
Project: Ouroboros

Synopsis unavailable. A/N: Firstly I want to state that English is not my first language, so if you can't ignore some mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Another warning is that in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version, so take note of this warning before starting. I'm also writing this to pass the time nothing serious but I'll try my best to complete this fic.

AnshinSaltz · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs


Ophiuchus: "By now, you should be aware that I am not native to your world."

White remains silent, allowing him to speak.

He turns and starts walking, with White following him: "My memories of my childhood are so confused that I can't even remember my baptismal name."

"I was born into an Imperial family, but I can't remember their names, just some flashes of memory. I know they were nobles because the palace was huge, bigger than this one, with a large number of guards, servants, and events being held."

His long hair sways in the wind. "The imperial court was a toxic place, where every word had an intention and ambiguous meaning. Every word heard required unraveling its many meanings."

Observing the High Androids dismantling the wooden houses, he begins to walk while looking around: "Maybe I was about 3, 4, or 5 years old at that time? Anyway, I was a child learning about the world, everything seemed amazing to my eyes. Until then, my mother was alive, and my father, despite never having seen him, we, his children, were treated equally."

"Until one day, my mother passed away, and my world turned upside down. I saw the difference slowly emerge between the Imperial Harem, with the mothers of my siblings scheming against me."

Ophiuchus looks at the tents that make up a temporary camp: "From that moment on, I was neglected by my own family. But despite that, I managed to have some good time to myself, spending most of it in the library, learning about the cultures of the kingdoms and duchies, existing and extinct noble houses, among many other subjects."

As they reach the village limits, he looks at the tall trees: "My mother used to say I was special, even though I never mentioned my reincarnation in this world, she had a good understanding of things around her."

White: "Was your family bad?"

Ophiuchus enters one of the watchtowers, climbs the stairs to observe the road from above: "It depends on your point of view. For someone like me, who didn't conform to the customs of this world, they are the worst kind of family to have. But for a native, they can be the best; it all depends on the perspective."

"With time, I came to realize that family isn't about blood ties; it's about who is willing to bleed for you, who respects your life and your choices."

"Because my blood is something even insects can possess."

"I cut any rights, ties, and obligations with the Imperial family, renouncing my rights and duties. I claimed my Mother's inheritance, inheriting her last name, title, and her responsibility for this territory."

Ophiuchus offers an apple to White, who accepts, and they both begin to eat as they walk: "In this territory, there is the Black Duchy".

"The Duke had passed away, and his Duchess was ruling the territory until an Adraemelech returned."

A smile appears on his face. "The Black family isn't interested in politics, but they have a military training regimen that even the Imperial family must respect. Soldiers trained by House Black are disciplined, similar to YoRHa; they don't back down in raids and are the vanguard of our territory."

"The Duchess is a traditional woman, so she would never lead the army, and the soldiers know this about her, but they have never disrespected or challenged her authority. If needed, they would die for her."

"The first time I met her, she was very direct in her approach, asking me what my purpose was in taking over the territory."

"Do you know what she told me?" Ophiuchus observes White's expression.

White shakes her head, unable to guess.

"And after you do that? Will you accept an apology? Will you help them with their problems and carry them on your back?"

Ophiuchus refocuses his gaze and starts walking again. "Since that day, I've had an open mind to the new possibilities presented to me. The Duchess subtly began to shape my thoughts and trained me under her tutelage."

"On my 16th or 17th birthday, she gifted me..." His words pause as he realizes that his birthday gift is still floating in the square.

His steps quicken as he runs toward the square, and White follows him, fearing leaving him alone, especially now that he was sharing his thoughts.

Ophiuchus quickly reaches the center of the square, staring at the meteorite. Before his eyes is the object given to him by the Duchess. "Truly, a gift that will change my worldview."

Ophiuchus disappeared again, and when he returned, there were some people accompanying him.

Pascal surveyed the surroundings while the children hid behind him. The Spartans adjusted their posture and watched Ophiuchus closely.

Unlike the Spartans, the members of YoRHa remained silent, observing both Ophiuchus and White.

Ophiuchus says to Pascal, "Until everything is ready, take the children to the Academy."

Pascal nods in understanding and takes the children with him.

Ophiuchus watches someone very attentively.

Their physical features are well-developed, with an extremely captivating and curvaceous female body, accentuating her bodily beauty.

Her skin is fair, displaying musculature on her back, and her body has features that attest to her physical activities, smooth legs with considerably large thighs, highlighted by the opening in her dress, not to mention the emphasis they receive thanks to her boots.

The compliments about the "woman's" physique don't stop there; there is another extremely striking characteristic that is impossible to forget: her buttocks, impossible not to notice their abundance.

Moving away from the physical aspect; her hair is truly eye-catching, standing out with a light placement, and like the character's attire, it has a dark color, namely black, with whitish hair that becomes something extravagant.

Still describing her hair structure, her hairstyle is very beautiful and organized, short and straight, reaching her neck, and it has a lovely slightly layered fringe, which is turned to the right. Finishing the hair part, it contains an accessory, a headband, which has a simple appearance, black with no details.

Her elegance is unquestionable, even though her attire follows the pattern of other androids, it somehow goes well with the mole located near her cheek and below her mouth.

Continuing with her beautiful dress, it has a refined tone, even though it follows the standard of other androids, it somehow goes well with the mole located near her cheek and below her mouth.

Continuing with her beautiful dress, it has a refined tone, even though it follows the standard of other androids, it somehow goes well with the mole located near her cheek and below her mouth.

Moving on, in her beautiful dress, there is puffiness on the shoulders, which strongly resembles a princess's attire. The sleeves are quite "free" so to speak, as they were made slightly long, with dark feathers at the ends. On her arms, she wears a pair of gloves that start white but turn black at the hands, and this accessory is worn under the sleeves of her dress.

The garment she wears covers her neck but has a beautiful neckline, not fully exposing her breasts as there is a transparent part on top (very similar to tulle).

It is clearly visible that there is an opening on the sides of her attire, which displays her thigh and, at times, her buttocks, as mentioned earlier.

On the side, there is a kind of "half-bow," adding charm to the android, and despite being predominantly black, it has designs on it, although they are not very visible. At the back, the "woman's" attire has a detail that exposes part of her back. As for her legs, she wears dark and transparent stockings that extend to the femoral quadriceps, not revealing much skin.

Finally, she wears wonderful long boots with a high heel.

Turning his attention back to White, he says, "We need to check the current state of the YoRHa headquarters."


"21O: The panels are operational."

"4S: Short-range communicators are working."

White: "There is no information in the database."

Ophiuchus was sitting, listening to the report brought by the YoRHa units: "4S, I need you to act cautiously and explore the area around us. We need to map the area as soon as possible."

4S: "Understood."

Ophiuchus says to 21O, "For now, I'll need your full attention and support to map our territory."

21O: "Understood."

21O moves to her designated seat and begins interacting with the system, establishing a connection with 4S.

While Ophiuchus gave orders to the Spartans, White was in an isolated environment with 2B.

White says, "2B, your mission this time will be different."

2B waits in silence.