
The first Encounter

After minutes of struggling to get the rope undone in the dim room, she heard cackling, looking around Prue sees a silhouette of a person...

????: "I see that you're awake, I know who you are, Prudence, but I don't think that you know me."

Prue: "What do you want from me?" her voice hoarse because of her fear "Who are you?"

????: "Well, I want you dead, but I also want to see your life leave your eyes," the silhouette said in a condescending tone, " and my name is Candice, I honestly want you to know who killed you so... yeah"

"You won't get away with this!" Prue screamed in horror, "What did I do to you that was so horrible that you want to kill me?!"

"I will get away with it, after all, this place is soundproof, so scream all you want, nobody will be able to hear you, and, you did nothing"

"Then why would you plot my demise if I didn't do anything?"

Yelling in pain and anger, Candice answers, "Because you could've done something to save me! You did nothing to help me when I was in pain! You're whole friend group beat me up and cut me and all you did was sit there! And then I found out that you, you of all people. YOU were my sister!

Though you might recognize my name if I told you my original one, after all, mum said you gave it to me, it was a nice name, but my foster parents changed it! Tell me, do you recognize the name, Candra Lynn?"

Prue looks down and nods her head

"But how can you be my sister, she died in the same fire my parents did when I was fifteen!" disdain in her voice.

"I was found by my foster parents, who ran into that fire with Dad to save us! They knew our parents. Where were you that night?! Where were you when you could have helped save our parents?!"

"I was at a friend's place." Prue quietly said, feeling as if she were as small as an ant.

"You were at a stupid friend's place when our parents died instead of our home!? You could have helped save OUR parents! You knew what could happen if you weren't there to put out the fires mum used to accidentally set while cooking!."

"I showed you how to before I left, AND I told mum to order in that night instead of cooking!" Trying to keep her composure.

"YOU were the only one in the house that knew how to do it properly! I was only twelve, I couldn't remember how to do it!"

A small silence filled the room they were in.

Candra looked down at her watch, " Shit! I need to go. I've got a date."

"Probably the most unlikely thing to happen considering how you're treating me right now."

"But you deserve it!" Screaming in Prue's face, but quickly calms, "All well, have fun."

Prue: "Whatever you bitch." She said grudgingly

She looks after Candice, anticipating her leave.


The door closes and Prue's eyes widen as she realizes she can finally attempt to escape, but how? She looks around and in the corner of her eye she sees a piece of glass, it's so close! She tries to inch closer, but instead, she just falls off of the chair with a thud, finding out that she wasn't actually tied to the chair. She slithered over to the glass and picked it up. Almost instantly she figured out the best way to cut the rope. Sawing at it in short pressurised movements, she looks around to make sure nobody would walk in and see her cutting the rope, whilst also looking for somewhere to escape the room...

Trailing off with the story Prue realised that Alina was drifting to sleep.

"No-no, don't stop now!" Alina said trying to sound as lively as possible.

"No, It's time for you to go to bed, you're already falling asleep, I'll continue tomorrow if you'd like, after all, you'll be here for the week."


"No but's, it's late, and we both need to sleep, and I can tell you more tomorrow, goodnight darling"

"Goodnight, mum"

Prue squeezes Alina's hand as she rests her head on her soft pillow and almost instantly falls asleep.

Turning off her light, Prue can't help but feel warm as she remembers when she used to sit in her room and fall asleep next to her, feeling as though her sister would come back and involve Alina in her revenge against her.

But as time passed, the feeling became lost but stayed in the back of her mind, hoping it will never happen, but stayed prepared for when it did.