but just wanted to hear her out.

She then told us that she goes to the kingdom from time to time and that she knows a shortcut to the kingdom she cast a spell and the ground then split wide open as she said follow me the lady jumped into the opened ground and the hunter jumped as well, I thought for a moment and then with the beast's heart in my hand, I jumped, wondering where I'll end up next.