
Chapter 30

#Chapter 30

Elijah POV.

This is just a damn day, I'm exhausted, I had a fault in my paperwork, meaning I had to do them all over again. Chloe called telling me Toby vomited, I asked her for the reason, she tried to sneak around the topic but ended up confessing that they had candy before jumping around so much that he vomited. I told her to tell him to sit down and settle, he was being fussy after vomiting, crying, and hiding away in my bed.

/"Chloe, turn a movie for him, keep an eye on him/" I tell her with a sigh, my day is already not going that good, I had to stay some extra time at work. I usually get home just after his nap, others I'd be home before dinner, but today, I'm going to be late.