
Prince Not-So-Charming of the Alternate Universe

(BOYS' LOVE) When Tai Yang, a young, handsome yet introverted scientist gets hauled into one of the alternate Universes (by a dog-eared man claiming that staying on Earth would kill him), four things become especially clear. One: his black belt in karate is useless against the strange, magical, anime-looking spells of the alternate world. Two: he needs to stop getting lured into human birdcages even if there is 4-ply toilet paper in them. Three, Prince Li Jun is an asshole on Earth and in the alternate universe too! Desperately trying to return to his world, Tai Yang manages to escape several times. The problem? He keeps bringing the annoying Prince back to Earth with him where another Li Jun already exists! And after a while, it seems Prince Li Jun has gotten too fond of having him as a personal bird-cage advisor to let him escape to Earth easily, making Tai Yang's life even harder. But his behavior starts to change; why? Is Li Jun really only keeping him around for relationship advice? Or does the late-night sight-seeing, and attempts to make him immortal mean something? What do the close proximities, hand-holding, and stares mean? The fourth thing that becomes clear to Tai Yang is that he has to disappear before he actually falls for that narcissistic Prince who seems to have no intention of catching him. ...Or does he? Join Tai Yang to find out!

Zara_Descartes · LGBT+
163 Chs

Starting To Think a Little.

'What's with those wide eyes?' Li Jun wondered, and a frown began to overtake his features.

Tai Yang looked away.

"Do stay safe, and let us know if you're planning to go anywhere. If you were attacked once, you could certainly be targeted a second time. It seems that those mercenaries were sent by someone, so really, we'd much prefer if we could have you in a safe house. Though, I don't think your personality would handle that much unfamiliarity around you. Don't worry, we're watching out for you. Have a good evening, Tai Yang."

The man ended the call.

'Watching out for me? In other words, they're WATCHING ME. But why?' Tai Yang clenched his fist around his phone.

'It could also mean that they have been in here, and this apartment could be ridden with cameras and microphones.' He slowly stood up and started to look under the furniture.