
Chapter 2 : Reuniting

Meanwhile , Axel finished his expedition and left to see the slime still beside the cases . He gives it a thumbs up " Thank you " Axel picked up the cases and carried a sack of coins taken from the cave and walk in the direction of the castle .

Then a question hit the slime " Wait if you are fighting with the condition of your time being slower then how are you still not hungry ? " Axel looked at the slime and lights beamed out of his eyes .

Using its inheritance it figured that Axel practices an immortalizing art that prevents him from getting hungry and relying on nothing to live " Oh that's useful " Axel dashed to the next town with the slime slowly getting used to the speed .

" What are we going there for ? " Axel wrote down a note to the slime "information" " Of what ? The summoned heroes ? " Axel gave it a thumbs up .


" Guys we can just make more using magic " Loki took some armor and used magic he just learned " This really is very simple just some melting and molding " he succeeded in making a sword .

" Yo here you go Gran " he looked at the sword and Vivian gave a bow to Kate " You know how to use it so might as well use one " Evelyn took a grimoire and heard a voice " I will give you power and women . "

" Shut up " Evelyn shut the grimoire using some magical chains she conjured " Magic is very easy " the royal family felt rage as a group of kids who had just become teenagers were playing with the treasures obtained throughout their history .

" Guys there is something in this grimoire that looks like it is tempting me " Vivian looked at the grimoire that had a dark glowing crystal on the cover and a white crystal at the back " What is this ? "

"These are the two-face grimoire depending on the cover you read it from it will reflect the darkness or light . " Evelyn turned the paper to see incantations reading it . Darkness flew out of the book as she continues .

" Your friend is losing herself ! " " Evelyn stop reading the noise is too loud " Loki covered his ears like he didn't want to listen to a childish tantrum " I was just testing if it works "

" Guys they're coming " Vivian heard a banging by the door " Tally and Felix stay behind Gran " " What's going on ? " Loki took a small knife and waited near the door" Just wait behind Gran " a ram went through the giant treasure room as Loki moved stabs the eye of the knight in front .

An arrow shot through the opening of the helmet on the knight behind and chains were conjured from Evelyn's hands as Gran turned the ram 90 degrees barricading the door with the chains and Vivian sealed the rest of the entrance using a spider web made from strong and enchanted thread .

" Magic is convenient " some guards tried to get in but were pushed back by the elasticity of the web " What do we do about them " Gran pointed at the royals " I'll take care of them " Loki took a snow globe .

Loki looked at the king's father above the fireplace .

" That must be that king's father " Gran looked around " How do we escape ? " Kate asked the king " The holy flames by the fireplace is where a hidden passage is made "

" Good Loki take this fire to the globe " " Sure thing " Loki finished gathering the treasures and took the white flame and look at the stone wall " Move that is a wall made of magic " Evelyn followed the instructions and dispelled the wall revealing a hallway .

" Oh , great job sis " Vivian looked back " We should block this place too " Gran look at them and took out a grenade " Oh so you have a grenade with you " " Yeah I lock it in my pockets in my sleep " Gran unlocked the grenade .

" Can we add that thing with more firepower ? " Kate asked Evelyn " Sure but you need this guy's help " Vivian pulled Felix to the other side of Gran " What do you want me to do ? " " Bless your powers on the grenade while Eve cast a buff on it "

" I don't know how " Vivian watched as some mages were dispelling the chains and webs " I got them " Kate shot at them interrupting the spells stunning them at the same time " Just pray ! You're a saint , make a miracle or something "

" Uhm okay , please let the grenade explosion become stronger please let it become stronger " Evelyn enchanted the grenade and Loki pulled Tally and Vivian to the tunnel " Okay when I throw this we'll run as fast as we can "

The enchantments were complete and Gran threw the grenade and ran with the rest " Okay that will leave us some air and time . " boom the grenade exploded with the group running into the tunnel .


Axel sighed and dropped the book sitting in the library " Nothing else ? " he nodded and placed it back " Only this was about the history of summoned heroes ... Should I read it to you ? "

Axel shook his head having learned the country's languages . The books have records of heroes summoned and most were bards singing . But one was written with the details of the summoning .

The summoned heroes are brought to this world through a ritual , the kinds of jobs they would be described with depending on their experience . While some jobs are given wrong as the person has multiple abilities .

Axel left to buy the book and went to a small church to use the appraisal " Me first " the slime was accepted as the priest smiled and left the room giving them privacy . Axel sense no eyes or listeners attempting to take a look .

[ Titles - slime ]

" That's it ? " Axel pointed at the pedestal that says "The board will only reveal titles befitting you" " Oh common titles " Axel's turn was next and the slime looked at him very curiously .

[ Title - Mercenary ]

" What ? Where's a mage and those jobs you call sniper , gunner , assassin , swordsman , archer , hacker ? " Axel gave it a look " Fine you did say mercenary is a job where you get paid for something "

They left the church saying goodbye to the priest as he had frowned when they left " That was a close good thing your good jobs weren't revealed " Axel nodded knowing how smart the slime was .

" Anyways are you gonna head into the castle to find your adopted kids ? " Axel nods and looks at pictures they took " They seem like nice kids ... but you do realize they look less than 10 years younger than you ? "

Axel smirked and turned the note " What !? You are older than you look " he nods and looks forward to going to the capital " If you want to reunite can't you just run to their location instead ? "

"They'll be fine they beaten a cyborg armed with machine guns" " They sound really good " Axel looked at the merchant guild and bought a crystal to store his money in " This one is similar to your credit card at your world "

Axel looks at the faces of the merchants who remind him of a manager's attitude to the CEO " Sir what would you like to buy ? " Axel didn't want to buy much but he remembered the books " Oh you want books I see "

The merchants kept an eye on Axel's crystal that dims bright gold and the lady that assists him " How about we buy you that slime it seems expensive " Axel politely holds the lady's hand with two hands and gently places it away shaking his head .

" Oh , you're such a gentleman " Axel looked at a few books but ended up buying a history book " Thank you for shopping with us . "


As the team went through the tunnel Felix starts asking about the five mercenaries " So you guys kill people but are you hired or not ? " Vivian flashed the way with a torch and went back to answer him " We self hire ourselves and no one would find us we follow our morals and expose to the world the dark side of a so great leader . "

Tally looked at her thinking what names they gave themselves " So then what was your team name ? " Kate pulled her bow and let it fly as the fire lighted the way in case of traps " We weren't known as a team but as a phenomenon to the world . "

Gran slashed his sword on a lizard as Evelyn defended the flames it spat " We work individually while we do what we want , sometimes we take their money and pretend to mail the money to ourselves as a salary . "

Felix looked at them with confusion " So you did steal ? " " We stole dirty money made from organ trafficking , dark web , kidnapping not hard earned clean cash from a cashier . " Loki found a string and cut it revealing a hidden door at a dead end of a pathway .

" We also cut off some connections by framing the boss for some dirty work like kidnapping their subordinates and letting them escape . "

' Where did they kidnapped them to that they needed to escape ? ' " Where did you put them through ? " Kate took a look at the effects of the light arrow shot from her magic bow " Nice ... we locked them in a random building and left a recorded call showing their bosses fake betrayal and the police were gonna send them to jail . "

They continued walking down the dark hallway using a torch and a loaded magic bow " Anything ? " Evelyn asked Kate " Not yet at least " " So how was your childhood ? " Felix asked with no harm .

" Well we got was Vivian who was abused , Gran was abandoned by his parents who had a good night in a bad time , Kate was orphaned as she killed her parents who wanted to sell her organs , Evelyn ran from home because her rich parents pushed her away for gender discrimination and I was tricked to go to a foreign country so I trick my parents into a debt of a loan shark . "

Tally karate chopped Felix " Felix you dense idiot ! " " No it's fine we all got our revenge I exposed my family's dirty work , Gran let his parents rot in the slums , Vivian sent hers to the mental asylum and you know the rest . "

" So you're not mad " Felix rubbed his head " No and be quiet you might get yourself hit " Kate stabbed a lizard just beside his head and Felix stutters as he gives his thanks " Oh tha-thank you " " Well we were taken care by our teacher after he found us and taught us "

Evelyn opens the grimoire with two attributes " What kind of masochist would want to spend so long to make a grimoire which would mean something else when you read it the other way ? "

" That person might have been very arrogant or bored . " Tally compared the writer to some protagonist you could find when they traveled to another world . Loki and Vivian made smiled full of interest .

" Hm , I would like to see that protagonist and ruin them as they lost all of their skills " Felix slowed slightly hearing what she just said " If the harem they got started insulting us they would be pouring loaded pullets instead of fanning the flames . "

The rest of the group backed off as the three mercenaries were more terrified than the two students " Why are you three scared too ? " they turned their heads away from Tally and continued their journey to the exit .


Axel finished reading the whole book on the walk to the next town and discovered a lot of things . Like slavery which does not discriminate as anyone with debt becomes a slave, Magic academy , knights academy and underground organizations specialized in assassinating anyone , pretty much similar to the political and power society he is used to .

" So are you gonna do anything about this illegal slave business ? You know like how you ended that business with information back in your world ... and freed the experimental children ? " Axel shook his head and wrote a note .

"They became slaves because of poverty" the slime imitated a nod " Just like those women who went to the red light district at your world huh ? " he nodded and looked at a crowd " Selling slaves come on and buy this exquisite slave "

There was a variety of slaves displayed on a row of carts as the merchant waved his hand and another hand pointing five fingers at the row " We have slaves who can do simple chores up to fighting for your life "

The products have marks on their necks and clean clothes " The treatment for slaves is always good in this world " The merchant eyed Axel and pointed at him " You adventurer would you like to sell you slime it has high intelligence I can give you a good price "

Axel shook his head but still didn't avoid the attention of the crowd " Daddy I want to keep that slime as a pet " a rich noble girl pulled her father's arm and he went to Axel " How much " Axel took off his mask and smiled which made the crowd gasp a little since he emitted the cold aura of a killer .

He shook his head keeping the smile and patted the slime at the same time letting the girl pat it " Uhm Uhm " she was charmed by him and stuttered while touching the slime " I I I " Axel went to the crowd and joined them to watch the slaves .

" Daddy can we get another slime instead ? " shocked by his spoiled girl's change of attitude he maintained his face but not his emotions and spoiled his daughter letting her buy whatever monster the merchant was selling to keep as a pet .

" Are you going to buy some slaves ? " Axel shook his head but paid attention looking at the features of the slaves and comparing them with the book he bought " pointy ears , triangle ears , two different sets of ears and some other monsters "

Axel chuckled hearing the slime calling the elf , beastkin and half beastkin those nicknames " I don't have a good name for them ... how about one brain and no brain " some nearby spectators chuckled hearing the slime giving them nicknames .

" Oh and no ears " Axel looked at a dragonkin fully scaled " Ah this is the dragonkin which is very rare in the slave market ... he can fight very well his body is very resilient " " Two golds " a girl shouted out .

" Anyone bidding higher ? " Axel and the slime looked at the girl and could feel she has special magic " Yeah Axel ... she might be a summoned " Axel put on his mask and left the crowd to leave for the next town .

" Don't you want to ask her help or be allies ? " Axel shook his head and went to the gates " Alert there is a big pack of monsters coming to the town " Axel looked at the gates to see a mob of monsters in a distance .

He dropped his suitcases and took his swords " I'll guard " Axel nodded and ran to the gate looking up to see fast flying birds " Hey newbie stand " Axel jumped on the man in front using his body as a stand to go to the roof of a porch then to the roof of a two-story house .

" Never mind " the man stood up recognizing Axel's skills . Axel gripped the hilts looking at the bird at a reachable distance to him and jumped from the roof and cut its head as the body fell he jumped on the corpse to another bird and stabbed it down and created a shield to stop the momentum on the roof .

" He's good " the summoned teenage girl smiled and shot a flaming spear " Lance protect me when needed " Riana conjured a magic sword and tossed it to him " Yes Riana "

The slime was guarding the locked suitcases when it suddenly opened and a sniper flew to Axel . They saw Axel sheathing his blades on his belt and pointing the sniper forward " Is that a magic weapon ? "

He pinpointed a strong enemy as a twin-headed ogre . His sniper received some magic as he prepared the enchantable bullet and pulled the trigger . The engravings of his sniper glowed from the body to the end of the barrel .

Once the bullet reaches the end it absorbed the magic formations starting with a blank formula lacking mana , a converter , a formation that accumulates the kinetic energy by gathering the from the incoming barrier magic .

The bullet took all the enchantments and in the eyes of Axel , he saw the whole process as the bullet went through leaves and wood and finally hit the armor of the ogre which broke the barrier as the kinetic energy was gathered and converted to mana on a simple fireball spell .


An explosion in the distance comparable to a grenade killed the ogre and the surrounding monsters " What the ? " the slime was scared ' That was the lowest settings ? ' the crowd went silent as clicks broke the silence when Axel reloaded his sniper with another bullet .

" Another ? "

The monster horde continues despite having a sniper on the roof carrying a sniper rifle that shoots bombs that pop when the barrier breaks .


" Gran are you done yet ? " the group waited for Gran to put on his clothes while each wore some fabrics that were very expensive " Yes " he put on a mask and the group went to the teleportation platform .

" Are you sure we won't get separated from this ? " Tally looked at the old-looking platform and Loki took out a mana crystal " Yeah it may be old but the king always does something to make sure he lives "

" Do you even know where this formation is gonna take us ? " Felix looked worried thinking they might end up somewhere far away from people " Maybe to a town that has a teleportation platform ... But most likely the ones that are under attack "

" !?!? What ? That's suicide " Kate took the snow globe containing the royal family and replied " So is staying there and fighting an army of armed men and mages ... Also the guards are still coming through this path "

" Okay Eve let's get out and fight the monster horde "

Evelyn cast a spell and turned the crystal into mana initiating the teleportation spell " Ready for a jump " the platform glowed and a pillar of light appeared and sent them to a town where a big monster horde is coming .

Meanwhile , in the rumble , the guards found the king and his family with the removed slave mark and a note "Sorry we thought you were bad guys when your adopted princess used their charm on us"

" What ? " The family groans and the guards looked at the guards " Oh my goddess , I can't believe we were tricked " the king got up and looked at the rumble " Call the other kingdoms we've been fooled "


" You heard that Felix we're not crazy killers " " But what about that knight and those few people you killed " Loki closed his fingers leaving one out " First off they were bad too that knight taught of giving us hope and destroying it just like the village they raided he raped a woman and killed the survivors to magnify his "reputation" "

" Is that the same thing to those other knights you killed ? " " Yes so Felix we are murderers " Loki took a mouthful of air and exhaled it " Correction we are killers but just not crazy " " Hey we're here " Gran told the group as the light platform dropped them on another platform .


" That sounds familiar " Gran looked for a window to look at but they were underground " What do you mean by that ? " Tally felt the presence of life must be because she had hiked some time in the summer " I think Gran is talking about a bomb "

" I would call it a small compressed amount of dynamite similar to the ones of those labs " Evelyn flick her thumb throwing up a little magic to disintegrate the ceiling and cast a shield as some adventurers fell.

Kate looked at them and went outside " Did you see a guy wearing a mask and holding a long weapon that can shoot explosives ? " " If he says yes then dad might've taken some lessons on magic "

Loki heard a yes and then looked at Kate " Dad is probably here " Evelyn released the shield and made some stairs " Come on Tally you might tame some strong monsters if possible " " What about me ? "

" Stay behind just like me " Vivian took Felix and stood beside the hole they made " I'll go find dad " Evelyn ran up and used her magic to make platforms on the roof to see Axel reloading another bullet on the sniper .

" Found him he's on a roof I'll go to him " Vivian gave her a thumbs up and looked at Felix " Felix just so you know as a saint you can simply pray for something to happen ... but it can't be excessive like make yourself more handsome "

Felix looked at Vivian offended " Why did you phrase it like that ? " " Insulting you is fun " Vivian held magic on her arms and boosted nearby adventurers " Help me and pray for something " Felix started rubbing his palms together with a silent prayer .

' Oh please let us survive this monster horde ' " Thanks young lady " a tall adventurer shouted out to Vivian " You're welcome " Kate , Evelyn and Gran were running on the roof to Axel while Loki was already ahead .

" Hi dad " Axel looked at Loki and gave him a thumbs up " Thanks we killed a few annoying guys and there was a princess who teleported away to a pillar of flames ... Was that you ? " Axel nodded and made a throat-cut motion .

" Thank goodness she was killed Felix had a hard time trying to avoid being charmed " Axel looked at him with confusion " Yeah Felix is still alive and so is Tally there both here summoned together " Loki looked at the sniper that is surrounded by writings matching the engraving .

" You learned magic dad ? " Axel nodded and shot another bullet " Dad you just got more dangerous " Axel narrows his eyes and pointed at Loki " Yeah us too " Loki conjured a red fire and then threw it to the incoming horde .

Axel pointed at the suitcases and Loki looked at them " Oh can we borrow ? " Axel nods and opens his hand to bring out the rifle and bullets giving them to Loki " Oh thanks good thing I learned a homing spell . "

Loki looked at the horde finally entering the town and saw Gran holding two swords , Evelyn wielding magic circles and Kate pulling her arrows . Axel looked at Kate and threw the sniper to her as the wind guided the weapon to her hands .

He sees her waving her hand and gives her a fist to the air and dropped down to join Gran and some adventurers to kill as many as they can " Wow you guys are amazing " Tally was standing beside him as the only one with no combat power .

" Tally come with me there is a dragon and it's angry at something " the dragon was breathing cold fire but thanks to Felix's saint ability no one was hurt and so was the dragon .

" You're right she sounds very angry " a loud roar was heard throughout the town and a small squeal and metal clanging were heard nearby " Hey the dragon " " Get off girl these are not yours " Vivian took a dagger and circled behind the merchant holding his throat up with the flat part of the blade .

" Free the dragon Tally I'll kill him when needed " " STOP STOP ! I'll just take this key and uhm open the cage " the dragon was afraid of Tally " Hey it's okay I'll just unlock this " she reached the dragon's feet and inserts the key into the lock and released the dragon but it was still very young .

" Okay relax I'll carry you to your mother " Tally picked up the shivering dragon and looked at Vivian who knocks out the merchant doing a pistol whip except using a dagger " Let's take this to the dragon and get her help "

" Uhm Felix , you're a saint right can you like bless it with the ability to fly ? " Felix looked at Tally and the dragon and its weak wings " Uhm maybe it needs to fly with better wings instead " the glowed and received a blessing Felix randomly spouted out .

" Oh my god , what happened ? " " Tested your limits " the dragon flew to her mother with her wings glowing " And you failed " the dragon gave her mother a few roars and she made a suppressive aura that forced the monsters to stop .

" What's happening ? " all the adventurers were also affected except for Loki , Gran , Evelyn and Axel while Kate , Vivian , Felix and Tally were too far to be affected " Dad let's go back " Gran told Axel and Loki and Evelyn received the signal giving the two a circle made with touching the tips of the fingers .

They all ran to the others and a dragon landed in front of the four giving Tally a long and contented stare " Uhm uhh ... You're welcome " the baby dragon flew and hugged Tally " Aww you're so cute but you'll become very big when you grow up "

She gave the cold dragon a pat on the head brushing her hair " So silky " the dragon roared a little and Tally took it as thanks " Oh you're welcome " the four arrived with them as Tally and Felix looked at Axel .

" This is your dad ? " Kate nodded and Vivian waved her hand " Hey dad " Axel gave them a nod as Tally compared their ages " But he looks like he is older by some years " " No this is because we have something that slows our time down so anything looks very fast to us "

Kate had to clear up the misunderstanding or the two regular students are gonna think that Axel is more like an older brother " So like a speedster ? " Felix asked looking at them " Pretty sure the speedsters see things slower "

Axel looked at Kate and looked at her clothes " Hey dad where were you ? " Axel pointed at the forest giving her an answer " Ooooh ... but why weren't you with us ? " Axel shrugged his shoulders .

" Uhm hello , Sir Axel " Felix waved his hands looking at him " But how do you guys like get adopted ? " Loki , Gran and Evelyn arrive as the adventurers were away afraid of the dragon so they walked slowly watching them interact with the monster " You wanna know ? "

Evelyn knocked on Felix's head while Gran was staring at the giant ice dragon and Loki was talking with Vivian " Well first he looked like he was 18 or something but for some reason , he never aged and we asked him and he started to show us incredible things "

Tally was interested as she waited for Evelyn to answer . Evelyn took the book she had been using and ripped a page " What are you doing !? " Felix was very shocked to see her tear out a precious page of a grimoire until it was undone .

" He can control time so he made some training which we are using most of the time to train our speed and sense of danger " Evelyn placed the book back on her belt and Tally's eyes beamed .

Axel was looking at the giant dragon without much care " It's big " Gran looked at the dragon in a daze " So he still looks like he is a teenager but he is older ? " Tally wished she had that kind of training tool " And it mostly applies to the soul he teaches us how to do the same . The training just lets us have a reason to go faster . "

" So like what is the reason ? " " If you go too fast or too good it gets harder to train so we made our speed slower by using that kind of training tool " Felix took a while to process what she had said " So you are faster than you actually are ? " the three girls nodded and the slime came to Axel carrying the rest of his equipment .

" Hey , Axel are these your family ? " Axel nodded and the slime looked at them " That looks like a big family you have seven kids and only five have your chronokinesis " " Oh we're not his kids " the two students shocked their hands like they are waving hello but it was like they were in a hurry to deny it " It's a slime " Gran looked at the slime and Vivian looked at the suitcase with it .

" Dad is this slime yours ? " Axel nodded and shook his head and took the suitcase and placed his weapons back as he got them from the two boys " It's like a pudding " Kate touched it and lightly moved her hand to let the slime shake like a pudding .

" You must be Vivian " the slime pointed at Vivian as if it saw through the disguise she made " Your slime is smart " receiving a nod Vivian looked at the suitcase the slime and Axel was carrying ' So dad still has that habit then ... maybe this time was the time where it would be useful '

Loki looked at the slime recalling a few pieces of information ' I remember slime that can talk are very smart it even knew who among us can use chronokinesis ... But is it a friend or foe ' the slime sensed Loki's suspicion and quickly denied " Wait I'm a friend , okay please don't kill me "

Loki's eyes widened ' It's like the slime can read minds but it only started to react after I asked myself whether it is a friend or foe ' Gran stopped admiring the dragon and poked Axel who opened his suitcase and opened a compartment to get a small tablet and some earphones " Thank you "

The slime was curious and looked at the device " Dad where are you gonna go to now ? " Axel looked at Kate and then at the two students " Hey you guys what are you gonna do now ? " Felix and Tally thought of it but it was very hard to think " Not sure I mean it's summer in our world and school isn't open "

Kate sighed and Tally didn't want to go " No ! There are so many adorable monsters here I always hear of the big dragon but this is a cute baby dragon and a slime " Tally hugged the baby on her arm " Felix other than school do you want to go back ? " " Uhm I just want to go back and learn " Evelyn looked at Felix and then at Kate .

" We should probably leave " Loki pointed at the crowd who are coming in their direction " Miss dragon can you take us somewhere remote ? " the dragon nods as the baby dragon leaves Tally and the group received an offer to ride the dragon .

" Come on she's giving us a ride "