
Project: Ouroboros

Synopsis unavailable. A/N: Firstly I want to state that English is not my first language, so if you can't ignore some mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Another warning is that in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version, so take note of this warning before starting. I'm also writing this to pass the time nothing serious but I'll try my best to complete this fic.

AnshinSaltz · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs


The sky was tinged with dark hues, a harbinger of the approaching storm.

Tension was palpable in the newly established operations center. The main panel displayed a chaos of constantly updating data and information. Alerts blinked in frantic patterns, reflecting the urgency of the situation. White stood upright, her posture unwavering, her eyes fixed on the panel as her hands skillfully typed commands on the console.

The operators, each focused on their designated positions, coordinated the actions of the units in the field. The operators' voices echoed throughout the room, conveying orders and reports as the battle unfolded outside. Ophiuchus remained beside White, silently observing the data flowing across the monitor.

Suddenly, a shrill sound pierced the air, grabbing everyone's attention in the room. The operators turned to the main monitor, where a real-time image was being transmitted from the battlefield. What they saw was a terrifying sight - the machine life forms were advancing in overwhelming waves, a tide of metal and destruction swallowing everything in its path.

The machines were numerous and relentless, advancing with ruthless determination. Their grotesque and varied forms were illuminated by flashes of explosions and gunfire. The streets were filled with combat, YoRHa androids facing the machines in a desperate confrontation.

Commander White, concern evident in her eyes, watched the real-time images being transmitted on the main panel. "The situation is deteriorating rapidly. We need to find a way to contain their advance. If we continue like this, there will be no way to stop the chaos they will cause when they reach the center of the island," she remarked.

Ophiuchus, standing by her side, remained silent, continuing to witness how YoRHa dealt with a perilous situation.

The operators continued to coordinate the units in the field, but the fight was becoming increasingly desperate. The battlefield was turning into an apocalyptic scene, with machines tearing apart androids and some of the newly established structures.

The sound of explosions reverberated like an incessant roar, echoing through the now chaotic battlefield streets. The YoRHa androids fought with unwavering determination, their weapons responding to the mechanical roars of the machine life forms.

The streets were littered with debris, smoke, and sparks, creating a hellish landscape of destruction.

The machine life forms advanced mercilessly, moving in coordinated formation. Some of them were the size of houses, with sharp limbs protruding like deadly blades. They charged at the androids, their claws tearing through steel and flesh with disturbing ease. Battle cries echoed through the alleyways, mixed with the electronic hum of the machines.

The YoRHa androids countered with agility and skill, their movements calculated and precise. The Battlers advanced with their close-combat weapons, engaging the machines in direct combat. The Scanners retreated to strategic positions, firing bursts of shots in an attempt to halt the machines' advance. The Defenders erected barriers to protect allies and resisted the attacks of the machine life forms.

The operators, with their panels displaying data frantically, guided the androids in the field. They provided real-time information, identified weaknesses in the machines, and directed tactical movements. Every command was crucial, as the battle became a fight for survival.

  However, despite the determination of the androids and the guidance of the operators, the machines were countless, an unstoppable tide advancing relentlessly. The land was stained with oil, (synthetic) blood, and wreckage. Androids fell one after another, their voices and cries drowned out by the explosions.

Commander White watched the battle with a mixture of anguish and anticipation. She knew the situation was grim and that sacrifices were being made to protect the island. Her eyes narrowed as she saw the number of fallen units increase on the monitor.

As the battle raged on, Ophiuchus entered his villa, silently observing the events unfolding through real-time transmission screens. His gaze was fixed on the chaos and destruction dominating the streets, but his demeanor remained undisturbed.

As he watched, his fingers gently touched the arm of the chair, deep in thought. He was evaluating possibilities, and calculating strategies in his mind.

In an elegant movement of his tails, Ophiuchus rose from the chair, and a holographic projection appeared before him. It was a detailed representation of a secret military unit he had kept.

The unit consisted of 301 individuals, equipped with advanced weaponry and unwavering loyalty.

However, the highlight of this unit was the elite squad that led it. One figure stood out, A2. Ophiuchus had kept her hidden, reserving her for a situation where hope seemed scarce.

Ophiuchus's eyes were fixed on the projection, his mind calculating strategies. With a gesture of his hand, he activated communication with A2, whose voice echoed through the room via a communication device.

A2: "This is A2. Receiving your call, Ophiuchus. We're ready to act."

Ophiuchus nodded, his expression impassive.

Ophiuchus: "The time has come. You will have the mission to change the course of the battle."

A2: "Understood. I will lead this unit with everything I have."

With her characteristic determination, A2 approached the holographic projection, her hands moving through the air as she highlighted key positions on the battlefield. She explained her observations and strategies, each word carrying significant weight.

While Ophiuchus and A2 discussed mission details, the battle continued to unfold. The machines advanced relentlessly, and the resistance of the androids was starting to falter. The operators continued to provide tactical guidance, but the situation was becoming increasingly challenging.

Ophiuchus glanced at A2, a momentary spark of approval passing through his eyes.

Ophiuchus: "Remember, A2, you won't be alone. Use all your capabilities, but also trust your comrades. They are the key to success."

A2 nodded once again.

The unit led by A2 quickly gathered each member and prepared for the approaching battle.

The machines continued to advance, but now there was a new focus on the resistance of the androids. A2's orders were clear and direct, her focus inspiring confidence in her comrades.

The battle intensified as A2's unit launched against the ranks of the machines. The squad fought with determination, their actions synchronized and coordinated. Attacks were precise, and movements were calculated promptly. The squad was making progress, cutting a breach in the relentless tide of machines.

Meanwhile, Ophiuchus watched attentively, adjusting his strategies as the battle unfolded. He was determined to use all the tools at his disposal to ensure success. His eyes remained fixed on the transmission screens, his fingers gently touching the holographic panels.

The battle continued, and every moment was a fight for survival. Explosions echoed, lasers cut through the air, and the ground shook with the impact of the machines.

A2's unit advanced tirelessly, facing the machines with courage and skill.

Over time, the tide began to turn. The machines, once advancing relentlessly, now showed signs of stagnation. Ophiuchus's strategy was working, and the resistance of the androids was beginning to bear fruit.

Ophiuchus observed the unfolding battle, his eyes fixed on the transmission screens. As A2's unit and the Spartans fought the machines, he knew it was time to introduce his card to the board, the military unit called Sparta.

With a subtle gesture of his hands, Ophiuchus activated a sequence of commands. On the battlefield, something extraordinary happened. From the alleys and side streets, a passage was revealed, and a force emerged, advancing with unwavering discipline.

They were the Spartans, a unit that was about to put everything they had learned into practice.

The Spartans advanced with unwavering determination, each member of the unit demonstrating a deep commitment to the mission.

Inspired by the legendary 300 of Sparta, they intended to show the same bravery and resilience in the face of the enemy.

The members of Sparta were unique. Each of them possessed a low level of regeneration, allowing them to heal wounds over time. Additionally, they had a remarkable adaptability, enabling them to strengthen themselves in real-time as they faced new threats.

However, the most impressive aspect of the Spartans was their high degree of learning. They absorbed information and experiences quickly, adapting to ever-changing situations with surprising agility.

Each defeat was an opportunity to learn and improve, and each victory propelled their progress even further.

The Spartan unit advanced in formation, flanking the ranks of the machine life forms with precision. They were a distraction force, drawing the attention of the machines and creating an opening for the YoRHa androids and A2 units.

While the Spartans advanced with courage, they did not shy away from difficulties. Some of them faltered under the strength and coordination of the machines, momentarily falling. However, their slow but steady regeneration allowed them to rise again with their determination strengthened.

Ophiuchus watched with interest as the Spartans moved through the battlefield. He admired their tenacity and the way they seized every opportunity to improve. It was a display of strength and strategy, a futuristic embodiment of the 300 of Sparta who had inspired the unit's name.

As the battle continued, the influence of the Spartans began to be felt. The machines were divided, struggling to deal with the triple threat posed by YoRHa, A2's squad, and Sparta. The flanking strategy was working, and the machines were forced to disperse their command to react.

At every moment, the Spartans showcased their ability to learn and adapt. Their tactics evolved as they faced new challenges, and each momentary defeat was followed by a remarkable recovery. They were proving to be a formidable force, a futuristic incarnation of the bravery and tenacity of the 300 of Sparta.

As the rain began to fall, the battle entered a new stage. A2's unit and the Spartans were slowly gaining ground, pushing the machines back.

For my interest, I would like to know your opinion on the story.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AnshinSaltzcreators' thoughts