
Sparks of hope and...

Trystanne pours two glasses of wine and sits in a chair, gesturing for Doran to sit down as well.

"Has there been any news from your mother?"

"No, the last we heard was that they arrived in Walano and met with a relative of the Prince of the island."

"She didn't mention anything about pirate activity in the letter."

"No, she did not." Doran raises an eyebrow, curious about what his father is trying to say.

The Morning Sword doesn't say anything for a few minutes, he just looks at his glass as if the wine was going to give him all the answers.

"Nine Eyes is in Myr, Xhobar Qhoqua and Alequo Adarys are in Tyrosh, Samarro Saan is in Lys. The Old Mother is in the far east, Spotted Tom and Derrick Fossoway have been seen near the Disputed Lands. The only members of this cursed alliance whose location we have not confirmed are Liomond Lashare and Maelys Blackfyre."

"Grandmother suspects that Lashare and Blackfyre are with Daemon Blackfyre, or on their way to meet him."

"That's good, very good."

"Eh?" Doran looks at his father confused for a few moments, before realizing what he is thinking. "Maelys and Daemon have a bad relationship, we have several reports that confirm it."

"Exactly, from what we know those two are like oil and water, and together they are as volatile as wildfire."

"If we can get that wildfire to ignite, we will get rid of the Blackfyre problem!"

Trystanne chuckles at his son's enthusiasm.

"That would be a miracle, Doran. What it will do is weaken them and buy us more time."

"Why did you mention mother, what does she have to do with this?"

"Not much, just a man worrying about his beloved." Doran sees the sparkle in his father's eyes and knows there is more but he doesn't want to tell him.

`Or rather he wants me to find out for myself.`

His family has started doing this recently, saying half things without clarifying the meaning, giving him only little hints that tell him there's always something more. They point him to the tip of the iceberg without telling him explicitly that there is a submerged part, they just imply that that part exists. They do it to encourage him to discover the truth on his own, to force him to think and reflect on issues that he would otherwise ignore.

It is a teaching method that is working very well.

"How are the preparations for the trial going?" Trystanne changes the subject and turns the conversation in another direction.

Father and son spend a few hours catching up, something they hardly have time to do these days. They talk about the political plots surrounding Sunspear, their plans for the future, what they've been up to on a day-to-day basis, and more.

Doran returns to Sunspear in the middle of the afternoon. His mood is much brighter than when he left home this morning, the conversation with his father calmed him down and gave him hope.

`We are not as screwed as I thought and my grandmother knew it.` He thinks with good humor. Now it makes sense because his grandparents weren't as alarmed as they should be by the news of the Blackfyre's movements.

At noon Doran ate with his father and several veteran soldiers from various wars, as expected all the topics of conversation were related to the war. The prince remembered something very important.

Conquering territory is not the same as mastering it.

The Band have conquered the Disputed Lands but maintaining control over that vast territory will not be easy, and that gives Doran and his family endless options.

("I you find yourself in a fair war, then you know your strategy and tactics are deficient.") Said Arron Martell during one of his lessons.

"My prince!" A servant runs up to him as he steps into the elevator. Doran holds the door of the elevator and waits for the servant to reach him.

"You have received a letter from Princess Rhaella, my prince." The servant says without stopping to catch his breath.

"Rhaella?" Doran visibly perks up. "Where is it?"

"Your grandmother has it, my prince."

"Thanks." The prince smiles brightly at the servant and pushes the button to his grandmother's floor. At this time the princess must be working in her solar.

Humming softly to himself, Doran knocks on the solar door.

"Come in." His grandmother looks up from her paperwork and looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I have been told that a letter has arrived."

"Ah, hence the good mood." The princess looks at him with an amused smile and she can't help but tease him a bit. "It's a letter from your friend Tywin."

"Tywin?" Doran's expression visibly falls. "But they told me it was from Rhaella."

"It's a letter from King's Landing, the servant who informed you would have assumed it was from Rhaella." She shrugs and takes the letter from a drawer in her desk.

"Oh." Doran slumps and picks up the letter.

Recognizing Rhaella's handwriting he exclaims:

"It's Rhaella's! You tricked me!"

The princess laughs at the indignant look of her grandson`s face.

"I couldn't help it, your reactions are most entertaining."

"Yes, yes." Doran pouts and proceeds to leave the room.

"Won't you tell me what it is? I miss Rhaella too." The princess's voice contains mockery and amusement.

"No." Doran sticks out his tongue at her before leaving the solar.

The princess chuckles and shakes her head.

"He is still a child."


|My dearest Doran,

I am so glad to hear that you have arrived home safely. When I heard that those evil pirates were stalking the route of your fleet, I was terribly scared, I prayed to the gods for your good fortune and I am eternally grateful to them for their kindness.

I must say the news of the treacherous actions of the Yronwoods does not surprise me as much as it should. During the last generations they proved how treacherous and vile they are. The only thing that still amazes me is the decision of our ancestors to forgive them over and over again. I am in favor of second chances, but third and fourth... I won't say something that might sound hostile or offensive but I hope with all my heart that Grandmama is decisive with her verdict. Knowing her, she is already making a dozen plans.

Here in Kings Landing nothing remotely as exciting has happened, the news that has the court excited and chattering up to the elbows is the engagement of my brother Aerys. After much consideration my father arranged a betrothal with Lord Velaryon, his daughter, Lady Aerea Velaryon, will marry my brother shortly. The wedding date has not yet been announced but our families have already started the preparations. I must confess that this announcement relieved me tremendously for reasons that I'm sure you can already guess.

My relationship with Aerys has always been turbulent, neutral on a good day and- I won't go on about something you already know. Every time I meet him around the castle I can't help but envy you, you don't know how lucky you are to have such wonderful siblings.

I may not have wonderful siblings to spoil but now I have an adorable cousin. Alysa is such a lovely child, every time she smiles at me and calls me "Ellie" I feel my day brighten and worries vanish like clouds on a clear day. But I also feel very nostalgic, because I can't help but remember my little suns. Oh, Doran, how I miss Elia, Oberyn, and Olyvvar. Mors too, I hope his adventures in the South Seas are fruitful and fun.

Don't pout, my dear, I miss you too- I miss our conversations under the moonlight and stars, the picnics and walks on the beach.

Kings Landing no longer feels like home, I find myself missing the Dornish sun, orange sands and busy bazaars more and more with each passing day.

I'd like to keep writing, there's so much left to say, but I've already taken up two sheets of parchment and I'm afraid the poor raven won't be able to carry the letter if I keep adding more.

I hope my words to you have brightened your day a bit. Please tell your family I send my warmest wishes and that I hope we see each other again soon.

With all my love,

Rhaella |

Doran smiles softly and runs a hand over Rhaella's name.

Despite its length, her letter seemed so short that he reread it several times, each time he could almost hear Rhaella's voice speaking directly to him. He hears the softness and longing in her voice when she talks about the children, and how much she misses Sunspear. Her irritation and annoyance when she talks about Aerys, and relief when talking about the engagement.

The prince takes a sheet of parchment and begins to write his answer.


NOTE: I promised more Rhaella/Doran moments, since I can't justify them being in the same location at this point in the story. I hope the letters will do.

"Absence is to love

what wind is to fire;

it extinguish the small

it inflames the great"

PS: Can you finish the title? Sparks of hope and (insert word you think it is)

If you get it right I might answer a question about future events in the story