

In a world with three continents, newborn male kids were known to possess traits of Animals, and they were called BEASTS, the kids were said to be dangerous, and there were certain people kept at hospitals to take care of the babies- To assassinate them. Amidst all these issues, there was a male kid that wasn't killed, Denzel. Denzel grew up, knowing the fact that he was a beast, but he had to live hiding that fact with the fear that he might be killed. He soon met a girl who was just like him, taking her to be his friend, he didn't know what her true motive was, until she finally betrayed him, making him lose people close to him. Denzel lived his life with hatred for the girl in his heart, with his main objective being to kill her. But the whole thing didn't just end there, as many more secrets began to get uncovered in his journey to kill her. Join Denzel as he uncovers many more secrets of the world and people like him as he lives on. ----------------------------------------------- So, this is an original novel and I am giving it my all, I hope you give it a chance. The early chapters were not quite good but that is because they were the first I ever wrote, so I would ask that you read till chapter 40 before concluding that it is not for you. You won't regret it if you continue to read it, It gets better later on. I hope you all would like it because I feel it is very good work from me. P.S: The cover photo was made by me but the original picture in it is not mine, I adopted a picture and made my cover out of it. If the original owner of the picture sees this message, you can contact me.

S_Wash22 · ファンタジー
220 Chs

The Beginning.

At Central Unity hospital, the best at Oceandire, Masan, a loud howl was heard. The nurses looked astonished as another one showed up. But this time, it was the strangest of all they had seen. 85% of male infants were all seen with characteristics of animals. Normally, there are always one animal feature seen, but this was different and it was worse than the usual. The blonde-haired infant had first shown a bear cub's arm, an eagle's beak and had made a pup's howl.

"Security, Emergency!"

The Nurses ran out, their fear had come to pass. Three ran to the right, calling the doctor who they couldn't get a hold of and five ran to the stairs that led downstairs to get the guards who were kept to take care of the infants who were tagged, 'dangerous'.

"Please…. Save him."

Mrs Liam cried looking at her child who lost control. That was the first child she had in her thirteen years of marriage with Mr Liam, a business tycoon from Lo-primes, Hamada.


"I know... Just, Just Please…."

Mr Liam sighed, took the kid and ran out walking around the hospital to look for an emergency exit that could get him out of the hospital. He moved past the corridor as fast as he could, looking around him, to make sure he wasn't noticed and then he ran down the stairs.

Finally, when he got to the ground floor, he saw a window, one he could go through, he moved to it and paused to scan the whole area to be sure he wasn't noticed. With the baby in his arms, he put out his left leg and bent a little, making it possible for his body to pass through with the baby in his arms. He got out his right leg and as he struggled to pull it out, his shoe dropped. He looked in at his shoe and ignored it. He ran, moving to a secluded area where he had parked his car. Suddenly, he heard a loud crash which made the sound of something probably guessed to be a glass dropping from a very far height.

Back at the hospital, an elevator opened and some men believed to be the guards ran out with the five nurses that ran down the stairs.

"It's ward 405!"

The guards, about four rushed into the room looking around for the baby. They paid no attention to the lady who lay on the bed. They paced around the room searching for the kid the nurses had reported.

"You sure it's this ward?"

"Of course, Very posit-"

She was interrupted by the woman who lay.


Mrs Liam turned, her voice cracking as she spoke. She looked so pale and tattered. The pain was so much for her to bear. She tried to remove her drip which was already getting clogged with blood.

"He…broke the window…and...and he flew out…."

Her face turned red as tears rolled down her eyes.

"My...only... My…..only…."

Her voice began to fade as she dropped her head back. She passed out.

One of the nurses rushed to her to make sure she was still with them, that is, to check she wasn't dead.

"She is still alive."

The nurses went back to check for any visible evidence. Two of the guards had already started contacting the higher-ups to report to them on the lost kid who they suspected to have escaped. They looked moody, preparing to get scolded by their boss. The nurses ran out, looking for the doctor who hadn't yet been found. The guards also went out to gather the other guards so they could tell them about the situation.

After about five minutes, when Mrs Liam noticed they had all left the room, she got up and got off her bed. She looked by her side and saw her cell phone beside her bed. She knew her husband had left it there before he left with the kid. She moved to the door slowly as she leapt. She was still in pain. She looked out, making sure no one was aware that she had left the ward. She began to run with the last bit of energy in her. She kept turning her head around to make sure no one identified her. She heard a beep and checked her cell phone which she had in her hand.

-Meet at the secluded area, honey.-

It was from her spouse, Mr Liam who believed that his wife would have escaped.

Mrs Liam was a top spy, working for the government agency at Hamada. She was one of the best, known for her bravery, agility and endurance. She could jump from a 3 storey building without getting a scratch and because of that, she was called 'the spider'.

She got married to Fredrick Liam in the year 2017 and for the first time in her life, she got pregnant. When her doctor confirmed it, she couldn't hold back her tears of joy.

Mrs Liam sighted a fire exit door and she leapt there. She got outside and walked slowly to the spot her husband had texted to her. On getting there, Mr Liam rushed out to help her get in the car.