
Professor Dovahkiin

A man pulled into the multiverse by a cosmic being, and made into the physical form of his Skyrim character. Sent into a crossover universe of Harry Potter and the MCU, follow along as the newly formed Breton tries to gain the power to break free of the cosmic being. *Disclaimer* I do not own the rights to MCU, Harry Potter, or Skyrim. I own nothing.

LargeFarva · その他
45 Chs

Ch. 18 Women

Sunday, December 29, 1991

As I'm waking up, a burst of confusion hits me. There's a soft and pleasant weight leaning into me and an exotic scent in the air.

It takes a moment before things become clear, and I smirk. I know what that scent is now.

Looking towards the soft weight pushing against my side, I see the sleeping form of a sexy dark-skinned beauty.

Aurora. She said her name is Aurora.

After the duel last night, Bagman dragged me off to a meet and greet to help boost my popularity. I'm sure it's part of his plan to make more Galleons off the tournament.

It was somewhat awkward, but I endured it well. I saw this as an opportunity for me to get to know some of the more influential witches and wizards.

It was during a lull in shaking hands that I spotted the Kat Graham look alike. She stood close to 175 centimetres and wore dark green robes that complimented her well. I found her incredibly sexy.

After I built up the courage to approach her, we instantly hit it off. It didn't take long before we began flirting. I'm not really sure what led us back to Dragonsreach, but I don't really care.

I put the memories of last night aside. Gently shifting myself out from under my sleeping bed partner, I attempt to escape my bed.

As I'm nearing the edge of the mattress, a throaty purr stops my attempted escape. "Going somewhere already?"

Looking over my shoulder at the naked woman, "I have a meeting to prepare for, and thought you could use a bit more sleep."

Grabbing the bed covers and pulling it over her head, "I'm exhausted. Clearly, dueling is not the only thing you're good at." A satisfied giggle follows that last statement.

I embrace the pride swelling up in my chest from that compliment. I don't care who you are, everyone likes hearing compliments about how good they are in bed.

As I walk across the room to my dresser, I cast several hygiene spells on myself. Sliding on a pair of pants, I can feel someone staring out me.

Quickly glancing towards the bed, I spot a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring at me just before they disappear under the bed covers again.

With a pleased smile, I finish getting dressed. The thought of leaving Aurora alone in my bedroom isn't a concern. I intend to send Cody to spy on her, and I keep all my valuables in my subspace.

The only real downside to bringing a woman back to my place is I can't bring myself to just kick her out of my home. I have to postpone my plans until she's ready to leave.

Not a huge loss, really. It's the gentlemanly thing to do, and I did enjoy her company.

Looking at the mound of blankets, "Feel free to sleep as long as you like. You can call on my house-elf if you need anything."

A soft hum quickly turns into a groan. Throwing the covers off her head, she glances my way. "I can't stay. I have to get back to Hogwarts."

An intense feeling of dread strikes me hard in my gut. With a sense of unease building in my stomach, I focus on the dark beauties face. She's fairly tall and well developed, and there aren't any signs of wrinkles anywhere.

With slow-building horror, the dread in my stomach intensifies. Did I just sleep with a minor?

Noticing my horrified look and attempt to discreetly inspect her appearance, Aurora bursts into uncontrollable laughter!

Between peals of laughter, I hear her breathlessly say, "Oh, your face!"

My dread only intensifies.

It takes nearly an eternity for her to regain control of her laughter. "Heavens! I'm not a student! I'm a Hogwarts professor!"

Relief instantly floods through my body. "Thank the Divines," I softly utter. Looking at the smiling witch lying under my bed cover, I can't help but smile.

This is a pleasant surprise. I vaguely recall a Hogwarts Professor named Aurora from the books, but I can't remember much beyond that. Looks like I'll have to use a Memory Potion to recall as much as possible from the Harry Potter books.

Putting that off for later, I give Aurora a charming smile. "So, not only are you exceptionally beautiful, you're extraordinarily intelligent as well?

With a coy smile, "Flattery? Are you hitting on to me, Mr. Dovahkiin?"

"Yes. Yes, I am."

My immediate response causes another burst of laughter. "Good!"

As her laughing came to an end, her tone became regretful. "We will have to continue this another time. I really do have to get back to Hogwarts soon."

"Another time then?" I ask.

"I would like that," Aurora softly replies with a gentle smile.

I can't help smiling in return. As I make my way towards my door, "I'll step out so you can get ready. I do not have my home connected to the Floo Network, but I'll open up the wards, so you can Apparate when you're ready to leave." Stopping at the door, I look back at Aurora. "I'm already looking forward to seeing you again."

Closing the door behind me, I make my way towards the training hall.

I'm open to the idea of dating Aurora, she's sinfully sexy, but I won't lose any sleep if it doesn't work out. I can also use this to make a connection to Hogwarts. Maybe even use her as a reference or even have her refer me...

Possibilities for the future.

Once in my training hall, I begin my physical workout routine. In the few weeks since the sacrificial ritual, I've already increased my strength and speed by a small margin. It's not much of an improvement, but it's proof that I can become stronger.

My biological manipulation is going even slower. I've only had very minor success with conscious modifications, but mixed results with high-stress testing.

The problem with using high-stress experimentation is the pain. While subjecting myself to an open flame did eventually result in a sort of fire resistance, it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch!

I have had much better success with energy manipulation. I've not been able to create 'the light' that Ego references in the movies, but I can alter my spells. I can change their speed of travel, and even their shape and size to a small degree.

I debated with the thought of forming a skull on deadly spells, but I don't want to give the person I'm trying to kill any warning.

As much as I would love to focus solely on this, for now, I can't. I need to learn as much as possible from the Ancient One before the start of Hogwarts.

I have plans, and the spells from the Masters of the Mystic Arts would ensure a higher chance of success. Hopefully, they can add to my collection of Soul Magic the goblins acquired for me.

Clan Gringotts provided me with over three dozen texts involving the soul. Most of it was copied manuscripts, but I still learned a great deal. I doubt it would protect me from Other Me, but it's a start.

Halfway through my workout, I feel Aurora Apparate out of the manor. Raising the wards, I get back to work.

Once I finish my magical routine, I get ready for a trip to London. Specifically, the London Sanctum.

I walked the streets of London for nearly half an hour before finally hailed a cab. Even then, it still took twenty minutes before arriving at the address on the business card the Ancient One gave me.

Traffic is the devils work!

The four-story stone building is much nicer than I remember from the movies. There is even the Seal of Vishanti or the sanctum symbol, as a window on the fourth floor.

Despite the pleasing architecture, that's not what I'm focused on. It's the magic. I can practically feel mystical energy, enveloping the entire area. This place is a bit out of the way, but I don't know how other witches and wizards haven't discovered this place already.

Perhaps I'm just more in tune with Magicka? Or the Ancient One has opened it up for me?

Regardless, I make my way towards the front door.

Before I can raise my hand to knock on the door, it swings open.

Standing in the entrance is an elderly man. His receding grey hair only highlights the deep wrinkles around his eyes. "The Ancient One has been expecting you," the elderly man softly states.

I snort at the theatrics. "Of course she has. Please, lead the way."

It looks like the Ancient One is no longer blind to my presence, or she's had this poor fellow waiting at the door for the past two months.

With a nod, the elderly master leads me deep into the London Sanctum. With every step I take into the building, the Magicka in the air thickens. It almost feels like I can reach out and physically grab it.

As we step into a short hallway, I spot a set of open double doors leading into a circular room. I can feel magic oozing off of the doorway. This must be the dimensional portal connecting all three sanctums together.

Stepping through the magical rift sends a shiver down my spine, but that feeling is quickly ignored.

Laying on a stone pedestal in the middle of the circular room is the Eye of Agamotto.

The Ancient One just left the Time Stone laying in my path? She either has supreme trust in her ability to retrieve the Infinity Stone from me, or it's a trap. I doubt she is eager to wage a battle with me after our last encounter, so this must be a trap.

As tempting as an Infinity Stone is, I am not ready for one. Yet.

The elderly master leads me through another dimensional rift. I notice an immediate difference in the hall furnishings and scents in the air. My heightened sense of smell is detecting various types of incense and old wood.

"Kamar-Taj, I presume?" I ask.

A small nod is the only reply the elderly man gives.

I'm getting the feeling, he's not a big conversationalist.

The old man quickly vanishes from my mind as I spot the target of this trip. Standing in the center of a large oriental designed room is the Ancient One. She is wearing yellow robes, with the hood down, allowing me a full view of her shaved head.

Stopping a respectful distance from the Ancient One, I slightly bow my head. "It is a pleasure to see you on such peaceful conditions. Judging by my greeting, can I assume you have finally seen me in future visions?"

With a small curve of her lips, "Good evening, Mr. Dovahkiin. As for your question... I have had mixed results with viewing the possible. The only consistent thing is today."

Nodding my head in response, I change the subject. "Shall we begin with training, or do you wish to begin tomorrow?"

The Ancient One's lips curl into a full smile now. "In order to power the spells of the Mystic Arts, one uses dimensional energy pulled forth through their connection to that dimension.

"For one to acquire a dimensional link, their Astral Form must visit each dimension they wish to connect with. I will help guide you on your dimension spanning journey."

Dread and excitement flood into me. "I think it would be best to have everyone leave before you start. There are some things better left unknown."

Her smile falls from her face as she looks into my eyes. I don't attempt to read her thoughts. I don't know if she would notice the attempt or not.

Coming to a decision, she nods her head and gives an unspoken command. The few people in the area, quickly stand and make their way out of the room.

Opening my arms out wide, I nod for her to proceed.

With a blinding palm strike to my chest, I watch from behind as my body slowly falls to the ground.

Looking down at the Ancient One in my Astral Form, I watch as her mouth falls open.

Staring up at me, she lets out a whispered, "Oh my."

Hopefully, this clears up some of the confusion about Aurora. I'm not sure why people kept basing her looks on the movie actress, when I've repeatedly stated this is based on the books.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


LargeFarvacreators' thoughts