
Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Was he a pawn or would he reach the end of the board and flip it over? ............. At the age of 5, Leon's parents were slaughtered in front of him, but instead of getting arrested and punished, the case was closed off, with the villains of the incident running free. At the age of 24, he had turned into a mass murderer crazy psychopath. After sending many criminals to hell, he finally got his revenge and killed the people responsible for his parents' deaths. However, instead of finding solace, what he felt was never-ending emptiness making him lose his will to stay alive. Surrounded by cops, instead of struggling he leapt off the building deciding to end his life. Alas, fate played another joke on him. He was selected by Deity and was sent to a world filled with protagonists and antagonists of urban cultivation novels. And to his utter dismay, when he woke up he found himself in the body of trash fucked by fate brutally. His mother divorced his father and remarried. His fiancee was taken away by another one. A girl whom he fell in love with later turned out to be his step-sister and engaged with someone else. His stepmother had thrown him out of the house and blocked his cards. Recounting all the bullshit, Leon finally lost his sanity. "Screw you all and Screw the world." "I wanted to have peace but since you are not going to let me in peace, you will see my dark side." Follow Leon's journey as he tramples over the so-called childrens of heaven and destiny villains, and strives to the top of the world. ................ .......... I am a complete novice. My English sucks still I will try my best. However, despite all the flaws, I hope you can give it a try.

Lonelythree · ファンタジー
351 Chs

7. Subdueing The Arrogant Servant

"What's going on? This guy had been cooped up in the room for 5 days without creating any trouble for us. Just as I was able to sigh in relief, why the hell is he screaming like this? I just hope he doesn't create more trouble?"Hector who was now serving as Leon's servant clicked his tongue in displeasure.

He was 40 years old with shades of gray hair and was a follower of Leon's stepmom Verina.

He had been tasked with keeping Leon in check and making sure he stayed hidden and didn't cause trouble for the family until the engagement ceremony of Young Miss.

"Perhaps, he has finally gone insane" Helena, the blonde hair maid, who was in charge of the housework, spoke in a fearful voice.

Her words brought a bad premonition in Hector's heart.

Though this kid was discarded, at the end of the day he was the son of the fourth master. And the Mistress had assured him that young Master Leon would be taken care of thoroughly and had been sent out of the main house to relax and forget his love. So, the Fourth Master was kept blind about many things.

But if something bad happens to him, things can't be hidden for long. As a result, he and Helena would be the scapegoat.

"I will go and check upon him."

Hector climbed up the stairs and ended up in front of Leon's room in the middle of the first floor.


There was no response.

"Weird, he was screaming a few moments ago but it's deadly silent now."


"Damn it. Open the door."He screamed.

Hector knocked, a few more times but couldn't take it anymore and burst open through the door with a kick.

In the dirty, messy room filled with emptied liquid bottles, a handsome man with disheveled hair sat on a chair with a dark cold gaze devoid of any emotion.

Under the dimly lit rays, his jet black hair shone subtly like a dark crystal in contrast to his fair white skin along with his lean and thin stature.


The only flaw in this young man was his idiotic personality. But now with the sharp, mature look, had finally filled the charm that he lacks.

If not for his face riddled with dark holes and disarrayed hair, many women would have been charmed instantly, and the gold digger would have already thrown them into his embrace

Though Hector was used to his facial appearance, there was something different today that he was not able to pick up.

Shaking his head to wake up from his reverie, he spoke insolently.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you de..."


Hector's mouth was forced shut as an empty bottle of liquor crashed into his forehead even before he could react.

His body flinched back and he stammered a few steps.


"My head!"

On pressing his palms over his hand, he felt a liquid substance oozing out from shreds of glass embedded over his forehead.

"How dare you son of a…"

Before Hector could complete his words, another bottle crashed on his head…

A sharp pain encroached on him. His vision became fuzzy and dizzy, making him stumble.

As he fell on the floor with a thud, he heard the sound of footsteps drawing near.


At that moment, he heard a soft yet cold soulless voice that gave him goosebumps.

On turning his gaze, he saw Leon standing before him and looking at him as if he was seeing an insect whom he could crush at any moment.

"For a mere servant, you bark too much."


The guts that he had shown before left at the moment where he required the most.

"Do you think, any Tom dick or Harry can come and spit on my face? Just because you gained favor from that bitch don't think that you can stand above the head."

Leon cracked his head and gave a sinister smile.

"I may be discarded but I am still a Tier 2 of Body Enhancement. I can kill y...."


Both Leon and Hector's eyes darted at the source and they saw pale face Helena screaming and tried covering her lips after seeing such a dreadful scene.

"M...Mast...Master, spa..."Helena wasn't able to finish her speech as her legs gave away and she fell on her butt.

She wanted to run away right now but her legs weren't buzzing.

She heard a shattering sound so she came hurriedly only to find a bloodied head Hector lying on the ground while Master Leon standing before him holding a sharp shred of a broken bottle.

A layer of dark gloomy and sinister aura seemed to loom over him, as if the young man before him was a demon devoid of emotions

"Being a servant from a big noble house, you are still not used to blood and all this. It seems you are the novice which that bitch picked from the roadside."

Mocking Helena, Leon squatted down and cusped Hector's face.

"I don't care who I was before or how I was treated but if you dare to boss around me like this, I am gonna butcher you and feed you to hungry dogs on the street. I am sure they would love fatty juicy mean."Leon licked his lips creating a monstrous image in Hector's eyes.

"And you know better than anybody that nobody gives a fucking shit whether you live or die."

"So, do you understand your situation?"Leon asked with a sweet smile.

At that moment, cold water washed over Hector and his breathing became erratic. Due to recent benefits and rewards, he had forgotten his position that at the end of the day, he is a mere.

And even if this man had been discarded he carries noble blood and he can't compare a single hair of him.

At first, he was afraid of abusing me but seeing him being docile after being beaten by society, a vain sense of superiority arose inside him but now that the man had gotten back on his feet.

All he felt was fear.

"I…I understand Young Mas…"

"I don't like that. Call me Lord."Leon's smile widened as he pressed Hector tightly, making him scream.

"Yes Lord…I understand Lord."

"Good. Now clean this shit and lead me to a clean room. I need to wash."

Leon with one hand in his pocket walked out, scaring Helena who shrank back.

Just as Hector and Helena were about to breathe in relief, Leon paused a bit.

"I don't care what you do. Whether it is good or evil it doesn't matter to me but…."

A dark chilling aura erupted from Leon giving Hector goosebumps.

"The moment, I feel that you are an eyesore, you will know the feeling of horror when the sickle of death is pressed against your neck."

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