
Charging you

Alexander removed his hand from Benjamin's embrace and proceeded to the playing field in order to retrieve the ball.

"Please demonstrate to me a real thrill; I don't want to see any magic tricks or pure luck!" The head coach was making a reference to a previous occurrence.

While the coach was talking, Benjamin wore a frown. However, he couldn't hold it against him because what had occurred earlier with the ball was such a miracle that not even he could believe it.

"Who among you is interested in making a wager? a bargain at one hundred dollars for one thousand dollars!" Dylan yelled. Everyone who was playing on the field gave a frustrated sigh, realizing that Alexander would not be able to get the ball into the goal.

"Count me in, a hundred dollars for a thousand dollars!" they exclaimed. It was Nerissa who was making the call.

Her challenge caught everyone off guard, and they were all surprised by it. Dylan was taken aback but knew he could safely joke about it because he was confident that no one would shoot his bet. His initial expression of surprise was quickly replaced by a grin, however. He gives you a sly grin and asks, "You seem to be a new student. Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm certain. Why? Are you going to withdraw?" In response, Nerissa threw the hundred-dollar bill at her friend. She said to Alexander, who was staring at her, "Just give me a second," as she walked over to him. Alexander was staring at her.

"What on earth do you believe you're going to accomplish by doing that?" Alexander mumbled something in apparent shock. He was utterly taken aback when Nerissa placed a wager on him.

"I can't survive without his assistance because my allowance isn't enough... Listen to me. I can give you a slight boost in strength, but to maintain control over it, you need to focus your attention." Nerissa muttered.

Alexander walked over to the ball and said something to the effect of, "I told you not to include me in your novel," as he kicked the ball.

"Just take my hand, and there won't be any compromises we need to make... Will I? If you don't do well, I'll have to give up my allowance." Nerissa snatched Alexander's hand and spoke to him as she did so.

"It's totally fine. Take all the time you need to pray! As Dylan and the rest of the group watched the two, everyone in the group shared a hearty laugh.

Nerissa murmured the word "Charge" under her breath.

Alexander's attention was drawn to what appeared to be fire from Nerissa's hand and crawling from his hand to his entire body. As a result, Alexander could no longer hear the noises occurring in the surrounding area.

As Nerissa released Alexander's hand, she said, "Remember to concentrate," and then she smiled.

He yelled, "Is it possible for us to change the wager?"

"If Alexander cannot get the ball into the net, but it travels further, do I still have a chance to win?" Nerissa put the question to Dylan. She had a strong feeling that Ethan wouldn't be able to keep his strength under control despite his efforts.

"Hahaha, sure, I'll double your thousand dollars if his ball lands outside the school gate!" "Hahaha, sure, I'll double your thousand dollars!" Dylan gave an arrogant response.

"Alexander, have you been listening to him? I really could use that money, so please keep your focus on the door!" Nerissa remarked as she remained stationary at the perimeter of the field.

Alexander let out a sigh as he was taken aback. In addition, as Neri explained, he focused all of his efforts on... Alexander could still feel the fire permeating his entire body, so he attempted to gather some of it and put it on his foot. (I wish I had some clue as to what I'm doing...)

After taking a few strenuous breaths, he turned around to face the entrance gate. Alexander murmured to himself as he vigorously kicked the ball and said, "Let's put my so-called power to the test."

The ball flew by, entering the net, but the net did not slow down the ball's forward momentum, and it continued to fly quickly until it reached the closed gate and spun around.

Nobody who witnessed it could believe what they were looking at at the time. As the ball continued to spin, it wore a hole in the gate, which allowed it to escape through the opening.

"Wow !! That's my little one!! That's the kind of excitement I've been craving!" The trainer began the process of recovering from the shock by embracing Alexander very tightly.

Meanwhile, Benjamin dashed over to his friend and was cheering him on as the witnesses continued to stand there looking dumbfounded at the gate. Several players on the team made a break for it in order to retrieve the ball.

"Ouch!!! What the devil could have caused that?" It was a bad idea for him to take the ball because when he touched it, it appeared to be engulfed in flames.

"You! Who took my two thousand dollars, and where did they go?" Nerissa inquired about Dylan, who was not yet back to normal after everything that had happened.

"You're in big trouble!" Dylan snapped back angrily and then left the playing field.

"Hold it right there!" Nerissa made an attempt to prevent Dylan from continuing by grabbing his hand. Still, he simply walked away and shook her hand instead.

Dylan was forced to kneel on the field after Nerissa angrily grabbed and twisted his hand.

"You have the gall to propose a wager on this matter! So when you lose, you just give up and walk away, right? And I've already given you the money I owed you!" As she extracted the wallet from Dylan's rear pocket, Nerissa couldn't help but crack a wry smile. She couldn't help but crack a grin when she saw how stuffed the wallet was.

"Did you hear when he said how much he'd give if I won, Sir?" "Did you hear how much he'd give if I won?" Nerissa approached the coach with her question.

Their coach responded while writing on a piece of paper, "He will double the thousand dollars."

Nerissa muttered to herself as she counted the cash in her hand, "Well, I'll get my $2,000." After that, she gave Dylan the wallet and talked to Alexander and Benjamin. "Get the hell out of here, you two scumbags! Goodbye, coach; I'll bring your food to your room when I get there. "As Nerissa led the two of them away from the field, she beamed with delight.

"Okay, guys, it's time to get the field ready for practice because it will start tomorrow. Check to see if the new member's name has been posted on the bulletin board." An announcement was made just prior to the departure of the coach.

"Dylan, how are you feeling?" "Are you okay?" His teammates expressed their curiosity.

One of the participants exclaimed as he held up the ball, "Look at these balls; they're still hot from his kick. That's how powerful Alexander is!"

Alexander was the only one who couldn't shake the shock out of all the witnesses. While they were making their way to the canteen, he asked Nerissa, "What did you do?"

"Can we talk about it in front of this man, or is that inappropriate?" Nerissa sneered at Benjamin.

"Don't be concerned. Benjamin is one of my closest friends!" Alexander spoke up.

"Yes, I am the one and only person he considers to be his best friend!" Benjamin concurs.

As Nerissa approached the counter to place her order, she remarked. "All right, I'll tell you everything, but let's order first," before proceeding to place her order. Benjamin quickly followed, and while he was doing so, he pointed out almost all of his preferred foods. In the meantime, Alexander looks around for an appropriate table.

Before approaching Nerissa with questions, Alexander waited for her to finish her meal first. Only then did he approach her.


"Perhaps the people who brought you up told you that you are not a biological child of theirs?" Nerissa asked her question with some trepidation.

Alexander responded while taking a sip from his beverage, "No, they didn't keep that from me, but they didn't tell me where they got me."

Nerissa responded that "they don't know where you're from."