
Psycho Ripper [Blood Bath]

Follow A killers story by the name Miguel .M. Krane but before being summoned to this weird world, he was called Psycho Ripper, Nonetheless, he hasn't changed his character, Still keeping his killing ways but he is tasked with slaying the dark king of darkness but will he do it or will he kill, kill and kill some more find out more by reading.

Maison_Morris · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 4 A Small Encounter

As I followed the directions on the map I ended up walking in the forest but it seemed to be on the map so I wasn't too worried about it as I just said in a calming voice "I guess I'll just camp out here" as I just realized that I didn't pack for anything, I didn't even raid the guard's dead body. I thought to myself "There should be one around in this forest" I looked for a while and eventually I found a bear cave or at least in my world it would be a bear cave I threw a rock in the cave to see if anyone was home but yet no one was as I just walked in the cave and saw that it looked like someone was here with a rug on the ground and leafs to make up for a bed as just shouted "Finders keepers" and started making this place my own as I sat down on the leafs and started to fall asleep but before I closed my eyes I heard a twig snap outside the cave and just then I saw a foot coming into the cave I quickly laid down and pretended to be asleep and waited for this person to come in range for the attack but sadly things never go the way you want to as I heard that classic sound of an arrow tapping against the wood of the bow and thought and yelled in my mind "CRAP" as I quickly jumped off the leafs and shot a fire stream and this hunter dodge and shot the arrow but I huge light glowed from this arrow and when the arrow was shot of curse I doged but I looked behind me and saw the arrow did a lot of damage to the wall, I gulped and took a step forward and took an aggressive fighting stance and yelled "Think fast" as I used a move called fire net, I'm sure you can guess what it looks like, I threw the fire net and while it wasn't to big the hunter did dodge it somewhat, I say somewhat do to the fact that I saw that the hunters arm was heavily burned, The hunter then charged at me yelling "Die you thief" as I just shot a fire beam at the hunter as the hunter rolled out the way continued charging at me as I shot another beam of fire and the same thing happens as the hunter rolled to the side and then the hunter stabbed my gut but only...the hunter didn't, I put my hand in front of the knife as the knife went through my hand and smiled to deal with my pain as I grabbed the hand of the hunter and burned it, Then the hunter kicks me off and jumped back, I can tell the hunter is tired and all out of energy, I threw another fire net and yet again the hunter dodged but this time the hunter dodged a little to late as the hunters leg was burned, I quickly rushed forward and punched the hunters jaw line knocking the hunter out as I saw that it was a female with tan and long black hair with hunting tattoos on her face, A few minutes later she woke up and yelled "What do you think your doing , thief?" As I yelled back "Finders Keepers" I continued saying "I'm not a thief I am trying to look for some guy of darkness" She corrected saying "The dark king of darkness?" I said "I just need a place to stay I forgot all my stuff and some guy died of a heart attack on the way here so I'm stumped right now," She told me to calm down as she used a healing spell on herself as I questioned, "Why didn't you heal during our fight earlier?" She answered saying "You were too aggressive, Besides me ramming a knife through your hand all I could do was dodge but you don't know anything, do you?" I raised an eyebrow and said, "Know what?" As she said "Know about the dark king" I said "Nope just wanna get home" She said in a relaxed tone "Sit back and I'll tell you about the dark king of darkness"