
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · 戦争
48 Chs

Sewer Rats

Jacques climbed down the rubble to get to the street and he ordered one of the soldiers to look for Hilbert. He navigated through the streets as mortar shells continue to rain down on the city.

"I need volunteers! We're going to push the enemy back!" Jacques shouts as he walks up to a barricaded street with soldiers standing guard.

"How many do you need, Major?" A soldier stepped forward and asked.

"How many are willing?" Jacques asks.

"Everyone seems to be willing to move forward, Major." The soldier replied as everyone else gathered near them.

"We'll attack tonight, gather everyone outside the bakery and I'll meet you there with Hilbert." Jacques added before walking away.

Hilbert was informed and he immediately retreated from his post to meet up with Jacques. He found him where the logistic trucks were unloading and quickly approached him.

"You called for me, Major?" Hilbert asked.

"Have you ever used the APS in combat training?" Jacques pulls a crate out of the back of a truck.

"I thought it was just a concept, that it never was tested." Hilbert replied.

"It was, but it didn't finish testing. Would you like to test it's combat effectiveness?" Jacques asks with a smirk.

"Major, give me a toy and I'll surely play with it." Hilbert replies before taking his coat and mask off.

Jacques opens the crate and he pulls out parts of the Armored Personnel Suit which he then handed to Hilbert who began putting them on. A thick bulletproof fabric suit under the angular steel plates to serve as extra cushioning from direct gunshots, a metal pack that's designed to carry belts of ammo and a full face helmet with built-in infrared goggles.

"They've really made this suit to look intimidating to anyone who sees it." Jacques commented.

"It's to make the enemy shit themselves upon seeing you. Makes them panic and run, fear takes over them and they forget to shoot back making them easy targets." Hilbert replies as he puts the helmet on.

"Who wouldn't be scared? You look like the phantom of a soldier who came to haunt the enemy." Jacques jokingly said as he handed the machine gun to Hilbert.

"I am a phantom, as far as the higher ups know I died during Operation Thunderbolt." Hilbert said as he took the gun and pulled a belt out of his pack.

Hilbert loaded the gun and began walking ahead of Jacques. Jacques followed behind and they made their way to the group of volunteers waiting by the bakery. Upon seeing Hilbert wearing the APS, the men became thrilled once more to run into a fight. Jacques briefly explained the plan and Hilbert opened the manhole and threw the lid like it didn't weight much.

"The augmentations really made him strong despite being small compared to the captain and the major." One soldier whispered.

"I want to be like him as well but I heard that the surgery is like dying slowly then suddenly being brought back to life." Another whispered.

"You gotta aim higher than that, I want to be better than him." Jeremy states before smirking.

"If you encounter enemy activity within the sewers, make sure you take them out quickly before coming up the topside." Jacques orders before signaling to Hilbert.

Hilbert nodded and jumped down the hole, the sudden splash of water echoed within the empty space underneath the street which was then followed by an eerie silence. The men followed behind shortly and the splash from every footstep once again filled the sewers. Hilbert turned the infrared goggles on his helmet and gestured to the others to stay close and remain quiet. They slowly navigated the tunnels underneath the market while walking in a straight line behind Hilbert.

"How far do we still have to go?" A soldier whispered.

"Be quiet, there might be ears within the walls." Jeremy whispered back while peeking over Hilbert's shoulder.

Hilbert abruptly stopped before signaling the others to hold position against the wall. He peeked around the corner and saw a light flickering at the end of the tunnel.

"I see movement down the tunnel, I'll go first. Count to a hundred and if I don't shoot, rally on me." Hilbert ordered them before walking out of the corner and into the tunnel.

"Weapons live gentlemen." Jeremy whispers as he went down the tunnel after Hilbert.

"Jeremy, he told us to wait." A soldier whispered.

Jeremy waved his hand and continued walking down the tunnel behind Hilbert. He wanted to prove that he didn't need to have the augmentations to be like Hilbert. Jeremy is the only member of the 116th who disabled 4 enemy tanks and took 56 soldiers prisoner afterwards, this gave him his promotion from Private to Sargeant. This put him right below Edward and Richard, but despite being lower in rank, he can still fight on the same level as his superiors.

"You should've stayed back there." Hilbert said quietly.

"The action's right here at the foreground, what use would I be at the back?" Jeremy replied confidently.

"Just don't get in my way and I'll be nice." Hilbert coldly added.

"I think I should be the one saying that." Jeremy replied before quietly snickering.

Hilbert stopped and raised his gun down the end of the tunnel. He slowly cocked the receiver back and slowly continued walking down the tunnel, only making splashing noises as he walked.

"There are five of them, three of them on the right, I'll leave the other two for you." Hilbert commanded as he picked up the pace.

Jeremy nodded and hogged the left side of the tunnel. The enemy started noticing their footsteps and squinted their eyes to check the tunnel ahead of them. They aimed their guns towards the noise and as the footsteps grew louder, they began to see two small glowing lights.

"Whoever you are, turn around and walk slowly towards us!" One of the soldiers shouted.

Rattling of the ammo belt against the armor plate on Hilbert's arm was now growing louder, the red lights from his goggles now gleaming even brighter. Red, the last thing the five enemy soldiers saw before a bright flash of yellow light drowned their vision.