
Chapter 8

“Excuse me,” he mumbled.

From there he continued walking, pretending to stop and listen to a local songwriter strumming his guitar while he kept his furtive gaze on the guy he found so interesting. From there he ambled on over tothe street artist who was sketching on his pad and subtly looked from the pad back to the guy he was curious about. While staring at him, he almost ran into a couple of old men playing chess.

“Sorry,” he said, keeping an eye on the guy sitting up close to the building.

Fate knew the dark stranger must be homeless, but wasn’t sure since he hadn’t seen him here before. But he did look hungry, and that tore at Fate’s heart, causing him edge closer to him. When the guy turned and looked at him, Fate’s heart did somersault. God, what a hottie! Their eyes seemed to fuse, and before he knew what was happening, Fate wasn’t edging anymore, but had begun walking over to him, and smelling what he thought was sulfur.