

Shēnyuān's POV

"Hello? Can you hear me?" I say into my microphone hoping to get a response.

But, there was nothing... Just pure silence...

"Damnit I say to myself as I pound my desk softly, yet strong enough to topple my book about programing and coding.

"What am I doing wrong?" I think to myself as I pick up my book and scan through it quickly yet thoroughly.

"Let's see... All systems are functioning, the core isn't worn out yet... my PC is running smoothly... Oh! the name of the AI isn't written down yet!" I say to myself as I get ready to type in the name.

But then, I tilt my head, thinking if what I should name it. I think to myself of a name for my new AI.

"What... Should I name you anyways..? An artificial intelligence that's hopefully gonna function properly..." I say to myself while drinking tea, thinking of a name in my head.

After a few minutes, I looked back at the screen of code waiting for a name to pop into my head.

"Réngōng zhìnéng... That could work since it's literal translation means Artificial intelligence in Chinese... But, that name sounds a bit too long..." I think as I continue to stare at the screen.

"Maybe a nickname is needed?" I say to myself after typing in the AI's name.

And a few minutes later, I snap my fingers and giggle happily as I type in the code.

"Ren zhi" The new name of my AI.

Now there's nothing left to do but run the program and pray that it functions properly...

I take a deep breath and click the 'Run Program' Button on the program while hoping it'll work perfectly.

"Please... Please. Please work!" I say to myself outloud, praying that it'll run without any issues or errors.

As I see the code slowly get accepted, I start to jump from all the excitement I haven't felt in such a long time.

"It's working!" I scream as I see the program create the highly detailed 3d model quickly, presenting flat red hair reaching up to their neck, a pale skin tone, red eyes that look like rubies, and a casual attire as clothing.

As I sit back down and look at the camera, the 3d model has been fully created and I was bursting with joy.

After a few minutes, I heard a noise coming from the computer.

As I hear the soft yet clear voice, I smile in delight as I hear the first few words my AI spoke.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Is the first thing that I was able to hear from the computer.

I did it. I made an AI! But, I should test it out first, make sure it has all the functions and information I implemented.

"Hey, can you hear me? Please respond." I ask excited for an answer.

"Yes sir! Loud and clear sir!" The AI answers briefly, which made me feel very happy.

Yes! My first AI that's finally functioning! I did it!

As I try to keep my excitement to myself, I ask the AI again in a soft voice.

"Good... Now give a bit of info on yourself."

"My name is Ren Zhi, and I am less than a hour's old."

As it replies like a regular person, I start to tear up thinking that I've made something so amazing...


"Um... Hello? Are you still there?" Ren Zhi says while glancing around the computer screen.

As Ren Zhi looks around, It stops looking after a few seconds to see me smiling but also crying at the same time.

"Ah! You're crying! What's wrong?"

I wipe my tears quickly and look at it happily.

"I'm just... So happy I got you to work..."

"I... Don't understand what you're talking about. Why don't you tell me all about this story of yours."

I nodded and started speaking slowly, so it can understand what I'm saying correctly and a little loud so it can hear my voice without any issues.

"I started making your code a year ago... Back then, I just wanted to make you a simple AI to help me, but now... I wanted a strong AI that's able to talk properly, listen well, and know how to understand a regular human. But each time I thought you were ready... I was wrong and there was something I had to look on, but, when I fix one error another one occurs... It has been like this for an entire year, and I've tried making you 279 times. And finally on my 280th attempt, you finally functioned correctly."

After I told Ren Zhi that story, it took a second to think and understand the story.

Once Ren Zhi finished analyzing and understanding the story, it then smiled and opened it's lips.

"I see... Well I'm glad I'm finally operating correctly. Oh by the way, I require a bit more information on you."

"Sure, what do you need to know Ren Zhi?" I say sounding cheerful.

"First, your name, what may I call you?"

I smile and reply sweetly

"My name is Shēnyuān, I hope we can get along well Ren Zhi!"

"I do too Shēnyuān. Next question... What pronouns may I use for you? Male pronouns like, He/Him? Female pronouns like, She/Her? Or other like, It/Them?" Ren Zhi said while I see the text.


Written on the top right of the screen.

"You may use male pronouns, but, don't be too formal." I answer back.

"Got it! And the final question. What is your birthday Shēnyuān?" Ren Zhi says with it's slightly deep yet refreshing voice.

"My birthday is on January 20th."


"And... Congratulations! You just finished your first survey with me! I hope I wasn't asking anything too personal or anything.

"No, not at all! These questions were actually pretty fun~" I say with a soft giggle at the end of my sentence.

"Alright! I think you'll be very happy answering more of my questions!"

And with that, I placed my head onto my desk feeling nothing but relief and happiness.

"Shēnyuān?" Ren Zhi asked.

"Yes Ren Zhi?" I said as I looked up from my desk slightly curious.

"I'm just curious, how old are you? You don't have to answer if you think it's a little too personal."

"It's fine, just ask whatever you want, and I'm 8 and a half years old." I replied slightly tired.

"I thought so, I mean you look quite young... Which makes me think your friends are quite proud of you."

... My... Friends..?
