
You're Mad

Aster with Emilios in tow left the depths of the hells returning to the mortal realm, normally a person living or dead would have much trouble trying to leave Hades unless they had permission by either the fates or the king of the underworld himself.

Hades watched Aster excitedly make their way out dragging the mostly unconscious mortal behind them, Persephone laid her head on his shoulder, "Dear.. why did you let him.. a pact breaker leave? You have the right to condem him.. you should have.. you heard the poison he spat at our son."

"Belive me.. I wanted to tear him to shreds.. but.. another part of me wanted to see our son's choices."

"Aster seemed interested in Zagreus.." Persephone added.

"So it would seem.. I have always had a nice relationship with Hermes so perhaps this is fate that his child should fall for our son." Hades commented.




After a few hours of flight Aster still obscured by their divine visage slipped back into Duke Varathyn's manor tossing the lulled man across the room, "You are back, make the most of your last year of life.. unless you can make the Prince love you again.. I'll be around so don't try anything funny." Aster said before vanishing in a flash of light.

Scrambling to his feet Emilios started hyperventilating before eventually calming himself, "Just gotta make Zagreus feel live for me... that shouldn't be too hard.. "

Emilios getting to his feet and fixing his cloths he left his study only to be set upon by many guards, "Sir! Your back! Are you okay?" The head guard said.

Emilios looking a bit disheveled, "Yes... I'm fine... summon my son at once."

"Of course!" The guards said in unison.

As I toss the wedding ring of the maid I had just murdered a few hours ago up in the air as I lay down on my bed contemplating my life and those around me, suddenly a knock comes to my door and a voice, "Young master this is head guard Andreas, your father the grand duke requests your audience."

"He's back? Hmmm i might as well see what he wants.." Grasping the wedding ring i stand up, I straighten my cloths and leave my room nonchalantly walking past the many guards with an indifferent expression.

"Does he not care his father was missing?" One of the guards mumbled.

"They must have had a fight or something." Another guard said quietly.

"Silence!" Andreas ordered. His words shut the other up. Despite hearing everything I continued as if I didn't.

Soon we reached my father's study, I was half expecting another half dressed maid to come running out, anger welled up inside me just thinking of that slut's face with my prick of a father..

Entering the study without knocking or asking permission to enter caused many of the guards to look nervous, before entering i turned to them, "You have done your given duty.. now return to your posts."

Andreas nodded as I entered the dimly lit room for the second time today.

"What have you to say Grand Duke?" I spat

Frowning my father walked up to me his eyes were red and sullen he looked frantic, perhaps crazed almost. "MY SON.. my son.. you.. you.. know.. I love you.. right my son!?" As he gripped my shoulders.

However I removed his hands, "You must be joking.. you don't have a son anymore.. remember your words this morning?"

"Please my so... please Zagreus I'll give you whatever you want.. give me another chance!" Emilios said frantically.

Stepping back, "How dare.. did you give mother a second chance? Why would I.. you're mad.." anger building.

I could feel my flames building, bubbling up the magic within me wailing trying to burst free.. taking a deep breath trying to calm myself..



"Zagreus please... I'll do anything.." he pleaded seeing my anger.

"Anything huh?" Cocking my head to the side.

"Yes.." he muttered.

"Hand over your position of Duke to me and I will think about giving you a second chance." As a chilled aura filled the room.

Emilios's face dropped, after a moment of silence he nodded, "If... if that's what it.. will take... then I will in a few weeks..."

"No.. now." I cut him off.

"But I need the kings.. permission to hand over the title of Grand Duke.."

"You want forgiveness right? Then hand your statongue over now.. send word to the throne..ah I almost forgot.." I toss him the maid's ring.

"What is thi..." a light of recognition glows on Emilios's face.

"Why do you have this?" He asks

"So you do recognize it.. unfortunate.. well you can go ask the pile of dust out in the bins if she wants her ring back."

"Wha.. did you do Zagreus!?" Emilios billows.

"Watch your tone.. I killed her, turned her to ash, you two had a lot in common.. she was cheating on her partner with you.. and you were cheating on mother with that.. slut." I said emotionlessly.

I continued, "Next time you choose to put your unfaithful prick into someone... let's just say I am not adverse enough to remove it from you. I only dare not make a move now, because this morning Stellantine asked me to tell you that she loved her daddy.. you have until the end of today to send word to the throne.. before I take mother, sister away with me leaving you to suffer whatever fate you are trying to avoid.. dearest father. "

Emilios was lost for words, he opened his mouth then closed it over and over again until he simply nodded.

"I.. will send word.. to the throne.. of my... decision to name you as Duke...at once.." Emilios looked defeated.

Nodding, "Send in Bertrand on your way out." I said moving towards his chair.

Emilios said nothing more he silently left, a moment later Bertrand entered the room and seemed shocked to see me clasping my hands sat behind my father's desk.

"Lost for words Bertrand?" I said making eye contact.

"You shouldn't sit there young master..." he said frowning.

"I shouldn't sit at my desk?" I said smirking.

Before he could speak i continued, "By days end my 'father' will name me Duke, he is sending word to the throne as we speak. Retrieve some maids and clean this study of all the former duke's stench."

Bertrand still shocked unconsciously nodded, "At.. once.." Bertrand turned to leave.

"Bertrand.. send for Duke Llyne bring him to the library, Oh.. and keep this detail of my new position a secret until it is revealed."

"Of course young master..or should I say just Master?" He asked.

"Whatever suits you." I shrugged as we left my study.

I made my way to the library, stopping a maid ordering her to make some tea and bring it to the library for myself and a guest.

As I walked I felt as if I was being watched and for a brief moment I could feel a surge of.. pride.. until it faded.

"Strange..." I muttered under my breathe.