
Project: Ouroboros

Synopsis unavailable. A/N: Firstly I want to state that English is not my first language, so if you can't ignore some mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Another warning is that in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version, so take note of this warning before starting. I'm also writing this to pass the time nothing serious but I'll try my best to complete this fic.

AnshinSaltz · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs


Walking through the facility, Ophiuchus discovered that it was much larger than one could imagine, but his intention was not to delve into the underground levels but to find out where he was and what period of time, he was in. When it came to Nier, many events could be inferred.

Approaching the entrance, the sound of waves reached his ears. Pushing the metal door, the sunlight dazzled him for a brief moment.

Until his vision adjusted, he found himself facing the ocean.

Exiting the facility, he realized that it had been built on the shores of the beach.


An island with a surface area of 23,193 square kilometers, dominated by mountain ranges that created various ecological niches.

In the past, the island was chosen as a location for ambitious research, investigation, and development projects.

Magnates, politicians, military personnel, and scientists from various fields were gathered on the sanctuary (island). Initially, the plan was to create a refuge for humanity to survive, including animals and plants.

However, before the project could be fully implemented, a series of events and disasters struck the island.

Several millennia ago, the island became an obsolete location.

The ruins of the ancient facilities still remain in the depths of the island.

The island's topography is characterized by a continuous strip of highlands along its west coast. Steep cliffs and deep valleys make up the region, while the northern part of the island is mountainous and volcanic, with a dormant ancient volcano as its centerpiece.

In addition to the obsolete technological complex, there is a city... what remains of a city.

The city was built at the base of the volcano and was in poor condition. The buildings were covered in moss and dust, and everything deteriorated with structures showing signs of collapse.


Ophiuchus took on the exhaustive task of transporting the wreckage of the Machine Life Forms inside the facility.

Pushing a cart filled with metallic debris, he lost himself in thought.

Suddenly, the entire environment became brighter.


The suspended cauldron containing scalding molten metal began to come loose from its rusty chains.

With a deafening crash, the cauldron plummeted, sending molten metal downward.

Ophiuchus was directly hit, the incandescent substance burning his skin and consuming his body. Amid the unbearable pain coursing through his body, Ophiuchus realized that something extraordinary was happening inside him.

As the metal touched his skin, an extraordinary phenomenon began to occur.

His cells, at a surprising speed, initiated the regeneration process.

The burns caused by contact with the molten metal were devastating, yet his body responded instinctively, his skin continuously regenerating. He was not immune to pain, but his pain parameters were being deregulated to the point that he was not influenced by it.

While his body protected itself with its remarkable regeneration, the immune system sprang into action. His cells recognized the potential threat of the molten metal and coordinated an adaptive response.

But the reaction didn't stop there.

His body exhibited a unique capacity to evolve reactively, adapting to the environment it found itself in.

His body's skin tingled, and fine, imperceptible scales began to appear. Contact with the metal in its liquid state caused his scales to change color.

Internal organs began to develop, allowing him to manipulate the metal and integrate it into his own biology.

The molten metal decreased in small proportions, and a delicate process began to unfold, merging the metal with flesh and bone.

The assimilation was gradual, starting with a gentle tingling sensation on the skin, as if something were moving beneath the epidermis.

A diffuse feeling of warmth arose as if he were enveloped in a thermal blanket. This was accompanied by a mild tingling that intensified as it began to intertwine with the body's biological systems.

As the metal fused further with the body, his skin began to acquire a silvery and iridescent hue. A network of fine lines, like veins of light, spread across the surface of his skin, revealing the presence of unknown technology at work.

Body muscles contracted and relaxed, providing a sensation of comfort. The tingling sensation evolved into an energetic feeling, as if his body were constantly being fueled by an electric current.

His senses sharpened, and his mind became faster and more efficient.

As his mind intertwined with the mutation, a deep understanding emerged in his consciousness. He realized that his abilities were linked to the very nature of his body. He could feel his body adjusting and modifying itself to deal with the situation imposed upon it.

He raised his hand, and the molten metal floated in the air around him. Immersed in this sensation, Ophiuchus shaped the molten metal into new forms, effortlessly creating simple structures.

His stature was now enhanced by his abilities.

He stood at an impressive height of about 213 centimeters, equivalent to 7 feet, making him remarkably tall. His skin was notably clear and flawless, providing a striking contrast with his waist-length white hair, which flowed smoothly and perfectly.

His muscles were compact and extremely toned, featuring large and defined muscle groups that gave him a commanding and powerful presence.

His face was a true work of art, with thin and elegantly arched eyebrows that enhanced the beauty of his deep and enigmatic silver eyes. His nose was straight and elegant, complementing his lips, which were precisely measured, harmonizing in balance with his facial features.

On a more meticulous level, his nails were discreetly elongated and skillfully sharpened, while his teeth were remarkably strong, with a special touch to the canines, which, though sharp, did not become overly grotesque, maintaining an attractive and intriguing aesthetic.

His elongated and luxuriously covered white ears were harmoniously in sync with the color of his hair.

Finally, the most striking feature of his appearance was his nine tails, which stood out majestically, all white and exuberantly furry.


Ophiuchus observed the villa in front of him.

A new idea began to sprout in his mind: 'Reactivate the complex... Transform this island into something completely different.'

With a thought, Ophiuchus examined the villa that stood out across the island.

This Mediterranean-style residence is an incredible property with many luxury amenities and a prime location.

The residence's design follows the Mediterranean style, known for its distinctive architectural features such as red-tiled roofs, columns, arches, and stucco finishes.

The property sits on an impressive lot of 82,373 square feet, providing plenty of outdoor space for various facilities and activities.

The villa offers panoramic views of the city below, the beachfront, and a sea view.

The property boasts amenities akin to a luxury resort, including a two-story guesthouse, and over 3,000 square feet of outdoor spaces.

The main residence features full bedrooms and bathrooms, providing ample space to accommodate family and guests.

Highlights include a billiard room on the first floor with a bar, a media/game room on the second floor with a golf simulator, and a "Man Cave" library.

The outdoor kitchen opens up to a fireplace and built-in hot tub, overlooking an infinity pool, tanning edge, and another hot tub.

A spacious four-car garage is attached to the main residence.

The outdoor spaces are incredible and cover over 3,000 square feet, providing ample room for relaxation and entertainment.


With newfound inspiration and a direction to follow, Ophiuchus decided to reactivate the complex, and various pieces of information began to unfold before his eyes.


The complex is situated by the seaside, not too far from the city, but not too close either, in case of invasion, it will be the first location to be notified and invaded.

Its strategic location allows easy access to different points on the island.

Structure: The complex is an impressive structure, consisting of fortified buildings, watchtowers, and defenses.

Monitoring Room: The core of the operational complex, where constant monitoring of various areas of the island will take place. This room is located in a central building of the complex.

Accommodations: There are accommodations within the complex, where you can rest and prepare for missions. The rooms are equipped with physical training areas.

Training Area: A designated space for training and combat simulations.

Maintenance Room: For repairs and maintenance of damaged machines and androids.

Command Room: The room is equipped with holographic screens and communication systems.

Recreational and Social Areas: In addition to functional areas, the complex features common spaces for social interaction and relaxation.

Launch Platform: The complex also has a landing and launch platform.

Underground Entrance: The entrance to the complex is located in a discreet location, concealing an area of the complex to protect its secrets.

Development Capsules: The core of the complex consists of a series of cylindrical capsules. Each capsule is equipped with interactive panels and simulation technology to develop combat skills.

Research Rooms: In addition to project development, the complex houses various research rooms dedicated to various scientific areas, such as biology, engineering, artificial intelligence, and others.

Advanced Training Center: A state-of-the-art training center where androids can enhance their combat skills in simulated environments. This includes battle simulation areas and endurance tests.

Manufacturing Rooms: Production areas where weapons, armor, and other special equipment are constructed.

Data Center: A private server containing various information and records.

Surface Base Connection: An elevator and underground tunnel system connect the Underground Development Complex to the Surface Base, allowing for easy movement between the two facilities.


With the information before him, Ophiuchus knew he had taken on something extraordinary.

Several thoughts circulated in his consciousness as the energy began to fluctuate again.

Raising his head, "I need to discover the source of the energy used on this island."

Feeling the underground breeze, he finally realized he was naked since bathing in molten metal.

Walking to the warehouse, he reached out and pushed, the heavy warehouse doors began to creak.

Ophiuchus curiously observed every detail that had been revealed to him, each sector within the warehouse was specified.

From construction materials, plants, equipment, and technological items (obsolete). Each sector was filled with materials, neatly organized by categories and use.

Ophiuchus walked, observing and memorizing every aspect of the warehouse. "What happened to the humans who inhabited this island? According to the game, humans, upon contact with the residual energy from the conflict with the Red Dragon, were exposed to an entity that offered them an agreement; if accepted, they would live and become a Shade, but if refused, they would lose the memories of the encounter and initiate the process in which the body transforms into salt."

"But the data stored in the network's information shows that there were survivors, and given the state of this island, some thousands of them... hm?"

As he walked, something caught his attention. In his first encounter with something extraordinary, he stood before a display case containing the armor, a dazzling piece of technology.

"Crysis Nanosuit?"

The nanosuit was carefully displayed, suspended on a stand like a work of art. The nanosuit displayed its complex elegance in detail. The shiny metallic material of the nanosuit gleamed under the dim ambient lighting, emitting a silver glow that highlighted its aerodynamic contours.

All components of the nanosuit were visible, from the helmet to the gloves and boots, revealing the sophisticated engineering behind this technological creation.

The nanosuit's helmet was positioned to capture light dramatically, revealing a reflective visor that concealed the wearer's eyes. The nanosuit was strategically positioned for display, with the joints slightly flexed, giving the impression of readiness for combat.

Around the display case, small lights blinked gently, highlighting the nanosuit and accentuating its presence. It was as if the nanosuit itself was waiting to be admired and appreciated.

With fascination in his expression, he approached the display case, reaching out his hand, his nail scratching the glass surface, creating a perfect cut.

With a gentle touch, the glass fell to the ground.

As he put on the nanosuit, the suit's astonishing adaptation extended to his distinctive physical features. The nine white and fluffy tails, which were his most prominent feature, were not forgotten by the nanosuit's adaptation system.

As the nanosuit enveloped his body, each of the tails found its perfect space within the suit, fitting precisely and harmoniously.

The tips of the tails emerged from strategically designed openings at the back of the suit, maintaining their elegance and freedom of movement.

His elongated and fluffy ears were also ingeniously accommodated by the nanosuit.

Small, delicately hidden openings appeared in the head area of the suit, allowing the ears to gracefully protrude, preserving the suit's protection and integrity.

The nanosuit, with its advanced technology, proved to be much more than mere armor. It adapted not only to his body but also to his unique characteristics, maintaining fluidity and functionality while preserving the integrity of his distinctive physical features.

Amazed by this sensation, his vision blurred.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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