
Protagonist test records

A supreme being is bored. So he decided to play a game(?) and started creating protagonists.

Void_of_outer_box · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Physical training

"Hey Eliane?"

"Can you hear me? Atleast reply!!"

"Ok, just appear in front of me, I promise I won't do it again!"


'Well, that's quite a development...'

Soon after Elaine woke up, she recalled everything that happened to her body and immediately faded away as fire. Since then, she is not responding to Alexis' voice anymore. 

Through the contract, Alexis can feel what Elaine is feeling. But, whenever he tries to, all he feels is extreme sense of embarrassment. Elaine can literally die of embarrassment right now but, unfortunately for her, she is immortal. She just have to feel all that embarrassment.

"Anyways, let's see what kind of 'Punishment' I am getting from the system." Alexis opened his system screen and checked. He still hadn't undone the [Time Stop].

"What!" Alexis was astonished after he saw the system interference. 

Unexpectedly, there were no punishments for using his powers! 

Why though..? It didn't take long for Alexis to figure it out.

Although [Time Stop] is a power that undoubtedly affects the world, it also technically doesn't at the same time. Even is Alexis activates [Time Stop] and then immediately undoes it, it won't actually change anything in the world. Unless Alexis himself interferes with the world in [Time Stop], it can be counted as no effect on world. Thus, there's no punishments.

"I see. This gives me way more options for my skill set than I first expected." Alexis nodded and resumed the time. 

Knock! Knock!

"Oh right... Come in." Alexis had almost forgotten about seven. He coughed in embarrassment, as he called her inside.

"Good evening Mr. Alexis, all the summoned heros have been called to the training ground." Seven's tone was filled with confusion and wary.

She had poisoned Alexis' food so she was expecting him to be dead, considering his weak status. One can only imagine her shock, when Alexis actually replied to her knocking the door.

"The training ground? Sure. Please guide me there." Alexis stood up and walked to seven.

Seven lowered her head to hide the blush that appeared on her face as soon as she saw Alexis. She started walking towards the training grounds while trying to avoid looking at Alexis.

Alexis followed behind her with a small chuckle.

At the training ground, all nine students stood along with their maids. A muscular man stood in the middle of the ground. His hands rested on the giant Greatsword stuck in the ground before him. He was wearing a mediveal armour, but his scary face was not covered. 

"Now that everyone is here, let me introduce myself." He looked at all the summoned heros and nodded.

"My name is Brute. I am the strongest warrior in this kingdom! I will be training you all physically from now on!" His voice was heavy and held authority. He, by no means, could appear weak. 

One of the students, Carl, fell on his butt from the sheer intimidation Brute was giving off. No one had the courage to talk against him.

Yes, No one except a single stupid guy. 

Ethan Stepped forwards to Brutus with his chest puffed out, as if to show he wasn't scared at all. Ethan wasn't skinny like rest of the student. He had huge muscles to boast of. 

Ofcourse, he still got his ass beaten by a 'Skinny' guy like Alexis, but that didn't let him feel weak at all. According to him, Alexis was just a... Monster. He still believed that he was stronger than all other guys, and he actually was.

His confidence was further boosted after he recieved his exclusive skill [Decuple] gives him a ×10 effect of all his stats. Though, it only works for five minutes, and he gets intense body pains after five minutes.

Ethan might have thought of Alexis as a monster, but after receiving a skill like that, his fears just vanished into thin air. He had been looking for the chance to confront Alexis and take revenge.

Ethan activated his exclusive skill and walked towards Brute, Ready to launch a punch. He had also activated his Non-exclusive skill [Intimidation aura].

In a flash, Ethan was grovelling on the ground beneath Brute's feet. Nobody was even able to see what happened, nobody except Alexis.

'Heh, that was quick.' Alexis clearly witnessed how Brute lifted his leg up in a fraction of a second and easily crushed Ethan with an Axe Kick before Ethan could even react, or atleast understand what happened to him.

It was a clear display of superiority. The hierarchy has been established.

"If anyone else wants to get beaten up, you can step against me." Brute declared in loud and clear voice. They had to listen to him, no matter what.


"I won't accept it if you physically abuse any of us. We are ready for training, but you have to treat us properly." It was Bill who spoke up. Being the current strongest person amoung all the classmates, he naturally became the class leader.

"Very well, fare enough." Brute nodded his head, accepting Bill's conditions.

Other students cheered for Bill's bravery. This incident even further solidified his image as a the class leader.

"Hmm, first of all, let me split you in groups." Brute scanned all the heros and started dividing them.

Finally, three groups were formed.

First group was of Bill and Eric. Being the strongest of the class, their training was going to be next level.

Second group had Ethan, Carl, Jason, and Phill. These four were not strong, but they did have potential to become strong. Thier training was gonna be adequate but a bit difficult than what a normal person might be capable of.

Third group just had girls and, coincidentally, Alexis. Sherry, Lily, and Alexis made this group. This group was for those who will recieve bare minimum of physical training. Since girls won't be able to keep up with boys in physical training and well, Alexis was practically a normal human to everyone.

Although all other boys were literally screaming from jealousy, since their only two female classmates were in the group with a boy, all their complains went unheard.

And so, Alexis was stuck in a group of girls due to his 'weakness'.
