
Protect the Young Master!

As Wang Jun, a prospective college student, savors the final summer of his third year of high school, he received an invitation from an anonymous sender to join the game 'Civilization Rise.' It's a game that pits worlds against each other in a fierce clash of civilizations. In this game, every participant received a gift to aid their civilization. However, for Wang Jun, there's a unique twist: with each level he gained, he earned stat and skill points, which he can only assign to his subordinates. With this leveling system, witness how Wang Jun leads his people to annex all five continents and sweep across countless worlds. In this war game of civilizations, the battlefield becomes a stage for heroes to vie for the title of the most powerful imperial civilization.

3rdPov · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Barbarian Tribe

In the balmy evening of summer, on a Friday, the afterglow of the setting sun bathed the empty school. Summer vacation had arrived, granting students the freedom to explore, play, and relax without the constraints of school.

In the dim glow of the apartment, a book thudded against the desk. Wang Jun slumped into his bed. his eyelids heavy with exhaustion. With a weary exhale, he let the weight of the day wash over him.

He relished the thought that he could sleep for as long as he wanted. Lying in bed, he reached for his phone—it was part of his nightly routine to scroll through social media before sleeping, as it helped him escape from the pressures of a demanding job.

After an hour of scrolling, Wang Jun felt his eyelids grow heavy. Just as he was about to drift off, a notification chimed in his ear. He glanced at his phone to see an email from an anonymous sender. Initially tempted to ignore it, another notification sounded, this time with a warning:

The email would vanish in 10 minutes, forfeiting his chance to participate in a game that claimed to select players from billions worldwide, offering unknown rewards or consequences.

Wang Jun's brow furrowed deeper, a silent mutter escaping his lips, "What kind of nonsense is this?"

The email, with its cryptic subject line, seemed like just another piece of spam, yet something about it nagged at him. Despite his better judgment, his finger hovered, then pressed down, opening the digital Pandora's box.

Inside was an invitation to participate in a game called 'Civilization Rise' devoid of any identifiable company or sender. Despite his skepticism, fatigue won out, and Wang Jun succumbed to sleep, unaware that his finger had already clicked the acceptance button.

As he was sleeping, another notification arrived.

'Thank you for participating in 'Civilization Rise.' Your gift awaits, and you will be transported to the game shortly. Feel free to ask any questions, and we will respond promptly.'

A minute later, Wang Jun's phone vibrated.

'You about to enter the world of primitive civilization. This is a completely real world—don't be bound by the game framework. As a newcomer, you will be given a one-month protection period. Other players can't invade you. You can grow and develop your civilized tribe.'

'But please be careful when dealing with indigenous people in this world. They may not understand your thoughts and actions, but as the leader of the tribe, you must guide them to create a powerful civilization. Lastly, do not quit easily, because whether it is on land or sea, the tribe worships you and places their expectations on you. Good luck, players!'

'You have been assigned as the leader of Barbarian Tribe 234.'

'You will receive your gift shortly.'

And then silence fell upon the room as the only person nowhere to be seen.

Wang Jun's nose twitched, assaulted by a pungent odor he couldn't quite place—a mixture of stale sweat and damp earth. Simultaneously, an unfamiliar yet oddly familiar voice echoed in his ears, its accent foreign but hauntingly recognizable.

He longed to open his eyes, but he felt the prickly touch of something rigid against his back and face like the tip of a long, unyielding stick pressing uncomfortably into his skin.

Growing nervous, Wang Jun realized he was not alone in his room. The possibility of a robber crossed his mind, but he reasoned that if it were a robber, they would likely be focused on stealing his belongings rather than bothering him.

But I remember locking the door. Damn, I must have been so deeply asleep that I didn't even notice someone entering my home.

As he felt something touching all over his body, and suddenly something grasped his buttocks, Wang Jun's heart raced with panic. He knew the situation with the robber was getting out of hand.

It was one thing if the robber wanted to steal his things, but not his dignity. He quickly opened his eyes, and with desperation, he blurted out.

"Please stop! I'm straight!"

But as he didn't receive a response, Wang Jun's confusion deepened. Slowly, he became aware that he was not in his room. The sun's harsh rays beat down on him as he raised his hand to shield his eyes, his surroundings unfamiliar.

He followed the hand that was grabbing his butt and saw a fierce woman squatting before him. Her wild, unkempt hair framed her face like a mane, and her deep blue eyes glinted with an untamed fire. 

Then, a woman's voice slowly spoke, low and carried away by the passing wind. "Chieftain is awake."

With a sudden burst of energy, she leaped from her position, her voice ringing throughout the surroundings as she yelled, "Chieftain is awake!"

"Chieftain who?" Wang Jun muttered, his brow furrowing in confusion. His gaze swept the area, but there was no one else beside him to warrant the woman's of such shouted.

He heard a rumbling sound, like the distant thunder of hooves, and slowly raised his head. His eyes widened in alarm as he saw several more muscular, shirtless men running toward him, their faces alight with joy and anticipation.

Wang Jun's heart pounded in his chest as he thought, Who are these men? What are they running toward me? And... why do they look happy while being naked? Is it not what I think it is, right?


"Impudent! Show respect to the Chieftain!" a loud shout resonated through the air. The men came to a standstill, their faces serious, as they cleared a path for a bald old man with a hunched back who was using a wooden stick to walk.

Clearly, despite his old age, the old man held a higher authority.

"Chieftain, everyone is waiting for you to make decisions," the old man said in a solemn tone, staring directly into his eyes. 

In the presence of the barbarian old man, Wang Jun's nervousness turned into shock. He looked behind him, beside the woman who had been touching his butt, and felt the wind blowing past him with the sun shining down. There were only trees visible around them.

He turned back to the old man and pointed at himself, asking, uncertainly, "Chieftain, me?"

He couldn't understand what had happened to him. At first, he thought maybe he had fallen victim to a prank from a TV show, but it didn't make sense. Besides, he didn't have friends who would prank him like this.

Then he realized the faces surrounding people didn't match anyone he knew from his home. As a student, he was familiar with the appearances of people from different countries. Their features were unlike any he had ever seen, with sharp angles and exotic markings that seemed to belong to another world entirely. It was as if he had stumbled into a fantasy world straight out of a storybook.

Barbarians? But how? Wait, don't tell me…

Wang Jun's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to comprehend the surreal situation. This wasn't a prank or dream – this was something altogether behind his understanding.

The old man nodded solemnly before speaking, "I don't know what happened to me, but I received a revelation. It foretold the coming of a powerful and wise chieftain who would lead us to abundance."

"And then you appeared, seemingly out of nowhere," he continued, his voice filled with conviction, "and we feel a connection to you as if you are our father. The voice inside my head didn't lie to me."

Wang Jun relaxed a little, seeing the worshipful look of the old man and the others as well. Under his facade of calm, he felt a wave of apprehension wash over him. How could he, a mere student with his struggles, possibly lead an entire tribe to abundance? 

At that moment, a roar, like that of a beast stuck in a cage trying to get out, echoed in the air. Wang Jun felt embarrassed as he smiled and twitched.

"Oho, it seems like the chieftain is hungry. Prepare for a feast!" The old man declared, his voice commanding. He gave Wang Jun a reassuring nod, then motioned for him to follow.

"Chieftain, let me explain our current circumstances along the way. You'll meet our tribe and await the feast."

Aside from the Chieftain, the elder held the highest level of authority in this tribe. The old man was an elder of the tribe because he was the oldest and wisest among all the barbarians. In this era and environment, age often represented wisdom, and the elderly were equated with wise men. To put it bluntly, they had more life experience.

The old man led Wang Jun through the heart of the tribe, guiding him with a steady hand. As they walked, children peered out from their rough-hewn houses fortified by animals, their curious eyes following the newcomers with interest.

Outside, trophies of the hunt adorned the walls—antlers, furs, and skulls, each telling a story of survival and prowess. Smoke curled lazily from the hearths within, its savory scent mingling with the earthy aroma of meat roasting over an open fire.

The sounds of laughter and conversation filled the air, punctuated by the occasional bark of a dog or the rustle of leaves in the breeze.

Despite their primitive living conditions, Wang Jun couldn't help but notice the palpable warmth that pervaded the tribe. Laughter echoed through the settlement, breaking the monotony of the rustic surroundings. It was clear that, despite their modest means, the tribe members shared a deep bond, forged by hardship and mutual respect.

As the old man continued to share information, he suddenly came to a halt and turned to Wang Jun, who had stopped walking and was staring off into the distance.

Confusion creased the elder's brow as he addressed Wang Jun, "What is wrong, Chieftain? Does our tribe not suit your liking? If not, say a word, and we will follow your order."

However, his words seemed to pass through Wang Jun's ears.

'You received your gift.' 

'Leveling Up System.'

'You can use the Leveling Up system to increase your subordinate's strength. Every level you gain grants you 3 attribute points and 1 skill point to assign to your subordinate's stats and skills.'

'By focusing on 'status' in your mind, you can view your status and that of your subordinates.' 

"No, please go on," Wang Jun replied to the old man, offering a brief nod to reassure him before motioning for him to continue. As they walked, he silently uttered 'Status' in his mind.


Name: Wang Jun

Age: 21

Status: Chieftain of Barbarian Tribe 

Level: 1 (EXP 0/50)

HP: 100/100 (Healthy) 

Strength: 8 (Strength determines the power of physical attacks, carrying capacity, and endurance)

Dexterity: 8 (Dexterity governs movement speed, attack speed, reflexes, balance, and agility)

Constitution: 5 (Constitution determines resilience to damage, stamina, overall battle prowess, and regenerative ability. Higher constitution enhances the character's capacity for healing and recovery from injuries.)

Perception: 6 (Perception enhances sensory abilities, danger detection, and environmental assessment)

Will: 7 (Willpower determines resistance to mental attacks, recovery from psychological debuffs, and potential influence over physical objects)

Intelligence: 20 (Intelligence influences critical and creative thinking, learning ability, and understanding of magic and other concepts)

Charisma: 9 (Charisma affects attractiveness, aura, speech skills, and social influence, including the ability to win affection, persuade others, and potentially avoid conflict)

Skills: (None)

Stats: 0


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