
Chapter 3 : Monster-related classes

" So this is how it feels when a plane is going to take off " Tally was sitting on the dragon and the rest were climbing on her and the baby was waiting with Tally " Are you sure this is safe ? " Felix struggled to keep his cool and was afraid of falling off the dragon when it did take flight " I got it "

Evelyn prepared a spell as they all looked behind them " Hurry up Vivian " " Coming " once Vivian took her seat Evelyn cast a spell and Tally gave the dragon a signal " Off we go " Tally pointed to the sky but Felix took that as a sign as a once in a lifetime opportunity for him to experience and in his mind was ' I'm gonna fall off '

They were having an easy time taking a seat thanks to Evelyn's magic " This feels so amazing " Tally stood on the dragon and Felix who was already hugging the dragon shouted " Tally what are you doing !? " " Calm down the magic is our seat belt " Vivian turned her wrist closing her fingers from the pinkie to the thumb spreading a wave that revealed strings to the eyes .

" Interesting use of magic " Loki smiled looking at the ropes that faded but its effect was still on keeping Tally from falling off " What how did you do that ? " Felix asked Vivian who was behind him " Well in addition to chronokinesis we learned telekinesis which keeps us on the ground in case we went faster than we should "

Loki practiced Vivian's magic and Gran and Axel were admiring the view along with Kate who was using magic to stretch her senses . While Evelyn finished setting the air resistance " Where are we going ? " the dragon growled and Tally translated for her " She said she is flying us to her c You really are a tamer Tally . Felix are you okay ? " Felix was experiencing motion sickness " Hey urgh I'm fine " Felix had to hold the urge to puke on the dragon hoping not to anger her " Can't someone give me a bag or something ? " Axel opened his suitcase and took out a bag for vomiting .

" Thank you " they turned their faces away as Felix felt the vomit coming out and puked it on the bag " Are you okay ? " Evelyn was disgusted but tried not to reveal it so Felix could see her disgust a little . Loki already finished practicing the invisible and seemingly untouchable strings ' This is fun ' Gran enjoyed the view and Axel made sure Felix doesn't puke on the dragon .

" Oh that is disgusting " Vivian covered her nose and mouth hoping not to breathe the stench " So do you have any missions that involved " " sci-fi genres that include high-tech stuff , living weapons , genetic enhancement ? " " Why do have some cybernetic enhancements "

Vivian waved her hand quickly for it to be dismantled revealing itself to have a skeleton that contains skeletal bones " Oh don't worry we usually don't use this stuff ... but it was more convenient than a phone "

Felix looked at the arm confused " Wait so of all the things you choose to use a highly advanced technology that replaced your bones ... it was for a phone ? " " Well some kid from our mission kept on bragging about his super techy gadgets "

Loki complained thinking back at some annoying people who took credit by lying to the media just because the five weren't interested in exposing themselves " But don't worry he's not like the kids in the orphanage "

" Orphanage ? ... Gran wake up tell us about it " Tally said trying to get Gran to stop gazing at the view " Why do you ask Gran Tal ? " " He's kinda like my brother " " There were some kids we took in and let them stay in the orphanage we teach a lot of stuff . Oh and there were a lot of mutants ... "

The five then suddenly looked at each other " HOLY S*** WE LEFT THEM " they all shouted loudly worrying about the little kids they left back in their old world " Axel why are they shouting ? " Axel motioned his hand to his ear telling the slime to listen .

The dragon growled lightly " She's telling us to keep it down and we are going to land " the five had the most desperate faces while Axel seemed calm about it " Right we can't keep panicking about it "

Kate looked down and calmly explained to herself " First let's calm down they have food for months and they can cook for themselves " Loki calmed himself down along with Evelyn " They have a whole year's worth of saved videos that could probably let them go to college " " They live far from society "

Vivian did some breathing exercises to keep herself from screaming " They have enough money to live for at least a decade " Gran was already dead inside and was being taken care of by Axel and the slime was acting as a stress ball .

" Guys , how long are you gonna stay there ? Felix already finished puking and the baby dragon is already enjoying itself at home " " We're going " Vivian said with a lot of weight on her mental state thinking and worrying about the orphanage .

" Thank you for saving my child , otherworlders " " She can talk " Felix looked amazed at the dragon " How do you know they're otherworlders ? " " Just like you slime I have inheritance too "

Gran looked at the dragon finally calming down " Do you know a way to let us go back to our previous world ? " " No " " Okay that just broke the really majestic way of talking " Kate said knowing worrying won't do anything other than weighing them down .

" But why don't you use the summoning spell instead " " Yeah but that brings us here and oh wait maybe that might work " Loki said trying to remember every detail of the spell " Ugh It was only a hint of the real thing "

" Maybe we could piece it together ? " the five mercenaries started to draw the details of the spell and Axel was watching them " You six are a strange one " Axel turned to face her looking at her eyes .

" I have seen time magic and yet you used it to make yourselves slower " Axel nodded fiddling with some magic creating a card of the same material as his bullets .


Meanwhile in their old world inside the orphanage at the mountain ranges " They're not answering " Horace groans pressing the number who knows how many times .

" Horace it's almost noon help us cook dinner ... and maybe calm Alex he is going crazy " Alex was destroying his chair after losing to another player and some other kids were silently eating the cooked food while Rin was cooking .

Clang Clara hit Horace's metal arm to stop him from calling the five " Horace they probably have a mission " " Yeah but I need to ask if I can watch this movie " Horace got a cartoonish movie showing it to the clairvoyant .

" But can you at least wait , you know they're busy , right ? " " Yeah but at the same time ? that's just weird usually there is always Axel or at least one of them who would pick up " Rin looked at the call history of Horace's arm .

" Soooo they're saving the world ? " Horace asked " Probably but have you checked on any people who are actually gonna destroy or take over the world ? " " Nope so it must be really dangerous "

The three took a while to think and nodded " Yep maybe they will take a while " " ARGH " The transforming chimera Alex was uprooting trees outside " Alex stop it " Flora shouted at Alex sending branches to try to slingshot him out of the way .

A dart shot at Alex's neck and he fainted " Did I get him cause it sounds like I did " Zen came out from the bushes facing Alex reverting back to his human form . Zen opened his eyes and looked at Alex " I guess I did "

" Zen what the hell are you doing ? " " Training " Rin hit his head with the newspaper " That could've hit us you know " " Yeah but Alex is a bigger target so I would definitely not miss " wonk this time Rin hit him with a metal pan " Shut up that is not an excuse "

Clara looked at Horace and wondered ' I miss you big sis '


" So this is all you memorized ? " Felix looked at the incomplete circle " It had a lot of unfamiliar symbols and characters " Gran tried to remember at least a single character since he was half awake at that time .

" Gran stop it , let's just snap a photo in case we forget " Vivian said by letting the nanotech leave her bones and forming a watch " Finally that's gone " Evelyn said with some relaxation feeling like some liquid left her body which is just like sweat .

Tally was a little grossed out and Felix was not looking since he knew it was going to be bad . Quickly they all have phones in their hands and snapped a photo " What was that ? " " Multifunctional nanotech we had them custom made "

Vivian told Felix " We got them for a mission " they snapped a photo looking at the time " " Oh I think we haven't eaten breakfast it's almost noon " Evelyn reminded everyone " What then how come we felt full when the summoning happened ? "

" Must be some things that we absorbed during the summoning ? " Loki suggested and the slime decided to look at them " You two do have a lot of mana right now even more than the humans I saw at the bandit town "

" Bandit town ? " Gran asked the slime " Oh yeah he probably killed everyone living there " Kate thought of a corpse everywhere in the town . Axel shook his head and motioned an action of clapping his hands but stop when his hands started measuring a basketball .

" So they all are in one place ? " Axel nods and pinches the imaginary basketball flicking his fingers " One escape ? " Axel shook his head and did a slit throat motion " Oh so that one is dead outside that place "

He nods and Kate smiles for guessing some of the rights " What are you doing ? " " A game we play sometimes "

The dragon came back with a boar and dropped it to the ground looking at her child " Now use this as practice and you can give her some food to eat " Tally looked at the little dragon cutely getting ready in her manners of getting ready like stretching her body and flapping her wings .

She blew blue fire at the boar " Shouldn't she be an ice attribute dragon ? " Kate looked at her scale color and compared it to the mother " She got her flames from her father " Gran looked at Axel wondering what classes he has .

" Dad what's your class ? " Axel shrugs his shoulders " Vivian can you use those glasses to find out what dad's class is ? " " Sure " Vivian put on the glasses and looked at Axel " Wow this is a lot just like ours "

" Whaddya mean ? " Loki tried to look through the glasses but he needed to be able to see Axel through the glasses to be able to see his stats " Well we were mercenaries in our world so we had a lot of class and jobs "

" So like you had a lot of titles ... let's just look for the new ones for now " Vivian adjusted the settings of the appraisal glasses and found it " Whoa , dad you got the summoner class " " Really ? "

Evelyn took the glasses and checked for herself " Yeah he does it even is the rare type which can summon anything " " Wait so can you like do it specifically , Like summon one of the kids at the orphanage "

Axel nodded and thought of the status screen which appeared in front of him . He started to look through it and the rest of them was wondering " Dad's probably looking through all the stuff in the status screen ... maybe we can do that too "

Kate suggested and thought of the status screen which appeared before her " Hey we do have one just think of the status screen and it will appear " they all followed her simple instructions while the baby dragon tore off some meat and gave it to Tally and Felix .

" Aww , thanks " " Ah ? Thanks ? " Tally patted the baby dragon and the mother dragon looked at Tally " Human named Tally would you like to bring her with you ? " " Ehh why ? " " You are a tamer which would be safe for her to grow and faster she might even learn when she is with you and a saint with the addition of a group which can control time "

" What about you wouldn't you be lonely without her ? " Tally looked at the dragon and she went to the cave and brought out a necklace " Use this you can call me and I can check on you with it " " Oh so does she have a name ? "

" I believe you should give her a name " " Ahh really ? " ' I'm giving a baby dragon a name let's see she has white-blue hair and her skin is bright blue ' " I know " she picked up the dragon already decided on the name .

" Your name will be Blue " the dragon made some noises and Tally understood that she liked the name a lot . Suddenly the dragon glowed and Tally saw her status screen increase in stats and the dragon's stats which had a plus beside the initial stats and a two-digit number .

" What happened ? " " An increase of stats , a Tamer class allows the tamer to increase their stats once they named an unnamed " " Oh , so is that why your baby dragon also learned some new skills too ? "

" Probably " Tally looked at the rest of them and saw some stats " Wait what is this ? " she could see all of them labeled as untamed " What does it mean by Untamed ? " Tally thought it meant some monsters replaced them and she turned to look at Felix seeing that he has no stats that say untamed .

" Felix the five people we live with at the same apartment are replaced by monsters " Vivian dashed to Tally and whispered to her ears " Oh , Never mind they're the same person " " What was that about "untamed" "

Vivian looked at Tally's stats only seeing the same thing except for an increase and a tamed section which displayed Blue " I see your class considers everyone not tamed as untamed " Vivian hoped she could find some skill tree similar to the ones you would find in a game .

So she took off the glasses to look for the alteration ' Oh there it is ' she used the status screen to find the change and heard a loud clank she took it off to see a small metal stick on the right glass . She puts it on and selects the tamer class and saw a description and then a glowing tree .

" Tally your tamer class has all the skills of the sub-classes. Let's see riding , commanding , raising , training , caring , brushing , cleaning , washing " " Please stop I get the gist of it " " Looks like all that volunteering in rescue centers , adopting animals , donating and thinking of them didn't go to vain "

" But why the untamed status " " Probably because of that time when you had a very hard-to-control animal on the pet center so you got it tamed by wrestling with the giant Uhm how do I say this , crocodile ? "

" You wrestled with a croc ? " Tally landed a kick on Felix and sulked " Now my chances of having a handsome boyfriend are ruined " " Come on it's not like Felix is the type to give out that kind of information by accident , plus you can trust us "

" Nn okay all of you don't tell anyone okay " " Tell What ? " Loki asked " Nothing " " Okay so we need to settle somewhere so we can infiltrate the castle " " Why ? We just made a mess there " " Which is why we have to go there now , dad needs the summoning circle to be able to summon something from another world like ours "

Tally saw Axel making summoning circles and taking notes on what each can summon " Miss dragon what is the difference between a tamer and a summoner ? " " From my experience If a tamer is a civilian that cares for their family a summoner is capable of doing many things like creating chimeras once they reached a certain level . "

Axel thought of all the possibilities and looked at his skill tree . it truly displayed the true potential of the class summoner . He could create monsters , control them and take their abilities at this point the summoning class is just an investment to the higher classes the summoner can evolve to .

But the one that truly attracts him is the ability to ability to bring something to his location . He could summon one of the kids from the orphanage and give them something that proves they're okay and undo the summoning .

So that is why he wants to infiltrate the castle to steal the records he knows part of the circle so it wouldn't be much of a problem as long as he flips through the right pages but that can wait when it is night since the kingdom will be resting .

" But where would we be resting then ? " Evelyn asked " I say the town next to the capital . This way we can scope the situation and maybe we can find some information since it is close to the capital "

Loki said and Felix asked " But why not the capital ? Is it busy there ? " " Probably dad did kill the princess when she was searching for him and the king has to take care of the aftermath " " Okay can I help in information " " Of course you can , Gran and Kate will find some weapons , Evelyn and Tally are gonna shop us some clothes we can't always wear the same clothes every day"

" Since you two will be buying us some weapons , you can have this " Vivian handed Kate the appraisal glasses " Just use the money we got from the town " " Wait what town ? " Loki smiled and pulled out a pack of bags from his thief's pouch skill .

" I got some wallets in the midst of chaos " Felix and Tally paused and started to shout " You can't just steal from others think of their life and family " " Yeah yeah I took this from the slave merchant are you happy now "

... " Uh well if it comes from someone who makes a living by selling slaves I guess it's fine " Or something like that was said by both of the two students " Here is your share and here is yours " Loki distributed the money to the four buyers and then Axel decided to try a summon .

" Wait what about you what will you do ? " Loki pinched his fingers " I'm gonna scam others to earn some cash "

' Sounds like he is going to the black market ' " Okay I'll erect a barrier now dad " Axel nods and looks at the summoning circle " Wonder what he will summon from that ? " " It seems your foster father intends to use the strongest one " The dragon told them recognizing the spell circle .

Axel starts to mix his mana and process it using magic spells derived from the fireball , water spring or the ones he learned . He made the right one and held it like a wine glass " That is very unique if you use that maybe something extraordinary will come out "

Axel nods and slams the mana on the summoning circle " Ack " Tally was blinded by the lights and the rest blinked to see a man whose sword was stabbed onto him as the sword was released out of his body .

" Hey isn't that sword from the king's treasury ? " " Hmm that sword is known as the sword of the worthy . Last wielded by a hero named Alm " Alm opened his eyes seeing the sword on the ground beside Axel .

" What happened ? " Alm got off from his knee and looked at the summoning circle " Long time no see Alm " " Eudora " Alm looked at the ice dragon and smiles " Hey , how's your husband you're been together since you hatched "

Eudora frowns " He's dead he's probably at the underworld or what you would call it " " I see , then I was a special case " everyone else was not minding Alm's conversation which made him unable to tell there are people watching .

But it was mostly the barrier that directs all of his attention to someone he would pull his attention too . Axel made a cutting motion and Evelyn dispelled the barrier " By the way , you were summoned here like you told me "

" Eh ? " Alm looked at his foot to see himself standing on a complicated summoning circle and behind him was Axel waving his hand " ??? " " He was testing a class he obtained through summoning and by some incredible coincidence he obtained the summoner class"

" Heh ? Really ? " " Question , What is the country you are from before you came here ? " " North country of Dandel " " Good , in what year were you summoned to this world ? " Loki asked one last question .

" Let's say he was summoned in a thousand years ago , He doesn't keep track of time at all " " I've been asleep for a thousand years ? " " So the underworld doesn't exist " Eudora entered her cave looking dejected .

" Now look what you did " Evelyn accused Alm like he committed a serious crime " Wait Eudora I was killed by a death scythe so maybe I'm a special case , Eudora !? " " I'm fine since you say that you're a special case , but I shouldn't keep looking for my husband since he has dead few decades ago after my daughter hatched "

" There there girl you're fine " " Alm I don't need to be comforted I have already moved on . I simply came here to pray for him . " Axel sighed and then turned to the summoning circle he changed it and started to write using the magic language .

" Dad what are you doing ? " Kate saw how complicated the circle was since it now has extra circles " Is this supposed to be a filter ? " Evelyn pointed at the extra circles but Axel shook his head " Are you trying out the monster editing ? "

He nods and his kids went to Loki " Loki can you get all the monster material ? " " Uh sure what do you want Viv " " Just take everything out " Loki threw away everything of monster parts out of the globe .

" Okay pick the parts you want to be in " Axel pointed at Tally and her dragon " You want dragon ? " Axel shook his head and pointed out his fingers crossing them back and forth and then made a heart .

" Oh Pet , you want us to choose for the pet ? " he nods and the rest excitedly took whatever that thought would look good . They first thought of how it would stand " How about two feet " Kate and Loki suggested " Four feet " " maybe both ? " the four looked at Gran and thought of it " Yeah that makes sense "

" But how will it stand ? Like a centaur " " NO ! " the four rejected the idea since it was too strange and probably not for the best to give their new pet an extra body or long neck " Here we just make it so it can stand on two legs and four "

" Okay first feathers of a phoenix " Evelyn took a feather out of the pile " Wait do we only have one ? " " Nah the little pie is gonna grow to it " Kate told Vivian " Horns " " Some flat blade single edged swords "

" Loki , why would you put that ? " " Well we don't really care if it's alive , dead , non-living or undead " " Fair enough " " Oh but what tail should it have ? " Evelyn asked Vivian after her exchange with Loki .

" How about a sword whip " Kate suggested " Too tame , How about a weaponized scorpion tail " " " Any ideas for wings ? " " Leave them out sounds cool but we need an adorable pet "

Axel smiled looking at them having fun together " Axel what are they doing ? " Axel took a part of the firelight spell and a frost spell . He then took out the part that creates the firelight spell's nature of fire which was a part of the spell to create a small compatible gaseous substance for the fire spell and made it into a single support spell .

He used the compatible gas spell on the frost spell and activated it to create a frost fire spell " So they are taking out parts of a monster and putting them together so you can use that spell ? " the slime had also checked the "summoning" circle that Axel was going to use .

" Uh , mister slime can you help me ? " Tally asked since she saw the stats of the slime which had inheritor of ancestors on it " Okay but you are not putting that tamed stats on mine " Kate nabbed a part of the slime to get it on the mix .

" Hey what was that for ? " " Sorry we just couldn't find a slime that is as pure breed as yours " " Hmm well slimes like me have lots of potential or routes of evolution back at the forests were poison slime , healer slime "

Tally paid attention to what the slime had said and Felix also paid attention since the slime has an inheritance from its ancestor it would have much information that would be very valuable to them and possibly to Tally .

Felix on the other hand paid attention while checking his skill tree which was some skill he learned when he had to catch up when he was sick for a whole week . He actually found that his saint class paths were numerous .

The first which was the one he has was just called miracle worker and he has a skill called [ Hope ] the skill cannot be taken out of him .

[ Hope ] - Born from the user who kept praying even when he knew that the results can't be taken away . Can be used to cause miracles depending on how much hope the user puts on his words .

' Why did it feel like the status screen is mocking me ? ' Felix looked for some skills but couldn't find much ' So how does healing work then ? ' Felix thought of a very dangerous idea but since Evelyn has the two attributed book she can heal him when necessary .

But he had to do it in secret , first , he looked for where to poke a clear wound so he got a small knife he was given and cut as minuscule as a paper cut ' Okay now please heal or something ? ' Felix saw the wound close instantly .

' The hell instead of the saint shouldn't it have been a miracle worker or something ? ' " Hey Felix why are you stabbing yourself ? " Felix turned to the slime realizing it has an advantage since it has no eyes at all so he wouldn't be able to tell that the slime was looking at him .

" I was just testing my abilities " " Your abilities makes you look like a monster , that kind of healing is just closing the wound " Felix was attacked by words of truth " I know I was hoping there would be light when I heal the wounds but that seemed excessive and unnecessary . "

He looked at the mercenaries who were thinking of what parts to give their new pet " I'll just go over here and watch what they are doing " Tally was still playing with Blue and listening to the slime's lecture as it continues ignoring Felix .

He came to the group feeling lonely and decided to just look at the status screen ' Huh ? ' since he was a saint and also a miracle worker he can make all sorts of things happen whether does are good or bad .

" Guys help there is a mail icon on my status screen !!! " " Calm down sir it's just a mail icon " Vivian told Felix " Then why do the senders read as god or goddess of etc. ? " " Huh ? " they all were shocked and went to Felix .

" Let us see your status screen " Vivian told Felix " How ? " " Show status " her status screen appeared to everyone " Show status " Felix hastily showed everyone his status and saw the messages .

" What the hell ? " Loki said and looked at Felix " can you at least read them first their not gonna brainwash you at all ? " Evelyn clenched her fist and punched down Felix " DON'T GO SHOUTING LIKE IT'S A BIG DEAL "

Felix was down but manage to say a few words " Y-e-es ma'am " " Well other than that they are giving you some gifts can we use them ? " Gran asked looking at the mails that had a package " Hey maybe you can do some business and ask for their demands and if you satisfy the demand . "

Gran froze and looked away at one " What what is it ? " Felix asked wondering why Gran turned . he looked at the mails to see a bunch of gifts given to him in hopes of their cooperation and saw one .

" Guys can you destroy this ? " he asked holding a gift in a box and the five mercenaries saw the letter " I'll do it " Evelyn took out the two attribute grimoire ' Found it ' Evelyn opened her hands as she conjures a spell .

A dark ball appear in front of her as darkness grabbed the present and consumed it " Done " " What was that ? " Tally asked Felix " Copulation " " Wait you mean like animal mating ? " " Yep that was to stimulate the instinct and the goddess of love gave it to me "

Felix looked at his status screen and accepted the rest of the gifts " So what do I do with these gifts then this is just a present along with an introduction " the five mercenaries looked at the gifts and took them .

" Since you won't have any use for the we can have it is what you mean " Vivian took the bunch of gifts and placed them on the pile of monster parts " We will take this as thanks for saving you from that seducing princess " Loki told Felix so they don't owe him a debt to pay .

" Uh yeah about that thanks " " So now that we have more let's pick up the parts for our new pet " Loki announced as they all started to get the parts . Felix sighs since he can't really deny he was under the charm of the princess which showed that his ability hope can only be used when he is himself .

If he was brainwashed the skill would be nulled since it wasn't him praying " Hey Tally Felix why don't you give us some suggestion " Evelyn shouted " Coming " the two came with the slime there to watch .