
Valeria's POV

It has been almost 2 years since the breakup from my first love Pablo. My heart still aches each time I remember him. Small things bring memories even if I haven't seen him in almost a year and a half. I have dated, gone out a couple of times but nothing feels electric, everlasting, meant to be.

Pablo's birthday is coming up and the only thing my heart can think of is to contact him but is futile. 2 years ago Pablo told me he no longer loved me. It broke every fiber of my being. All the hopes and dreams I had for us were gone in an instant. I attempted to talk to Pablo about ways to fix it but he just pushed me away.

It was me who said I didn't want to be friends. I didn't want to be one of those couples that are on-again, off-again. I needed finality but at the same time I wanted him to come looking for me and tell me he couldn't live without me. My plan clearly didn't work.

I tried reaching out for support when my grandma passed away without avail. Pablo didn't pretended to care or to ask how I was. He just simply sent some rambling about how these things happen. That was the last time I tried reaching out as it felt that he no longer cared about anything in our story.

After all of this, you would think my heart should be done with him. Instead, there are entire days where it feels our story is incomplete