
Psychic System: No Need For Magic, Only Mental Powers (R18)

-Warning, this story may contain strong sexual themes, M/M, F/F, Multi, and plenty of other things, enter at your own risk. Contains Bisexual male protagonist- Due to having an awful life on earth, consumed by an illness that didn't allow him to live his life at its fullest, Soda Shoichi had been given a new chance in life. A new existence in a world of his choice, accompanied by a special system which will help him to have an easier time in this brand-new place. But apparently, all the magical systems had been taken, leaving a few other ones to ... So he takes the Psychic System, the system of mental powers! With these new abilities, Soda Shoichi chose to reincarnate as part of the humanoid race known as the Otlans, a species that descend from the demons. Now he is committed to enjoying this new life to his fullest potential, in a fantasy world where humans don't exist, a world where monsters and other fantasy races exist ... A new life that will lead him to an adventure full of sex, adventure, romance and the action that his old life never had. Will he be consumed by the dangers of this world? Or will he rise victorious? And of course, Will he be able to fulfill his ultimate fantasy of having a big harem? Only time will tell if the Psychic user can survive in the World of Telrian.

CinderMask · ファンタジー
7 Chs

A meeting with the Femboy chief of goblins.

" Good evening Chief… May I present you Soda Shoichi… It's the Magu of the goblin Aryss" Cressa kneels, letting her staff on the ground. Aryss follows the goblin witch, kneeling. "He's an Otlan… He has horns that identify him as part of the Lust tribe"

"An Otlan, I see" The goblin woman talks, the seriousness in her voice makes the psychic pay more attention to her. He likes her tone, it gives off the vibes of a woman who knows what he wants.

"Ummm, Its a pleasure to meet you Chief… " Soda, just kneel, as Aryss does. He prefers to play by the rules, avoid anything that could gain him an enemy. Specially the leader of a tribe.

"Ferro, I'm the Chief Ferro, leader of Gloobave" He stands up. He was shorter than his mother. He walks towards them, with a serious expression on his face. Ferro stands in front of Soda, Since Soda's "An Otlan that fell in love with a goblin? Never heard of that before… Always hear of other species felling in love with goblins, But a descendant of Demons? That's new"

Otlan's must have terrible taste because how can you not fell in love with these gorgeous goblins?

"Be careful, Chief" The Mature goblin next to Ferro stomps her staff to the ground. The tent didn't have any floor, only the ground of the cave. "He could be a spy, or worse… A hitman"

"Mmmm, doesn't seem like it" He gets closer to Soda. The otlan begins to sweat a bit. Having such a cute goblin near him makes his heart beat fast. Ferro puts his hands on his waist and contemplates the Otlan's naked body. "He would have a weapon with him if he wanted to attack me…unless you count 'that' as a weapon"

And before Soda could say something, Ferro raises his left foot, and then touches the Otlan dick with it. The psychic holds a moan as he feels how the goblin chief moves the tip of his cock with one toe. Aryss opened her mouth, trying to protest, and Cressa just frowned at the action. But not as if she were annoyed…but more out of jealousy.

"Son…" The mother of Ferro gets behind him and touch his shoulder.

"I'm just teasing him mom, don't worry… He'll behave…" Ferro says as he grins at the Otlan. He takes his foot from Soda's cock, leaving it semi-hard.

"I can assure you that I have no bad intentions against you" Soda says, meeting his eyes with Ferro's. He could feel how his dick is almost hard due to the teasing of the goblin. "I just wanted to do the right thing and present myself to the tribe. So i can belong to it, to be alongside my Gamu"

"You even know the words for mates in our people…Interesting. Yet, why now?" Ferro asked.

"I was waiting for Aryss to be ready. She had her doubts." Soda lower his head. "She asked me to wait for the best moment to show me the tribe…Also, Cressa caught us while we…had an intimate encounter"

"That's…true." Aryss says.

"The goblin Aryss had abandoned the entrance during her guard turn. She wanted to 'check for something' and it turns out that it was her magu…" Cressa moved her staff from one hand to another.

"You leave the entrance and then go to have sex?" The chief grinned playfully and laughed. "You are fun, Aryss!"

Aryss smiled, and Cressa crossed her arms, annoyed. But before Soda could relax, The goblin chief moved back to Soda

"Still, you are a stranger to us…" The mature goblin woman who guards the Chief denies with her head. "We can't just let you be in our tribe, without knowing him first…"

"What do you suggest, mother?" Ferro says, examining Soda's naked body with his eyes. Soda wonder if he's having devious thoughts about him, if what the rumors of the guards said were true.

"I suggest we lock him up in the cells. We have a shortage of prisoners, so it wouldn't be a problem to keep him there" The Mother of Ferro stands next to his son. 

"The cells are too weak to keep a humanoid like Him. Otlan's are ruthless and I doubt that a mere cell of wood is capable of containing him. I have a better Idea… While I believe in Aryss and his magu's words. We have to be sure, isn't that right, Chief?" Cressa stands next to Ferro, whose eyes don't move from Soda's face. The Otlan asked himself what he could be thinking of? If only his Mind Energy could refill quicker, He can have a peak at his thoughts and have and advantage.

"Indeed, what do you have planned?" Ferro takes a few steeps back, his back facing Soda. Soda contemplates his large and plump, green arse. The psychic Otlan gulps, trying to maintain his composure, and his dick down. But after the teasing of the femboy, his dick is only one temptation away from getting a full boner.

"Or I could just tell you about me…" Soda wondered why do they feel so paranoiac. What kind of enemies do they had? Maybe if he tried a different approach before, acting amnesic, he could have a pass…but it was late for that.

"Listen. I'll answer all your questions. Just shoot, and i'll be honest."

"Chief, please…"Aryss says. Soda was surprised at how she hasn't even back down and kept supporting him, not even a bit. She truly wanted him to be there. 

Ferro gazed at Aryss for a second, while everyone in the room waited for his answer. Soda checks the status menu for a moment, noticing that his mind energy has charged up by two points. 

Still not enough to use Telepathy, maybe I can use the telekinesis and surprise them?...or show my powers? No, if I tell them that I can have influence on their minds, everyone will get suspicious. 

"Not necessary… Welcome to our Tribe, Soda"

The answer leaves everyone surprised. Cressa just closed her eyes and nodded, while Aryss just smiled and hugged Soda's arm. The psychic is just as surprised as Honma, who quickly stood in front of Ferro.

"Son! What are you saying? Are you out of your mind?!"Honma points at Soda with one finger "We don't know him!"

"Relax Mother, I'm not leaving him go just like that" The Chief goblin put his hands on his thick hips "Use the Shadow Eye spell on him, Cressa"

"What?" But Before Soda could ask what was that about, Cressa give a couple of steps and pointed Soda with her staff, and then cast a spell with a dark voice that didnt seem her own.

"Shadow Eye"

A small beam of darkness shoots from the orb of Cressa's staff and impacted Soda instantly. But strangely enough, he didn't feel it impact, nor his body seemed to receive any injury.


"Shadow Eye is a spell that allows me to hear and see you wherever you are, using your shadow as a medium" Cressa smiled "That means that no matter the place you are, I can see you" 

"I see…" I never expected to find such a unique spell so early… these goblins definitely had their own tricks.

"Is just a small precaution. You are new after all… Cressa will keep an eye on you while you adapt to our tribe"

"That's bullshit! I don't want her seeing my magu all the time!" Aryss protested, rising her small fist to the air.

"It's Okay Aryss. I understand it" Soda just sighed and stood up. His noticeable height among the shortstacks goblins made him look like a giant. "I'll do whatever to make you thrust me"

"Very well. Then we are finished here" Ferro claps his hand twice. "I'm going to sleep now. Witch Cressa will check on you every day. Tomorrow we'll see what work can you do" 

"I understand, I appreciated it, Chief"

"Just remember your place." Honma voice tone's exudes clear disgust at the decision of her son. Soda just nods.

"You can leave." Says Ferro.

"Umm, excuse me Chief, before we go… can you…give me a loincloth or something to wear?" Soda asks "I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable with my nudity…"

"About that…Im sorry, but i don't think that we have spared clothes…We had a small shortage of clothes…"Ferro shrugs and smiles. "Don't worry about that…I think that no one will have a problem with your nudity… by the way, Aryss, you can go to your tent to accompany your magu this night. I'll send another goblin to cover you and Cressa"

"Thank you, Chief." Aryss bow her head again and then, get out of the tent, alongside Soda. The Otlan gave a last peek at the trio of goblins. Honma begin to speak with Ferro, who crossed his arms and frown at her. It appears that a discussion is going to begin. Cressa contemplated at them in silence… Yet, a small smile is shown in her lips. Soda wondered what she was thinking about. With the spell active, she can spy on him whenever she wants. Soda must be careful. Who knew what she plans she had on her mind?

Aryss and Soda walk out of the tent. The goblin girl stomps the floor with one foot. She lets out a loud growl, and kicks a random pebble on the floor.

"I can't believe it!" She grinds her teeth "They can't do that!"

"Hey, it's okay, there's nothing to worry about it" Soda Tried to calm her "And, be quiet…they will hear you…"

Aryss begin to walk forward, clearly angry at her superiors.

"Come… I'm taking you to my tent…"

Soda slowly nods, and follows her. It turned into a silence walk. The otlan could see more goblins, but they quickly hide inside their tent as soon as he lays his eyes on them. He could understand why they would hide, it didn't seem that the tribe receives many visitants like him. Soda wanted to ask Aryss about that, but didn't wish to disturb her. Her anger is almost palpable. But he couldn't blame her. To see the goblin that she most hates to use a spell on his magu to spy him can be seen as an act of defiance towards her. They have a troublesome past between them, so Soda could understand why every act of the goblin witch towards Aryss made her feel mad. He hopes that he can help her with her anger.

"Here it is" Aryss says.

They reached a small but wide tent made from cloth and animal leather, Soda had to crawl to get inside. There isn't much, aside from one small mattress made from what appears to be straw and a small chest that barely held itself due to being made from rotten wood. Aryss walks to the chest and opens it, while Soda looks around the almost empty tent.

"This is where you live?..."

"We dont have much here…"Aryss voice sounded tough "Ever since we moved from the last camp, i hadn't the time to collect more stuff"

"Are…are you okay?" Soda get behind her, trying to touch her shoulder.

"I'm not!" She punches the chest and sits down angry, crossing her arms. "That fucking witch used a spell on you! Why aren't you mad?!"

"They don't know me, It's normal to have precautions!"

"I don't know you either!" Aryss stared at him. "You used that…strange magic and told me to lie!"

"Hey… They caught us fucking… If you informed them that you didn't know me you would be in problems. Believe me, i don't like to be under a spell… But, I feel something with you…and we are a couple now…as you say"

"I know what i say" She relaxes and stand up "I just…Cressa and I share a past together… She was my magic master, when I was younger, she tried to teach me magic, but her lessons were difficult for me to understand. I tried the best that I could, but I miserably failed every lesson. I cannot use magic… Since then, she considers me a failure"

"I don't think you are a failure"

"Of course im not! But she keeps insisting!" 

"Just ignore her"

"It's complicated when she's the most important witch in the place" Aryss sighs and then sits down on the mattress. " At least I can presume that I have magu"

"Right…haha, yeah, you can presume that" Soda say with a smile

She gives a small smile as He sits down by her side. Aryss begin to take out the rags of her body. She uncovers her breasts, revealing her pointy nipples. Slowly, she gets nude, while Soda just contemplates her body in silence. 


"Yes, Aryss?"

The goblin girl hug her knees and her eyes reflect a strange kind of sadness. Her anger had been calmed down, but the tone of her next words, touch Soda even deeper than her previous feeling.

"Do you really like me?"

Soda stumble across a question that he had never encountered in his past life. And that question summons a strange area on his life, an area in which he couldn't say that he has many experience in, his love life. He accepted and fucked Aryss just a few hours ago, she calls him a world that had a great weight on it, and not only he accepted but he had to use that word against her, and to protect himself against the other goblins. Yet, Aryss seems to like him, she acts defensive towards anyone that tries to question him. He had seen her memories, how she has been alone in the past. Is she afraid of him using her? No, her loneliness is truth, he had feel it on her mind. She likes him, and grasps to that feeling. That's why she hadnt betray him on the Chief tent. And Soda couldnt blame her, after all, he was the one to make the first move. He asked her to be her girlfriend, out of the blue, without any knowledge of her. To say no, will be something that could hurt her and would make him an hypocrite. 

No, She wont be alone anymore. You started this Soda, you wont back down now. He told himself as he look at the black hair goblin girl. After all, he's a man that feel in love easily.

"Of course I like you" He knells with her and take her hands "Look, i know that we havent meet each for a lot…but i truly like you. What i say before? That's true. I like you. That's why i want to be here for you, and know you better…support you"

She keep her silence and then take one of his hands. She then takes it and puts in on one of her cheeks. They eyes meet, and Aryss smile.

"Okay…I believe you…Thank you"

"No, thanks to you. I really appreciated your help back there, on the tent"

"No problem" She giggles "Lets go to sleep…I hope you dont mind sharing one mattress"

"No problem, really"

They lay down on the small mattress and Aryss embraces Soda's torso. He could feel her warm body, her soft skin against him. Her head lies on his chest, as she closes her eyes. A cute smile draws on her lips. Soda felt how her breasts presses against his body, he could feel her nipples on his skin.

"Good night, Magu"

The mattress isn't comfortable, there wasn't any pillow for him to rest his head and Soda could feel a small stream of cold that enters inside the room. Yet, he felt so good with that small goblin girl in his arms. It's a great start to this new life. Soda smile and let himself fall sleep on the mattress.