
Princesses were crowned: Season 1

The town got more then one queen but how?

Authors_world · ファンタジー
1 Chs



"princess Lia..... princess Lia....."

someone was calling her name constantly while she was busy playing with her toys.


Then she heard a scream. she ran towards the door but before she could reach the it opened and Queen Rozail entered into princess chamber. Her white gown was covered in blood and her crown was broken. Bruses and scars was prominent

"Lia ...."

As soon as she entered the chamber she hold her daughter Lia and started running towards the back door of the chamber.

"Mom.....Mom.....Mom .....what is happening?"

Lia asked when they were sneaking out of the back door. Rozail put her hand on lias mouth so she could not be heard by anyone.

The queen did not respond to her and keep walking towards the garden that lead them out of the Castle.

Lia was unable to understand what was happening. While they were sneaking out a guard saw them.

"Queen is here..... she is trying to run away.... hay come here ....."

Rozail stopped and looked at them but she knew it she want be able to fight them she started to run backward inside the castle. The guards ground her from both sides she didn't know what to do.

"lia.....my princesses I don't have much time left..."she was looking at those guards who was going in each room in the corridor and killing every person there.

"listen to me you have to get out of this castle safe and sound with your sisters and brother. Don't drop these lockets I gave you. Always have them with you. These lockets will protect you from evil and give you strength and wisdom just learn to use them....Okay"

lia was listening carefully and nodded

"okay....now i will distract them and you will go from the front door and take your sisters and brothers away form this castle this much far that nobody will find them. okay ... now go"

"What about you mom?"

she grabbed her hand.....and asked her with teary eyes.

Rozail looked at her. She gave her the worm hug and kissed her forehead.

"mom will be fine....."

She saw the guards getting near and near. She opened the door and pushed lia inside.

"hy ...you bitches.....I am here....come and fight me...."

She call out the guards and run towards the nearest room the guards followed her. Now the hallway was clear for Lia to go out and find her sisters and brothers.

she run towards the front door and took the left turn at the end of the corridor.

She turn and saw her sisters sneaking out of there rooms with the maids. She reached out and asked maid about her brothers.

"where are prince..?"

"Prince are safe and sound in the forbidden forest...they are waiting for you"

maid responded. Lia nodded her head

grabbed her sisters hand and maid took them out of the castle.

While they were leaving...…Lia last time looked at the castle.

"I promise mom....dad..... I will comeback and this place is gonna be ours again these dorsilians will be killed ....each one of them."

she pinched her teeth while saying that.

she turned and followed the maid towards the forest. Soon they were with the prince.

The eldest prince Hishathe The Great was injured. He was attacked by guards.

lia approached him. And gave him the bandage that she was took while running out of the castle.

"Where did you get it?"hishathe asked.

"I grabbed it for mom.....she was injured ....I hope she is alive....."

she started crying while saying it.

"Lia.....Everything will be fine... I know she is okay"

He tried to calm her down but all in vein she started to sob.

"Everything is destroyed ....It all because of me..."

"hy stop it .....it's not your fault"

The prince hugged her and took her face in his hands.

"now look at me...I am your elder brother and those standing there ....they are your young siblings who needs you at the moment .....they have no idea what is going on .....you have to be strong to support them. Are you getting what i am saying...Lia"

After he finished she looked at his siblings who was playing and laughing having no idea about the situation. She understood what her brother was trying to say and stopped crying. she wiped her tears and got control over her emotions.

"yeah i get it...but what next?"

she questioned

"There is a village near by we have to cross it to reach our destination.....after reaching there we will think what to do next"

"hmm okay" she said while nodding her head.


The weather was cold and fresh. The air was filled with the fragrances of different flowers, birds chirping ,the sound of water flowing through the river. This is the sign that you are in Vesan Kingdom.

The Carts entered into the kingdom. Everyone was sleeping expect Princess Lia. She was looking at the lockets her mother gave her last time. They all had different colors and signs printed on it. She put it back into her purse and started looking outside the window.

"You didn't sleep?"

she was surprised by the voice. Prince Hishathe just woke up and asked her. While she was observing the beautiful scenery outside the window.

"oh....yeah i couldn't sleep"

prince nodded his head and garbed her hand.

"I know its hard but where we are going ....we will be able to start again....we will be able to live normal life again...and i promise i will always protect you."

"you are also not alone ....i promise to protect you as well." She replied

"well ...that's fair...." he said while smiling.

"i wanted to tell you something".

"what is it?"he questioned and waited for her to reply .she took a deep breath and the said.

"i saw the broken crown ......in my dreams....."her tear fell from her eyes on her hands. "and .... i saw the same crown in ......mothers ...hand ......and it ....was broken as well.." Her voice became shaky and she couldn't hold back her cry.

"what ...hy stop crying and tell me in detail ...why and what you are saying .....what dream..."

"i can see the future trough my dreams...that's the biggest secret about me...."

"and who else know this? "He questioned in confusion

"mother knew about it but it stop for long time .This happened after a year since my dream became the reality... i told mother but she said its just a normal dream it has nothing to do with the realty ......but it scars me every time i think about it because it is now the truth"

she started to sob again. It was becoming hard for her to control herself.

"hey its okay ...it can happen to anyone.....just relax .....if you are thinking that i didn't knew about it so its not like that i knew it that you had some dreams that became reality...mother told me before the attack...."

he explained

"so i want you to keep it a secret and listen your dream didn't became the reality its something else you need to know about and i will explain it when the right time came but for now just know that this is not your dream it is planned"

"Planned?"She stopped crying and looked qustionabley to her brother who was pouring water in glass.He gave her the glass of water and she drank it quietly.

Writing for the firs time in a forgien language.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


Authors_worldcreators' thoughts