
Protectors by SusieNotSushi

Susssy111 · 若者
13 Chs

Chapter 3

"Um... this is creepy," Ashley said, then handed back the note.

There were two words, written in red.

Join us...

"I don't think this sentence is finished," said Erica.

"Yea, but what does this person mean by 'join us'? asked Ashley.

"I'm not sure," said Erica.

This time the paper was new, the first note they had was on old paper with torn edges.

"It's creepy that it's written in red, I feel like the person who wrote this is trying to creep us out," said Ashley.

"Maybe," said Erica.

"Let's go out," said Ashley.

"Why do you want to go out?" asked Erica.

"I feel trapped sitting in here with this note," said Ashley.

"Okay then," said Erica. "Let's go. Do you think you'll feel safer outside?"

Before they went out, Erica peered out from a corner of one of the large picture windows in the family room. "I want to see if there is anything or anyone suspicious out there."

"Are you looking for notes?" asked Ashley.

"Yes, maybe," said Erica.

"Do you see any?" asked Ashley.

"Nope, but there are footprints coming from the road towards your house," said Erica.

"What?" Ashley gasped in a terrified tone.

"There are footprints coming from the road to your house," repeated Erica.

"Wait, that could be our footprints," Ashley said. She relaxed a bit reeling that it could have been their own footprints. "Now I feel better. I'm not so terrified."

"The footprints are coming from the right side of the road, and our footprints are on the left side," said Erica. She didn't seem terrified, she looked calm.

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Ashley. She began to pace and breathe deeply. She was now more terrified than before.

"Don't get creeped out, it's not so terrifying," said Erica.

"It is terrifying. Why are you so calm? It's creepy and..."

"It is creepy, but you should come down," interrupted Erica.

"You don't look like you're creeped out or terrified," Ashley murmured.

"Anyways, let's go out!" said Erica.

"I'm not going out, I'm staying here," said Ashley.

"I thought it was your idea to go out," said Erica.

"I don't want to go out now, it's too creepy," Ashley protested.

"Well, we still need to find out what the person is trying to tell us," said Erica.

"I, I, I think I'm f-f-f-fine not knowing," said Ashley.

Erica grabbed Ashley by the arm and dragged her out to the snow-covered lawn.

"Let's look around to see if we can find any clues," said Erica.

After a few minutes of searching, they found nothing.

"I don't think there are any notes hidden here," said Ashley.

"Yea, I think you're right," said Erica.

"What do we do now?" asked Ashley.

"Well, we should find out who sent this note to us," said Erica.

"When and where are we going?" asked Ashley.

"After we get some things to eat," said Erica, with excitement in her voice.

"And where are you going?" asked Ashley.

"Where am I going? We're both going," responded Erica.

"I'm not sure about that, but let's go get some food, I'm extremely hungry," said Ashley.

"What would you like to eat?" asked Erica.

"Let's go get hamburgers," said Ashley.