
Prisoner princess

princess Natalie perfect life is shattered when she and her sister are abducted on a conquest, subsequently her sister is killed by her abductors when both of them try to escape on the tiresome trip to "milerus". Where she is going to be prisoner. Now Natalie is helpless, alone and a prisoner. How will she be able to flee from the fierce arms of her enemies and go back to reclaim and build her kingdom which was thorn to shreads. Prince Williams who is the son of the great emperor of milerus, unlike his father he is temperate. Not so long he is alarmed by his father zeal to conquer the neighboring kingdoms because of greed and over ambition. How will he stop this impending doom threatening to rampage the other kingdoms and innocent lives going to be lost in these event. He is bond to follow his conscience at the risk of sacrificing his love for his father and bretray his family. It takes guts......... Natalie and Williams cross paths, mixed feelings start to grow as natalie leans more and more towards the young prince. But she must not forget, he is the son of her enemy, despite his frantic efforts to make her trust him,. She must not forget her goal and risk it all over her emotions for him. let see how this plays out and how natalie will fulfill her mission inspite of all odds. Don't miss this exciting tale of legendary excellence at it finest.

Yourfavoriteauthor · 歴史
43 Chs

9 Smoke without fire.

She was ill, Sebastian said as hr averted the prince stares which had been fixed on him the whole time.

ill! The prince exclaimed.

I said was, my prince, she is okay now. Sebastian said noticing the prince reaction.

Well, that is good to know. I can't stand any part of the palace services drying under my watch. Williams said now this time avoiding Sebastian fixed stares. The hunter has become the hunted.

Oh this was what all the fuss was about. Sebastian thought to himself. Suddenly the prince now cared about the royal servant.

OK, where he she now, the prince continued.

Sebastian gave him the look as if he was speaking another language. What kind of question was that. Does the prince thinks he follows Natalie about.

Williams after realizing his question was out of place, retracted immediately and on second thought he said.

Never mind,I will find her myself. And before Sebastian could remind him that she was only sick and not lost. He left.

.... ... .... ... ..... ... ... ..... ...

Natalie stared at the fire in front of her, she was roasting the ducklings that was set to be eaten for diner today.

This was the first time roasting something and she wanted to make a good impression.

I was told you have recovered but I wanted to see for myself, Williams said as he came closer to her.

I was never sick, Natalie said wondering what he was doing here.

That is good to know, he said sitting next to her.

It's late,princes are not to be seen outside the palace, Natalie said brushing him off.

Sometimes, I forget that you are a royal blood you know. Not surprised you know this things he said. His eyes fixed on hers.

She chuckled, yeah, but sadly your father ended that life for me.

I am sorry...

Forget it, it was a bad joke. Natalie said trying to hide the pain in her voice.

Why are you here? she asked.

I don't know, he said. Wow, that was the first time he admitted he was clueless about something.

Well, I can give you options, either you are bored or you are here to cause trouble, she said.

Cause, why would I be here causing trouble for you? he asked.

I don't know, one day I was a princess living peacefully in my home and we were attacked, so tell me. What should I think? She said.

You keep talking about...

I can't help it, no matter how I try not to think about it I feel like everything would just go back to the fact that that day happened.

Williams was quiet not with guilt but with pain. He wondered why he felt different with her. Suddenly he wanted to relate with her, to feel what she was feeling. Suddenly


I can change that, he said.

Wish you could. She said facing the ground.

She couldn't look at him, he reminded her of something she hated.

I meant not that, but this conversation. Ask me about other things, he said.

She raised her head up staring at him. He doesn't just give up, does he.

You really want to talk, she said nodding her head.

That is the plan, he said now looking at the fire glowing in her face. Her hair lighting up than ever before.

Fine. I sometimes wish you know I can go to the past to change something you know. Like I could have averted something.. Of you can understand, she said.

I can relate, sometimes I wished I wasn't a prince you know, he said.

That's odd. Natalie said confused. You don't' like being a prince.

Not like that, I meant that..., I know being a prince is great, yes there is the palace, the privileges. The worth but at the same time it is exhausting.

All the responsibilities, all the pressure. Sometimes I don't want to feel that. I just want to be a ordinary man living a simple life. You know. Sebastian said. This was the first time he had also talked to someone about this and it felt good. It felt good knowing someone was listening not about to condemn him like his father.

OK, that was a lot but as for me. I loved being a princess, everything about it. It was my life. The only life. Natalie said.

I can't disagree, you would make a great queen. He said. Now the full moon liting up the place and making it more magical.

You know, my sister was going to be that, Natalie said removing the already roasted meat down the fire.


And me, going to be married off to probably someone from another royal family like always. She said smiling.

Married off, he laughed. If you say it like that.

What? Is that not what happens, she said not hiding her laughter either.

Well, I am starting to think, my father and mother never liked each other. He said amidst the crackling.

Oh, its nothing strange, I think mine didn't either. She said. Happy that she had laughed today in a long time.

Well you can't blame me for not wanting to be a part of the royal blood sometimes. I guess this is just one of the things I will never understand. Williams said.

It's crazy.

Right, real crazy.

... ... ..... .... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ...

He took some logs if wood down the terrain of the cottage. Too much was on his mind now. He was still contemplating on what the king had told him earlier then this.

What game were they playing. He asked himself over and over again.

He wondered if he should tell Natalie about the king's request. But he decided against it.

I would just observe the royal family first. If he noticed any suspicious move then he would know what to do.

Do you ever get tired, Natalie said as she strolled to where he was. She had seen him a lot these days, that is was now very easy to identify him.

Even in the dark. His strong muscular chest which shows years of hard labor of working long hours at the fields fitted his body perfectly.

He was beautiful.

You look super active and cheerful, he said looking at her. Guess that tea worked very well, he said.

She wore a silk long dress that almost touched her toes. She looked so innocent standing there holding her hands tightly round her body from the cold.

What tea? She asked, that was the most horrible thing. I ever tasted and I said I was never sick. So...

While try not to look like it or you would be drinking more of that, he said taunting her.

OK, enough of that tea please, she said carrying some woods to start a fire.

He watched her, his eyes steadfast. Looking at every direction. She was going.

Why are you awake.? He asked finally done watching her.

I don't feel sleepy, she said bending down to lit the wood.

Can I ask why? He asked.

Considering how I slept most at noon, that won't be too surprising.

Well, u couldn't sleep, because I was greatly disturbed, thanks for asking. He said moving to her and taking the two stones from her hands which she had been using to start the fire for ages.

I can do that, she said feigning annoyance.

Oh this, of course. But we don't have all the time in the whole world just to do that. You could probably freeze to death before you lit the fire. He said.

You think I am weak, she said sitting down at the already sparked woods emitting fire gradually.

I never said that.

But you meant that, she said defending her self.

I see you are trying to raise an argument, so do it. I am ready for that, he said now facing her eyes which looked brown in the dark.

Do you know, I can use a bow and arrow, she said.

I didn't, good to know, you can defend yourself when the time comes, he said.

Well, I wished I learnt how to use swords tho, she said.

Why is that? He asked curiously.

Because my sister won't have died, maybe I could have saved her, save us, if I could...

Natalie, no you won't. Stop blaming yourself. He said.

I know. I know.

Since the full moon is here, I will tell you a werewolf story. He said changing the topic.

I have heard that a lot , she said without empathy.

Why dud she have to turn everything into an argument, he thought.

Everyone heard those stories since when they were kids, I know that. He said digging his feet into the bare soil.

You annoyed? She asked noticing the strain in his voice.

It easy for you to do that. He said pulling his face away.

That was the most polite way I could say it was boring. She said taunting him more.

OK then, suit yourself, he replied. This woman was out of this world. She made him mad at the same time excited.

He couldn't explain how. It was magical.

Well the chief royal servant used to tell me this stories, he continued.

Natalie giggled quietly, trust Sebastian not to give up. He reminded her of her sister. She was so fierceful, so fearless, so enthusiastic. She believed in what she did. Too bad that had happened...

She would have made the bravest Queen of all time.

Really, that is surprising, she said this time her interest Piqued. That is when she realized.

Oh, was she the one that raised you, she asked.

Yes, not just me, all of us, he said. I mean all of the children at that time when I was brought here he said.

Oh, I must have said some stupid things about her to you, I am sorry, she said. This time showing genuine sympathy.

It is not that deep, trust me. Well it us good that you are here, at least I have forgotten what kept me awake till this time. He said.

Must be serious, she said.

Yes it is, he said then pausing. The prince just talked to me first for the first time in years. In maybe like forever, he said stressing it.

What prince? Natalie asked confused.

Prince Williams of course, who else would it be, he said glancing at her.

OK, considering you are also a prince too, my question is not out of place right. She said merely.

OK, nice joke, he said, of course you wont know how serious this is because you have not be living here until now. He said concerned.

Is there any reason to be suspicious? She asked.

I don't know, it just can't be a coincidence, he replied.

So you think he is conspiring to kill you or something? She said almost laughing.


What!, I just can't see the fuss about over this, she said.
