
Prismatic Sovereign's Legacy

'Survive...Anasthasia' Keeps on repeating her mind. She found herself in the unknown future, will she be able to handle the tough adventure? WPC Gold Tier winner: Am I Too Strong? Anasthasia, the last known Prismatic Legatee, discerned the legacy as nothing but a curse. She came a long way until she built her empire, the Prismatic Empire. But things went far worse as she got caught from the flames of war. After a decade of war, Anasthasia, the empress of one of the prominent empires and the strongest human ever recorded in the known history of this world, found herself in a dire situation. Clinging to the one sliver of hope, Anasthasia soon trapped herself in eternal ice, but when the ice broke down, she found herself in an unknown place and era. Anasthasia torn between her cursed legacy and the future of humanity; whatever the case, she must make her decision. =======================================This is a long-term project of mine that would last up to 7 volumes. The first volume would be around 220 chapters. Please expect for the rest of the volumes. Have fun! Thank you so much Emperor Sgui Sgui for the cover! As always, its very beautiful! If you want to know more, please reach out to her, (turtleboiii#4991) in discord!

Magical · ファンタジー
215 Chs

A Useful Letter

Anasthasia went back to her room with Freidmirth snuggling in her arms. Her eyes scanned the room where everything was normal except for the broken heels on the wooden floor and the blue mini dress on the spare bed.

'Another day, another slay.'

Anasthasia leaned her back by the front door and propped her head then. She closed her eyes, unwinding the recent events that took place. But then her ears perked up when she heard footsteps that she never discerned before.

She shifted her head to the side, one ear pressed to the glossy wooden surface. Hearing it closely, she pondered, 'This rhythm seems familiar.'

Michael's deep voice echoed as he asked, "Are you there?"

Anasthasia hummed in a soft tone. It didn't take long for her to feel quite a thud that rang her head, followed by a similar sound several inches higher. His voice chimed.

"Tasha, are you sure you wouldn't take up the offer?"

'He's still going at it? I wonder just what it is.' She smiled and let her consciousness take hold of her.


"Verification? Of course, I'll accept whatever the challenges are ahead of me." Anasthasia mused.

"Are you sure you wouldn't take up the offer?" Michael tilted his head, and that innocent look in his face blinded her along with the ceiling's luminescence that reflected off the shimmering armor he wore.

"Wait a moment." Anasthasia waved 'Seraphine' with her words; then, it lit up with a bright light. The prism and the wings started to disintegrate into white fragments. The shaft's length retracted, while the pieces melded back to its surface—returning to its lackluster ceramic rod form.

"As usual, you don't require assistance?" His foot tapped

"Yes, Michael. I think I can handle it on my own." Seeing Michael ground his jaw, Anasthasia inquired further, "Why is it that difficult?"


Anasthasia's eyebrows rose to dangerous heights. "Maybe you'd abuse your authority, giving me a free pass without even proving myself."

However, despite her cold attempts, Michael remained steadfast as he shook his head, replying, "I know you wouldn't like that. Hence, I would like you to take the offer—"

A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the living room as the conversation went on. All of them knew too well with the twinkling rhythm, except for Anathasia.

Levi cleared his throat, "Dinner is ready."

Lucy jumped from her seat, jovially. "Sister Ana, let's eat!" She giggled, tugging Anathasia's hands.

Without further ado, Anasthasia stood, placing 'Seraphine' back to her chest pocket. But before she strolled, her fingertips tapped his shoulder plates.

"You might want to take these off, Michael."

Michael's eyes glinted, unable to receive well about her remarks. He peered down, seeing the armor-clad donned in his body. He quipped, "I will do that."

All of them strolled back as they ready themselves for sumptuous dinner.

Afterwards, Anasthasia went back to her room. Before she closed the door, her eyes darted right away at his slick hair, dripping with beads of moisture. Her mind wandered, specifically, as it continued to trickle down—his impeccable face, chiseled jaws, lithe neck, and down to his sharp collarbone. Such moisture teased as it began to slow down near his chest.

She could hardly gulp as she thought to herself, 'How could such effects accentuate his physical features?'

"Care to at least wipe off your face properly?" Anasthasia sighed.

"Oh," He uttered, reaching the white towel that donned on his shoulders, "My bad." He grabbed his gray hair and wiped it sparingly.

While he was at it, Anasthasia eyed his loose unbuttoned dark sleeves that exposed his neck and a glimpse of his chest. His pants weren't flared and enough to see his legs' silhouette, clearly forged for consecutive years.

'That's some chic dark leather shoes he's wearing; where did he get these?'

"Are you thinking about where I got these?"

'How did he—Is he a mind reader?'

"I apologize, but I'm nowhere near a mind-reader, nor I have the ability of that."

'If that's the case, then how did he—?'

"You have expressive facial expressions, Anathasia."

Anasthasia's eyes flickered. "Oh, I see…"

"Anyway, here it is. I hope this helps." Michael revealed the item that he hid behind his back, which happened to be a letter—it was just as pale as her skin and a gold seal imprinted on it. She could feel the mana fluctuations in this letter.

"This is…"

"—A letter of recommendation. I can do this for you."

"Thank you, and I will take this." Anasthasia smiled, she gazed at the letter while she closed the door, but Michael halted with his hand. Which, in turn, had her wonder, "Yes? Do you need anything else?"

"Thank you for helping Lucy."

"You're welcome." Anasthasia nodded. Michael let go of his hold and allowed her to shut off the door with a soft clink.

"Fried, I think I must be ready for tomorrow."

Freidmirth yawned, scratching his legs from the itch. "What about it?"

"Just an exam. So I can blend well in here."

"I'm not sure if that's good news or bad news." Freidmirth shrugged.

"You're not helping at all. You've been sleeping and eating all day." Anasthasia reprimanded, stepping closer to the spare bed and dropped him for good.


"Stay there, and I'll take a bath." Anasthasia grabbed a piece of a clean towel and sauntered her way to the bathroom.

Anasthasia slowly untied the blue leather belt, which unfurled the leather dress and revealed its flared figure. She began to unbutton the dress, and her dress took off of her as a beautiful butterfly eluded from the silk cocoon after a metamorphosis.

Her hands snaked eagerly towards the hem of her white blouse and bloomers, removing them in one fluid, practiced move.

'I love the fabrics of these lingeries, and I feel so comfortable. It's more than just rayon and cotton. I'd ask Lucy after this.'

Anasthasia thought as she grazed her hand over a set of velvet-red, her flourish uncovered newly-made lingerie. The tips of her fingers glided slowly, tantalizingly behind her back, unbuckling her bra with a snap and flutter, the deep red undergarment falling to the floor. Her supple and sultry chest savored the sensation of cool air that caressed against her fair arms.

As she turned on the shower, the rush of water shivered her body as the icy winter breeze enveloped her body. Not an ounce of coldness dulled her senses; instead, she indulged the rejuvenation.

'Ahh, this is, exactly, what I wanted.' Anasthasia brushed her hair, and while she was at it, she recalled Michael's heartfelt gratitude earlier.

'Thank you for helping Lucy.'


"Lucy, please feed Fried for a while. Will that be alright?"

"No problem, Sister Ana." Lucy moved closer, grabbing a piece of meat and playfully dropped on Freidmirth's mouth. His tail wags as fast as how his wings hasty beat.

"I'll check the rest. I wonder where did the three of them go."

Lucy nodded nonetheless, immersing herself with the new hobby she has, "Freidmirth is so cute when he ogles at the food as though he wanted to pounce all of these, but he waits for them."

Anasthasia stood from her seat, smiling right at them. "Feed him well."

She strutted out of the dining area with grace and reached the kitchen; her body staggered with a pull, fell like a feature to his arms.

Out of instinct, she pushed away only to see Michael, who also happened to be embarrassed. Twins, behind him, had averted their gazes.

Anasthasia narrowed her eyes, coolly, as she grumbled, "What—Where did you guys go? Where are your manners? Why bother leaving in the middle—" Her lips sealed by the prod of Michael's fingertip.

"Tasha, answer me. Did something happen to Lucy?"

Anasthasia couldn't help but bit her lower lip, "Yes, dire one at that." Thereon, she gave them a brief narrative of the scene, and she earned nothing but paleness in their faces akin to drained out of life.

"...Is that true?" Liam let out a hoarse voice; eyes rattled in disbelief.

"It's up to you if you'll believe me or not." Anasthasia sighed.

Silence loomed over them. For a couple of minutes, they contemplated amidst the stifling air.

"Also, if you're going to give her your full support and whatnot that she deserves, don't make it as if you're spoiling her. I'm glad that she's not that much of a brat."

"Don't worry; I was at fault as well. But I never thought she'd show that much power to me. I'll make sure she'll shine like a polished diamond." Anasthasia turned around with her hair dancing. "Let's go." Then walked her way back to the dining area


Anasthasia turned it off and grabbed the towel as she wrapped herself in her voluptuous body and moved out of the bathroom.

'Look at him, already sleeping.' Anasthasia rolled her eyes, turning off the lights, and unwrapped herself.

"Time for me to sleep."

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Hello everyone, and welcome to another chapter of Prismatic Sovereign's Legacy, where we get to take a glimpse of the wholesome adventure of Anasthasia in hopes of tackling her objectives.

I'll see you all next time; stay tuned!

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