

There was a young girl named Hyun Ern who had snow-colored skin and beady eyes. Those eyes had foresight in seeing for something that might be happened in the future. Her undesired ability almost made her killing herself because she couldn’t control it. Even people around her threw hate toward her because they thought she was a weird girl. Time went by and Ern turned into a stoat. Mustela Erminea is its Latin name from short-tailed weasel. Erminea is the smallest species in its family. Hyun Ern could turn into a stoat if she got herself injured and bleed. If her wound got treated, she could turn back into human form. But her life changed since she met a jerk but charming guy, Justin. Thanks to his good-looking face and his wealthy parent, he became so famous in school. Hyun Ern fell in love with Justin after his affection melted her heart. Then, Justin tried to solve the riddle of Hyun Ern could turn into a stoat. They both suffered in difficult times to keep their love. Can they keep lasting in hard times solving the riddle?

Yadil1_yadil · ファンタジー
12 Chs


The feeling is frantic. Ern had to look up so the tears wouldn't fall. Then exhale slowly. Locked the door well and kept the key in his backpack. Justin's caramel eye briefly highlighted the keychain in the form of a turtle. If I'm not mistaken, Justin asked. Why does Ern seem to like turtles so much? The key chain for the room is also a turtle. One thing he should note. Ern probably really likes turtles. They walked away from the fence. the road is slick with snow. Meanwhile, the cold air became more pronounced when they arrived at the bus stop. Only the two of them were there. most likely because it was still five in the morning. Justin immediately sat down especially sitting on the edge so he could curl up even against the wall. While Ern was standing in the middle. "You live alone in your house?" Justin asked breaking the silence between them. "no." Ern answered briefly. His little hand lifted to let the snow fall on his skin. Apparently Ern didn't pay attention to Justin who was cold. "soooo cold." Justin's words made Ern look at him. But again Ern's eyes enjoyed the snow. "He's very calm. He doesn't talk much but it makes me want him even more." Justin said in his heart. Justin believes Ern is his last love. That feeling grew when he was different from most of the girls Justin had ever known. Ern is simple but charming as well as elegant. The true love that Justin feels doesn't need to be spoken by lips. Enough of his eyes and attitude that he showed to Ern. telling ern that he loves her will only add to the bad impression. Because he's only known Ern for 2 days. He knew maybe Ern kept some of his memories in detail. May be. Almost 20 minutes waiting for the bus never came. It seems that Ern is getting tired of standing. She stepped back and sat down while smoothing out her skirt and long socks. Ern is still awkward with justin. remember stupidly he fell on top of justin on the sofa. Moreover, yesterday he kissed with justin in the attic of the school. He shook his head in disbelief while stealing the figure of Justin who was still cold. "Who do you live with?" Justin asked suddenly.

"only with my grandmother." Ern's Java was short without daring to look at his interlocutor. "Can you look at me while we chat?" realized that his sentence was wrong, justin immediately corrected it. "I mean you should have seen me while we were chatting. Can you?" "Oh god! Justin realized my attitude. Damn" Ern said in his mind. "I'm just not used to it." Ern said confused after that. "Okay, it's up to you." justin resigned he answered without looking at ern. Bus stop. The two of them got up and got on the bus. Ern who was at the front looking for an empty and comfortable seat to lean on. Could. He occupied the chair which was in the far back corner and he chose to stick to the window. Warm enough. The bus started moving. His eyes stared at the busy road. But unfortunately he felt someone sitting next to him. "Hmm, if this is the case I can't enjoy the atmosphere of sitting in a corner by myself." He cursed angrily. "I should have worn a thicker jacket." Justin! "Don't look at Ern. It will increase your heart rate." His mind said so. Ern tried to relax by looking back out the window. A second later justin leaned on Ern's shoulder just like that. "Please wake me up when you get to school." Ern froze in disbelief. his heart nearly fell out. A touch on his shoulder made his feelings melt. "Calm yourself Ern! Don't let Justin hear your insane heartbeat. Oh my God." Erin thought. He inhaled and exhaled slowly. Make him as comfortable as possible. The wheels of the bus continued to spin past the shops and several tall buildings. The white grains still continue to accompany Ern's journey with Justin. Ern is grateful for justin's existence. he felt his heart calmer now. slightly lessened his thoughts about his ability to predict bad things. Hopefully justin can make the curse on him disappear forever. I don't know what Ern calls it. But it's like a curse. He hates having to feel someone's pain. A bad premonition that makes things happen woefully and unhappily. But on the other hand he is afraid that if justin will get a bad feeling then justin's life... Ern gasped when the bus braked suddenly.

"Oh I'm sorry guys. I almost forgot to stop at your school." Said the fat man in a big voice. Several passengers flocked bonding down. Meanwhile, Ern struggled to wake Justin. "How long are you going to sleep like this. My shoulders are sore." "Oh, it's here." said justin in a half-conscious voice. He got up and walked out of the bus. he wasn't even aware of Ern's existence. "How can he always act like that. Hmm, basic." Ern cursed softly and got out of the bus. Ern walked with a neck motion and massaged his shoulder. A little annoyed. but inside ern's heart is happy. "Is my head that heavy huh?" asked justin chuckling at ern's actions. "You think the journey from the bus stop to school is not long?" asked Ern with an annoyed face. Justin even covered his mouth to hold back a laugh. At least he could see Ern's adorable face at a time like this. "If you want you can repay me for what I did." Justin stopped walking and let Ern walk alone. Then he continued his sentence. "Whenever you want." Hearing those words Ern shook her head and smiled. justin saw it from behind. "I'm sure he's smiling by now." he said proudly. … School hours arrived early considering there were not too many lessons today. Justin immediately went to Ern's seat. "You didn't forget that I was going to your house?" Justin asked enthusiastically. "Of course I didn't forget." "good." The two of them walked mingle with the bustling other class children who had also ended today's lesson. they walked through the field. The two of them were equally silent. tired because today's lesson is difficult. For a while they passed by spoiled girls. Ern noticed their gazes. hate and upset. those who were interested in justin looked at Ern's eyes cynically. "The world has turned upside down, hasn't it? Witches walk with handsome men." One of the leaders of the spoiled gang spoke and his friends laughed mockingly at Ern. "Don't think about them." said justin casually but he glanced at the girls with overflowing feelings.