
Project Villain Control

In a world where superhuman powers have tipped the balance of heroes and villains beyond military control ."Ken, a high school student, falls victim to a school shooting, leaving him critically wounded. With slim chances of survival due to excessive blood loss, his family reluctantly consents to the government's bold proposition, Ken's destiny is forever transformed as he is remade into an anti-superhuman cyborg, entrusted with the mission of reestablishing the order.

Omnixity · 都市
5 Chs

"Surrendered to the Unknown"

The day began like any other at Franklin High School. The morning sun cast its gentle rays over the bustling campus, and students moved between classes, their voices hushed, navigating the familiar maze of lockers and crowded hallways. Yet, as the clock's hands edged closer to a tragedy that would forever alter the life of one unsuspecting high school student, no one could have foreseen the events that loomed.

Ken, your typical high school student, sat in his classroom, his mind wandering far from the teacher's monotonous drone. However, it wasn't the quadratic equations that caught his attention. It was the presence of Conner, a mysterious loner who occupied the desk beside him. Conner was an enigma, a lone wolf who had been the target of bullies and had few friends, if any. An unsettling air of mystery surrounded him, leaving Ken curious about the enigmatic figure sitting just a few feet away. "Maybe," Ken thought, "I can find a way to reach out to him."

As the minutes ticked away, and the bell signaled the approach of the next class, the serene atmosphere shattered. A spine-chilling scream echoed through the room, sending shockwaves through the students. Amidst the chaos, Conner stood up with eerie calm, seemingly impervious to the turmoil that had gripped everyone else. The rest of the class watched in awe, with Ken sensing an eerie anticipation in the air.

Their teacher's futile attempts at restoring order went unheard as Conner's tears flowed, witnessed only by Ken. The room fell into a tense silence, an unspoken dread that hung like a thunderstorm about to break. From Conner's bag emerged an item that would shatter their reality – a gun.

Panic and chaos ensued as Conner opened fire, the deafening shots rupturing the once-peaceful classroom. Students scattered in terror, some unfortunate souls injured by the bullets. The cacophony of screams filled the air, and the school's security systems kicked into action, sealing them in with the menace that Conner had become.

Conner reveled in the pandemonium, his demeanor chilling and unhinged. As fear swelled within the room, Ken found refuge beneath a desk, his mind racing with questions about when the heroes or the supposedly vigilant police force would arrive to save them.

And then, as swiftly as the chaos had descended, an eerie silence engulfed the room, foreboding a deeper and stranger chapter in this harrowing tale.

Conner's entire body began to emit an eerie, pulsating light, casting unsettling shadows across the classroom walls. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and Ken felt as though he had stumbled into a dimension of bizarre possibilities.

When the screams of the children became silent Conner's voice quivered as he confronted Ken who was hiding watching under a table, with the gun still clutched in his hand he spoke. 'You were different, Ken,' he began, his words resonating with a Shakespearean sense of tragedy. 'You showed me kindness when others looked away, even sharing your lunch when I needed it most. But you, Ken...!' He sighed with the gravitas of a Shakespearean soliloquy. 'You were just like them. You watched as I suffered, was humiliated, you were a stranger who watched never really helped me !!!.'

Conner, now consumed by the ethereal glow, wore an expression that vacillated between maniac enthusiasm and tragic despair. "You're going to hell with me!" he declared, his voice carrying an otherworldly echo. The melodrama of the moment reached its zenith.

In a cataclysmic burst of energy, the room erupted into a spectacular explosion, a fiery maelstrom of destruction that tore through walls and shattered windows. The force of the blast sent debris and shockwaves rippling through the once-peaceful classroom, leaving chaos and devastation in its wake. Amid the fiery tempest, Ken's world was upended, and he was left damaged and broken from the Blast.




A few moments after the explosion, Hero Rader, also known as "The Tracker Hero," arrived at the scene. Famed opon for his extraordinary investigative skills and ranked No. 117th among American heroes and No. 308th worldwide, he surveyed the chaotic aftermath with a keen eye. His skepticism was evident as he questioned the police officer present, 'This devastation couldn't have been wrought by an ordinary person. Are you certain Conner possessed no superhuman powers?'

The officer, clearly Irritated by Hero Rader's reputation, replied with unwavering conviction, 'Yes, Hero Rader, I've confirmed with Conner's parents - Growing up he showed no signs of superhuman abilities or explosive powers.'

Rader acknowledged the officer's response with a somber nod, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on him. 'This far exceeds the scope of a typical school shooting or attack,' he remarked, his thoughts racing. 'Thirty lives lost, and the entire school obliterated in seconds. Whoever's responsible isn't playing games, especially when they've targeted a school that grooms prospective heroes.'

Turning his attention to the young boy found near the epicenter of the explosion, Rader inquired about Ken's condition. The police officer delivered grim news, 'He's barely hanging on. His regenerative ability offers little hope given the severity of his injuries. His parents rushed him to the hospital.' poor kid thought Radar


Ken lay unconscious on a hospital bed, his body heavily bandaged, and numerous tubes and machines connected to him. The sterile hospital room was an eerie contrast to the chaos of the school explosion. His fragile human form had been battered by the tragedy, and his life depended on the machines that monitored his vital signs.

In the hospital room, Sarah Kens mother and Lily his 1 year younger sibling hovered by Ken's bedside, their faces etched with worry and grief. The attending physician, Dr. Stevens, a seasoned and compassionate doctor, had taken them aside to discuss Ken's condition.

Dr. Stevens, with empathy in his eyes, began to explain the extent of Ken's injuries. 'Your son has sustained severe trauma,' he began, his voice gentle but heavy with the gravity of the situation. 'Multiple fractures, extensive soft tissue damage, and the loss of multiple limbs and organ failure in some areas. His regenerative ability, though remarkable, may not be enough to restore him to a functional state leading to my thought of putting him to rest.'

Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes as she clung to Lily's hand. Her heart ached for her son, lying so helpless before her.

Just as Dr. Stevens was about to continue, a mysterious figure in a black suit entered the hospital room. They stood there in silence for a moment, a quiet and contemplative presence. Dr. Stevens, perplexed but respectful, excused himself from the room to allow Sarah and Lily some privacy.

The figure, their features obscured by shadows, spoke softly to Sarah. 'Mrs. Thompson,' they began, their voice measured and calm. 'I believe we may be able to help your son, but the decision is a grave one. It requires your trust and a leap of faith.'

Sarah, desperate and willing to do anything to save her son, turned to face the enigmatic figure. 'What do you mean? What can you do for Ken?' she asked, her voice quivering.

The enigmatic figure, shrouded in shadows, began to speak to Sarah, his voice measured and grave. 'Before we proceed, I want to explain the dire situation our government is facing due to the extraordinary powers of villains. What was once a beacon of strength is now considered a mere jest in the face of these extraordinary powers the countries military is now a joke.'

Sarah listened intently, her eyes searching for a ray of hope amid the darkness that had engulfed their lives.

The figure continued, his words careful and deliberate. 'The government, in its desperation, has been secretly experimenting with a radical idea. They aim to create superhumans, individuals with extraordinary abilities, who can counter the growing threat. Your son, Ken, is a candidate for this experiment.'

His explanation was vague, almost too hopeful, yet the mere prospect of a chance to save Ken filled Sarah's heart with a glimmer of hope. The idea that her son could be given a second chance at life was too powerful to resist.

Without hesitation, Sarah signed the contract presented to her by the enigmatic figure. Lily, although not fully comprehending the gravity of the situation, followed her mother's lead.

The figure, his mission accomplished, stepped back into the shadows and nodded to Sarah. 'Your son will be taken into our care, and the procedure will begin immediately. This is the only way to save him.'

As Sarah signed the contract, a chilling realization crept over her. The enigmatic figure had assured her that this was the only way to save Ken, but his vague explanations left her with a growing unease. She felt as though she had unwittingly stepped into a web of secrets and shadows.

"What do you mean by 'in your care'?" Sarah demanded, her voice trembling with fear and suspicion.

The figure's response was a sudden wave of dizziness that swept over Sarah, leaving her gasping for breath. The room spun, and she clutched her head in confusion and distress as her vision blurred. Lily, standing beside her, was overcome by the same disorienting sensation.

Before they could react or protest, two imposing men in dark suits entered the room. The enigmatic figure instructed them with an ominous tone, "Take Lily and Mrs. Thompson to the location specified in the contract."

With each step they were carried away from Ken's hospital room, Sarah and Lily couldn't shake the feeling that they were being drawn deeper into an intricate and foreboding scheme. The sense of danger loomed over them, and they were left with a mounting concern for Ken.

Meanwhile, in the hospital room, Ken's unconscious form remained, the only evidence of a plan set in motion. As the men disappeared down the hospital corridor with Sarah and Lily in tow, the enigmatic figure muttered to himself, "The Captain was truly a mastermind. He knew they wouldn't read the contract and would unknowingly trade their child for a life of wealth and privilege. It's a reasonable exchange since they'll be granted a mansion and 2 billion dollars to their name, along with a new life in Japan."

They took Ken away from the hospital, and as the men carefully transported his comatose form, the enigmatic figure looked at Ken's body, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "He will be a masterpiece when this is done."

This is my entry for the Webnovel spirit Award so if you

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