
Project: Ouroboros

Synopsis unavailable. A/N: Firstly I want to state that English is not my first language, so if you can't ignore some mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Another warning is that in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version, so take note of this warning before starting. I'm also writing this to pass the time nothing serious but I'll try my best to complete this fic.

AnshinSaltz · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs


(Sometime later)

An architectural structure that harmonizes the modern with the timeless, its elegant forms blending seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. Soft luminosity emanates from panels integrated into the walls, illuminating the spacious corridors through which visitors walk. Moving holographs adorn the walls, revealing intricate equations, three-dimensional molecules, and other visual representations of academic knowledge. The symphony of heated discussions and intellectual dialogues reverberates through the corners, infusing the environment with a vibrant sense of learning that engages the senses.

Classrooms unfold as capsules of innovation, equipped with interactive tables that adapt to students' demands, projecting information and tasks directly onto their surfaces. Skillful teachers use holograms to unveil complex concepts, providing visually stimulating and deeply engaging lessons. Through virtual reality, students can explore historical scenarios, interact with figures from the past, and experience abstractions viscerally.

Advanced laboratories are filled with cutting-edge equipment that empowers the exploration of the limits of knowledge. Devola, Popola, and students cooperatively join forces in projects aimed at generating solutions to the island's most pressing dilemmas.

In communal areas, there are relaxing, stimulating, or inspiring spaces, catering to individual desires. Students engage in debates in meeting spaces or seek serene havens for introspection and private study.


Pascal, with his calm voice and a friendly smile, gathered the children in the classroom. Curious and eager gazes fixed upon him, awaiting his words with great anticipation.

"My young students," Pascal began, "today, we will delve into the deep waters of knowledge to better understand how society functions."

A child raised their hand, eyes shining with enthusiasm. Pascal nodded with a friendly gesture, inviting the question.

"Headmaster Pascal, how can we know what's true in such a vast world filled with different ideas?"

Pascal smiled, welcoming the question with calmness. "Excellent question. The quest for truth is a challenging but rewarding journey. Imagine that truth is like a brilliant diamond, and each perspective is a facet of that diamond. As we explore different angles and understand the experiences of others, we come closer to the complete truth."

Another child raised their hand. "But, Headmaster, people have different opinions. What if they disagree on what is right?"

Pascal nodded, appreciating the depth of the question. "Differing opinions are both a blessing and a challenge. Sometimes, we can find the truth by examining the reasons behind divergent opinions. Dialogue and reflection allow us to discern points of convergence and understand points of divergence. Remember, the quest for truth is often a winding road, but it's the journey that transforms us."

A third curious child asked, "Why are we here? What is our purpose in this society?"

Pascal tilted his head, his eyes reflecting deeply. "Ah, the question of purpose is one of humanity's oldest inquiries. Just as a tree grows to provide shade and sustenance, each of us has a unique role in this vast tapestry of life. Our purpose can be found in sharing our gifts, caring for one another, and contributing to the collective well-being. Remember, purpose often reveals itself through the actions we take and the impact we make."

A sense of contemplation filled the room as the children absorbed Pascal's words.

He smiled, encouraged by their interest. "As we continue our journey, remember that knowledge is a light that illuminates the path of understanding. Questions are our compasses and the quest for truth is our pursuit of meaning. Like rivers flowing together, our thoughts and ideas form the fabric of the society we are building. Now, my young curious mind, do you have a question?"

A child hesitated for a moment before asking, "Pascal, what happens when we make mistakes?"

Pascal's gaze remained gentle, non-judgmental. "Making mistakes is a natural part of the human journey, my dear student. They are like stones on the path that teach us to be more attentive and to grow. The key is not to avoid mistakes at all costs but to learn from them and find ways to become better. Remember, wisdom is often forged in the fires of adversity and experience."

As the children absorbed Pascal's words, the air was filled with a sense of wonder and reflection. He continued to share his insights, guiding them through the complexities of society's functioning.

Ding! Dong!

The sound of a bell resonated in the school environment, signaling the recess period.

The children, in turn, displayed smiles, rising without ceremony, running through the corridors, exuding laughter and shouts.

"Headmaster Pascal's classes are so boring!"

Pascal, who had only let out a sigh followed by a smile, observed through his window the villa that stood in the distance.

Since the day he received the visit from Devola and Popola, his worldview had completely reversed.

A new world (literally) had been presented to him, a chance for peace and development far from all the chaos caused by the war that had been raging for ages.

The city, which had been silent for countless days, had been repaired and restructured, not entirely, but it was suitable for the new inhabitants.

Houses were occupied, buildings were designated for schools, priority commerce, and a hospital for diagnosis and first aid.

The machines that had once simulated work were now happy to have work to do.

No longer were machines used for transportation; now, electric vehicles circulated among the main workplaces scattered in some specific areas.


Ophiuchus was crouched, configuring one of the pods.

Devola and Popola were near a holographic projector, analyzing the structure presented to them by Ophiuchus.

"Why didn't you tell us there would be a distinction between the High Androids?" asked Popola.

Ophiuchus replied, "It's not necessary."

After finishing attaching the new components, Ophiuchus stood up. "There will always be a distinction among the various existing races; in this case, we will distinguish between military and civilian."

Popola nodded in understanding. "The military will go to the battlefield..."

Ophiuchus interrupted her, saying, "It's only a matter of time before civilians become human in the true sense, just as our movements may already be known."

Devola let out a sigh. "Humans?"

"Don't be negative; if you have any relevant data on human behavior in society, you'll realize that right now, they are interpreting their functions perfectly."

Devola fell silent as she studied the graphs with her twin.

"Get my bag for me," Ophiuchus said.

Both Popola and Devola turned to Ophiuchus. "You're going?" they both asked simultaneously. Ophiuchus walked towards them.

"I need some information from the machine network and, if possible, to divert some personas."

Popola surveyed the rows of pods. "How many are there now?"

Ophiuchus turned toward the pods that were temporarily deactivated. "Due to optimization in programming and updates in pod technology, the incubation period until maturity has been shortened to six days."

Devola, who was heading towards the exit, asked, "Wouldn't it be more feasible to expand the number of pods instead of doing maintenance?"

Ophiuchus turned and began to walk. "If you can gather the materials, I can expand. I don't intend to be a factory for components and building materials."

Devola fell silent and did not disagree. It's not that it's difficult to obtain the necessary materials to build new pods; it's just that such materials were concentrated in areas controlled by machine life forms or androids.

Despite having the means to manipulate matter, Ophiuchus did not intend to continue converting matter now that the city was settling down. People were doing their jobs around the island, whether exploring, investigating, or developing.

Popola hastened her steps, following Ophiuchus closely. "Why is YoRHa the next target?"

"Military unit."

Devola, who had already left, didn't hear what Ophiuchus had said.

Ophiuchus continued, "Our current problem is that we don't have a military unit to carry out operations in other territories."

"The High-Android units that were developed are still in the training phase, with no parameters available to determine when they can enter the battlefield."

"Our population is stable, we've developed the basic structure of a city, and the children are attending the school led by Pascal."

"Because of the school, we won't have troublemakers wanting to play and have fun all the time, and their parents are also playing their roles well."

"From the information I gathered during the last investigation, YoRHa has manipulated data to keep my existence unknown to the androids. The machine network has not seen any changes so far and continues to conduct its social experiments around the world."

Devola asked, "Are we going on another diplomatic mission?"

Ophiuchus, who had just left the mountain, replied, "No, this time we'll use hacking and data manipulation to divert their data to the Cradle instead of returning to the Bunker."

Both Devola and Popola had their pupils dilated in surprise but quickly regained their composure.

"They may accept diplomacy, but they can also serve as trackers to locate us. From what I've noticed in recent months, there's a significant number of units that have had their data corrupted, so this becomes a regular occurrence."

"I won't even ask how we're going to carry out this operation. My only question is, if we're heading to a place that will become the battleground between YoRHa and the Machine life forms, should we approach with caution? So my question is, how are we going to accomplish this feat?"

After Devola expressed her doubt and asked her questions, she noticed a shadow forming over her body. Raising her head, she saw a cargo vehicle floating.

"I've set up a film that covers its fuselage with this; we are invisible to the eyes, radar, and sensors."

Popola stepped forward. "What's the theory behind it?"

"The maso has various unexplored functions; so far, what has been explored is small-scale matter manipulation, energy manipulation, and some other utilities."

"Invisibility consists of an object not being visible, which in this case means that visible light is neither absorbed nor reflected by the object in question."

"Is this film you're talking about a layer of maso?"


Devola asked, "When we leave, won't the children enter your residence by mistake?"

"No, Simone will take care of this place to keep the children from going beyond the boundaries."

Devola and Popola tried to remember who Ophiuchus was referring to as Sophie but couldn't associate the name with any recent memory.

"As soon as we leave, the sooner I can prepare to complete this stage."

As they boarded, Ophiuchus turned to the twins. "I heard that there are some individuals who are making liquor and intend to open a place to drink."