
Initiation into a Healer (Part 5)

"Duty," The Shishya muttered, the voice of the Guru resounding in her mind, seemingly stirring up something from within her. She pondered, "What is duty? Is it something imposed on me by others? Is it something I wish to do? Is it something required from me for a greater cause? Is the land depending on me to perform it? What exactly defines my duty?"

Hearing her mumbles, the Guru smiled. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed something stir up on the Shishya's back, a pale blue hue visible under the shades made by the folds in her dress. It lasted for less than a breath before disappearing.

The Guru's eyes became filled with resolve, her breathing turning rough for a moment before relaxing. She clenched her fist, gently ruffling the sand near her feet, watching some of it fall on her shoe.