
Protagonist test records

A supreme being is bored. So he decided to play a game(?) and started creating protagonists.

Void_of_outer_box · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Test one : The strongest existence in the world

[Time until completion : 16 years, 11 months, 25 days, 20 hours, 6 minutes, and 9 seconds.]


[Time until completion : 16 years, 11 months, 5 days, 3 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds.]




[Time until completion : 7 seconds.... 6... 5... 4... 3...]



"AHH!" Adam regained his consciousness, and was immediately hit by a sense of strong pain.

Like a tsunami, the memories of last 16 years flooded his mind. It was a really strong shock for his mind, but it was fine after a mere moment of stinging in his head.


Very obviously, Adam was deeply regretting his mistake of not checking completion time. That mistake cost him his entire childhood. He lost almost all fun a child can have in their childhood.

While he was unconscious, an AI controlled his body. 

Sure Adam did ask to become the strongest, but that didn't mean AI had to keep training EVERY FUCKING SECOND!

On top of that, AI made sure to keep his power hidden. Not to such a level that people might start bullying him, but he was definately not considered a genius. He was considered pretty average in this life as well.

'Well, I guess I sacrificed my childhood for power. Fine, Power is not free afterall.' Adam got over it pretty quickly. 

As of now, Adam was sitting in a carriage. Apparently, he was ordered by his parents to attend the Royal Academy situated in the royal capital.

His carriage was luxurious, worthy of being the transport of a Duke's family. He was seated alone in the spacious carriage.

His parents reasoning to send him was pretty understandable. "Since you will not be succeeding the dukedom, you should find something else you would like to do and do that." 

And so, he was on his way to the royal academy.

Having nothing to do to pass time, Adam started recalling how the AI used to train his body.

From the first second that it started, AI started training. First thing it did was start engraving mana core circles in Adam's body.

In this world, people are naturally born with a random amount of mana core circles inside their bodies. More core circles you have, higher your talent in magic will be. Adam was naturally born with three mana core circles, which is average for this world. 

According to current world, amount of mana circles in one's body cannot be changed unless some special item has been used, or some special skill is possessed by one. But, that's just according to current discoveries.

There is a way to artificially implant mana core circles in someone's body and increase one's natural talent for magic.

This way was none other than knowing the language of gods. Engraving language of gods into one's soul can give birth to a mana core circle. It was not problem for an automatic AI.

Soon, Adam's body had ten mana core circles. Usually that's the limit for a living creature. If one had to increase further, they will have to sacrifice their memories.

That was also easy. Adam was a reincarnated person. Unlike normal people, he had way too many useless memories from his past life that could be sacrificed. AI did exactly that. It sacrificed most of Adam's past life memories.

Finally at the end, Adam had fifteen mana core circles. 

After that, every day was filled with constant mana training. Without a second of rest, AI kept training mana inside Adam's body.

When Adam finally learnt to walk, his magic was as strong as the current strongest magican in this kingdom. 

After gaining the ability to walk, AI wasted no time and started practicing weapons and training Adam's body. 

At the age of five, Adam was physically strong enough to defeat a whole army, barehanded. It could be said that he was one of the strongest human in the world at that time, but the request wasn't completed yet.

At this age, Adam also had to take a test to check his skills. It was revealed that Adam had three average skills, [Swordsmanship], [Exp increase], and [Mana application].

Atleast that's what was known to everyone...

In reality, AI had already learned more than 50 skills in Adam's body. One of those skills was [Chooser], which allowed him to choose what skills to display to the world.

At the age of 6, Adam sneaked out of his house and went to nearby labyrinths to level up.

Labyrinths were naturally made structures, where monsters and treasures can be found.

And yes, this world also had a concept of levels and classes. Higher your level is, more efficient your usage of skills will be. Classes were granted to a person based on their current situation. They can have a really great class by fulfilling conditions, but they can also lose all of it with one wrong step.

At the age of 11, Adam level was maxed out. 

At the age of 12, Adam conquered the God tier labyrinths. He also found many useful items, that he used perfectly. One of them was [Supreme ring of Magic God] which let Adam create 999 mana core circles in his body.

At the age of 13, Adam killed his first god and devoured the [God Core]. It took him three long years to completely absorb the [God Core], which granted him many privileges like <True Immortality>, <Infinite Mana>, etc.

Adam was also invited to divine realm by some god, but he denied thier proposal.

Finally at the age of 16, Adam woke up and took over his body.

"Sigh... I have come a long way..." Adam sighed as he checked his status in [Absolute Automatic System].



- Name: Adam

- Age: 16

- Race: Human Chimera(?)

- Class: Variable (??? Tier)   

- Level: Max (100.00%)

- Skill(s): 999+

[Additional Information]

"You are the strongest in this world. But, that doesn't mean you must be careless all the time. Most dangerous situations of life are those that can't be solved with power"

- Alignment: Lawful Evil



"Hehe, I wonder what it means by 'Most dangerous' situations." 

Adam is now the strongest existence in this world, but will life really be as easy for him as he imagines? Let's witness how far he can go...