
PSC: Twin Powers

2 boys are born, both are transmigraters from earth trying their best to rise in a world of magic and war

W_RDPM · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Taking over the Fallen Ninjas

"All units approach. We capture the area as quickly as possible." While the sect was busy going through a dungeon run, somewhere across the kingdom 4 towns were simultaneously under siege at the same time.

That night a battle took place without casualties. By morning a man sat in a throne like room as 4 crystal like objects were laid in front of him.

[System Has detected unoccupied town cores do you wish to bond to them?]


[Bond Complete]

[Host is now the lord of 4 towns]

[Do you wish to combine?]


[New Large Town core]

[Please give the Town a name?]

Hmmm idk.

[Town name recognized: Alexandria]

Finally. Hahaha

In this Kingdom strength is all that matters. So since I conquered this area with my own strength then it is by right my own. Now I must build it and keep it. 

As for Amen, we already agreed that he and Sanji would stay behind to learn in the clan and keep our connection. But, my ambition cannot be settled in schooling for another lifetime. Last life I spent decades in school only to reach the epicity of a generation, and be slain by a genetic ecuse for wasted space. This life that isn't going to happen.

"My lord how does it feel to be a true lord?" Achilles asked with the brightest of grins.

"Eh, nothing is different. Now did you bring me the information I asked for?" 

"Yes, my lord."

[Information detected]


[Town Name: Alexandria

Population: 2400

Exports: Ore, and herbs


As I look over the information now in my head I take a stroll through the area we are already in so I can get an idea of what we are working with. 

"Requesting permission to report to Lord 1st." During training they grew accustomed to calling me and Amen lord 1st and 2nd respectively. As well as Sanji, lord 3rd, and Achilles, lord 4th. I quite liked the feel so I let the keep doing it.

"Permission granted, go ahead." I said

" Lord the elder of the area requests an audience." Saying thus he stepped back revealing an old man. Although his hair is gray and wrinkles layer his face, do not let him fool you his aura is Tier 2. 

"Lord by right since you have infiltrated this area and subdued all of its soldiers, by right the land is yours, however I wish to still serve as I still have some years in me and I request that you allow my apprentice to continue to serve as well?" He said in a voice that seemed to wither in the middle of each sentence. I learned that this man's name is Sarutobi practitioner of the western monkey fist, a deadly art that uses the soul element. Also his green-haired tier 1 apprentice Minato, also known as the green blur of the night, uses the space element like my own but has combined it with the night and wind elements. Wait… 

I see where this is…These are like the ninja villages from naruto. Good, Good.

"Do not worry Sarutobi as long as you serve me well, you can continue to govern. In fact after the village leaders all sign soul contracts with me I wish to make some changes. So if you could please gather the other three leaders at my new abode we will begin." With that he and Minato bowed and left. 

I should have noticed the similarities last night when I was put into an illusion by a guy with weird eyes and almost closined by two buffed up dudes. Any way I have big plans for this area.

.....Meeting of the Beginning

"So as you all may know by this point my name is Imhotep, son of the Forest General, grandson of the Darkwood Assassin. And, if you haven't noticed, yes, yes I have taken your land from you." After saying that I scanned the room with my eyes to get a good look at each of their responses. Across from me and Achilles sat Sarutobi, Minato with his son, Itachi, Alpha, Beta and Darui, Rasa with his son, and Mei. "I am going to make this as simple as possible since you have all signed that document you all work for me now."

"Firstly, I expect all warriors of Alexandria to be documented. From now on, the head of military affairs will be this man behind me. Alpha and Beta you will be assigned under him to support the transition. 

Alexandria's military will be split into three units the policing force which will be led by Itachi, the standing army led by both Alpha and Beta, and the snowball unit led by Achilles. If you would like to take anyone's position in the army you must have the strength to do so. Are there any objections?" Alpha and Beta looked at each other then at Itachi then at Achilles and shook their heads. Surprisingly no one looked surprised. Except for Minato who decided to raise his hand.

"Excuse me lord but may I ask why I am not apart of the army's leadership?" He asked while his eyes shifted between me and Achilles. 

"Simple you will be a snowball. Now next will be the order of governing the land. Sarutobi, Rasa, and Mei will run the internal aspects of the town. Rasa will be in charge of finance, Mei shall be in charge of education, and Sarutobi shall be in charge of general affairs. Now that everyone has their positions you will be receiving your orders from Achilles other than that you should know your duties." 

"But my Lord what about baron Onoki and the rogue army?" Sarutobi asked.

"Sorry but that is not your department. Only focus on your duties and trust everything else will be taken care of. Hahahaha" They all began to get up leave as I began to laugh maniacally. After I was sure they left I stopped laughing and turned to Achilles, "How'd I do?" 

"Wonderful my lord I can sense their fear and submission from here." Hearing his answer I became pleased with my oppressive performance. "Although my lord if I may, I must say that the laugh was a little much." 

"Eeeh" I thought it was a nice touch. Everyone loves a mad ruler, no? Is it just me?

...….. Meanwhile in a wooden castle

Sorry it took so long getting this out, but my schedule with work, school, church, and writing got a little hectic but we should be fine going forward. Btw thank you for you support!!!

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