
Princess of Fallen Kingdom

After her kingdom fallen in ruins and she found herself alone in despair, Princess Ravenna Bloodmoon discovers a hidden chamber housing the statue of the first queen of the Lunar Kingdom. Through this encounter, she uncovers her lineage's ancient legacy and the weight of her new destiny. Embracing her role as the sole surviving descendant, Ravenna delves into the depths of ancient magic contained within a mysterious globe. With strong determination, she vows to rebuild her kingdom and restore peace in an era where powerful kings wage war on weaker kingdoms for riches. As she harnesses the ancient knowledge and power passed down through last fragment of first queen, Ravenna sets forth on a quest to challenge the cycle of destruction and bring hope to a world gripped by endless conflict.

Promezus · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 3 - Long Ago

Her platinum white hair caught the soft glow of the globe, shimmering faintly in contrast to the darkness that surrounded her.

Her once serene and regal countenance now reflected a blend of wonder and apprehension. The room's chill penetrated her very bones, evident as she instinctively hugged herself, desperate for warmth in this subterranean chamber.

As she advanced, the coldness seemed to seep deeper, amplifying the sharp contrast between the gentle glow of the globe's light and the icy embrace of the underground surroundings.

Driven by both curiosity and a feeling of fate, Ravenna continued, tracing the illuminated path before her.

After what felt like an eternity of walking in the dark room, Ravenna finally reached the end. The mysterious globe floated above and stopped at a point, casting light down below. Her eyes followed the globe and saw a statue of a lady. The globe hovered above the head of the statue, casting a gentle glow.

The light from the globe shone down on the statue's head, highlighting the complex details of the statue. Ravenna's eyes moved from the top of the statue to the bottom, observing every detail with curious and bewildered face.

The statue was of a lady, standing tall and otherworldly, with a presence that was both fascinating and unsettling.

Her hair, a wild cascade of reddish brown waves, fell down her back and shoulders, contrasting sharply with her pale, alabaster skin. Each strand seemed to catch the dim light, creating a halo around her calm yet intense face.

The lady's eyes were half-closed, showing wisdom and a hint of playfulness. Her brows were delicately arched, and her lips, slightly open, hinted at a mysterious smile. She gave off an aura of ancient knowledge and raw power, making her seem both inviting and dangerous.

Wrapped around her was a snake, its dark, shiny scales gleaming in the light. The snake coiled around her legs, torso, and arms, with its head resting gently on her shoulder, as if they were one. The snake's eyes mirrored the lady's, both shimmering with a shared secret.

As Ravenna admiring the beauty of the statue, it suddenly spoke, "Oh my child."

Ravenna, startled, trembled, stepped back, and collapsed onto the ground. The voice emanating from the statue had utterly shocked her.

"How... how is this possible?" she stammered.

"Did you forget? This is a world of magic. Everything is possible, my dear child," the statue replied.

Ravenna's eyes widened in disbelief. Her heart pounded, and she felt a chill run down her spine. Her mouth opened slightly in shock, and she stared at the statue with a mix of fear and awe.

She rubbed her eyes, trying to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Her breathing became quick and shallow as she struggled to grasp the reality of the situation.

"Do not fear, my dear child," the statue said.

"Who... who are you?" Ravenna's voice trembled, and her hands shook as she lifted them to ask.

The statue began to reveal its story. It was the statue of the first queen of the Lunar Kingdom, the queen who built the kingdom now known as Luna.

Hundreds of years ago, during a time of endless war, the world was engulfed in chaos. Kings fought relentlessly for control over other kingdoms, driven by a thirst for power, land, resources, and riches. Every king seemed eager to expand his territory, and battles were constant.

The era was marked by ceaseless recruitment into armies, with countless lives being ruined every day. Young men and boys were forced to join the military, tearing them away from their families and homes.

The endless fighting led to many innocent deaths. Common people suffered greatly, with mothers losing sons and families being torn apart. The struggle for survival was harsh.

Bread was scarce, and people often fought among themselves for a mere piece. Clean water became a luxury, as many rivers turned into bloody streams, tainted by the endless slaughter.

The sky was perpetually tinged with crimson, a reflection of the violence below. Vultures circled constantly, feasting on the flesh of the fallen soldiers and civilians alike.

In this dark and brutal time, the first queen of the Lunar Kingdom emerged. She was a powerful witch who stood tall against the tide of war. Her power was so great that every kingdom feared her. No one could make her bow, and she united many lands under her flag, forming the Lunar Kingdom.

She was responsible for stopping many wars, even those that did not directly threaten her kingdom. She brought peace and prosperity, ending the era of endless war.

The queen created a secret group called 'The Moon's Shadows'. This group infiltrated many kingdoms to gather vital information. They discovered which kings planned to wage war, the strength of their armies, and their political ambitions.

They also learned how these kings ruled their lands, the peace and prosperity of their people. The Moon's Shadows took on all these responsibilities, with the queen leading them.

Ravenna's heart pounded as she tried to process the incredible tale. The queen had used her magic and intelligence to protect and unite the lands, ensuring peace during a time of great chaos.

Using her magic, the queen preserved a part of her consciousness within the very statue that stood tall in front of Ravenna. This statue was created in her honor but was later moved to a secret underground chamber to protect her conscious mind within it.

The last sole survivor of the Moon's Shadows moved the statue and built the secret chamber. As the statue spoke, it revealed to Ravenna that even the queen's descendants, the following queens, and their children, knew nothing about this chamber. It was protected by a spell cast on the secret chamber.