Sofía POV
―No. ―I sighed, hugging myself. ―It can't be true, there has to be some solution.
She can't leave me. I'm not going to be alone again. If that happens, they could hurt me. They are capable of doing anything to see me sink. No, please. Not again.
―I'm sorry, miss. ―The doctor in front of me spoke. ―Her sister had a heart attack. It has been impossible to do something about it.
Why me?
―You will be alone forever. Remember it. ―They said while laughing out loud.
I could barely keep my breathing calm. The news had hit me like a great stone hitting my face hard. They took away the only person who had helped me in my darkest moments. They took it from me like a sweet is taken from a small child, only I was not so young now.
―Keep crying, you coward. ―They yelled.