
Night 1

So Zero, Justin, Isac & Jade got halfway by the time it became night. Zero says "We should set up camp." Jade says "No we don't stop." Justin says "We probaly should." Zero says "Yeah." Justin is 5'6 and has black hair and is 16, Isac is 5'4 and has black hair and is 16, Jade is 5'6 and has long brown beautiful hair and is 16, Zero is 6'6 and has short brown hair and is 16.

So while are heros were setting up camp a group of bandits start slowly circling them Zero notices this he says "Guys" every one says "We know." Then at that moment the bandits leaped out of the bushs and start their attack. The first bandit is holding a crooked dagger, The second one is holding a short sword and the last one is holding a long bow. All of a sudden Justin disappears and reappear behind the with long bow and instantly knocks her out with one swift kick. Then the one with the short sword attacks Isac but Isac punches the sword and the sword shatters into a million pieces. The last one tries to run away but he was already trapped in Jades genjustu the man screams in pain and passes out.

Zero asks "What just happend." Justin says "Everyone who was a experiment has an ablility, you should have one to but you have to find out what it is." Zero says "How do I do that." Justin says "Idk it will unlock in time." Zero says "Okay then well goodnight." "Night" says Justin.