

Peaceful and Quiet, it's the normal scene on the streets Seoul South Korea. However, today is different.

Police officers, soldiers, reporters, students and civilians are gathered in a small shopping street in the outskirts of Seoul. The reason is an enormous box. Two meters in height and a meter in length, it is so big that it could fit a person inside.

What's more outstanding is the metal the box is made of. The soldiers and police officers had tried to remove the box by using waepons countless times but their effort is wasted. They also tried to move the box with a big fighter tank but it didn't even bulge a bit.

"Hello citizens of South Korea, here we are standing next to the mysterious box..." Reporters are busy filming the box who appeared two days ago without anyone seeing the culprit.

Not only them but the students are even more curious about the box. Some predicted that the box came from another dimension or even brought by aliens. Of course, not a single of them is true since the Nasa would report if there are spaceships near the earth.

This thing made the President of the country nearly go crazy. He had spent many hours telling all the people of the country not to spread the matter around the globe. It will only bring disaster to them.

"CEO, why are we here?" Asked a secretary who had been standing for a long time. She is clueless about the agenda of her CEO by simply waiting here. "If something's inside that box, make sure to rush forward. We may benefit from it."

At this moment, the crowd became silence not because of the statement of the CEO but the sudden arrival of a limousine. The limousine looked grand while traveling on the road filled with people.

The reporters rushed near the limousine and started reporting. "This limousine next to me is the private car of the youngest CEO of Glory World Company who ranked first in Korea and also the thirteenth wealthiest company around the world! Could it be that CEO Han is also interested? "

Two figures came out of the car that pulled the attention of the crowd. The other one is wearing formal clothes and has exceptionally good body. However, he is not the person the crowd is looking to.

It was the person next to him who wears informal clothes. Those are ripped jeans and just a piece or neat white shirt. This is the signature attire of the CEO of the biggest company in South Korea, Han Moon Bin.

Han Moon Bin is a twenty year old CEO. Despite wearing normal clothes, he is on of the strictest and most intelligent CEO in the world. Being twenty made him even more special! Countless Modelling agencies had set their eyes on him but he accepted none.

Knowned as the Ice Devil, he never involved himself in such matters and also inexperienced when it comes to relationship. Despite talking to people casually, he values position more than anyone would do!

The reason he came here is not because of the box but he is here to do a transaction with an important person. It just happened that the mysterious box appeared coincidentally.

The two of them walked straightly into the crowd without sparing the box a glance. This made the people realize that they came not because of the box.

Soon, the two disappeared all attention fell upon the box again.

Meanwhile, after ten minutes of walking, the two soon came into the house. The person who asked for a collaboration is a mysterious one but powerful. Hence, they won't even complain even if they walk a mile just to find the house.

The person instructed them to just walk straight into the house. CEO Han isn't scared as his secretary at the same time bodyguard is near him. He opened the door without hesitation.

As soon as he opened the door, the box in the street gave off a loud sound scaring all people around it. "It's going to open!" All of them shouted as the box slowly opened.

It slowly revealed another box. But this time, it's made of glass. The outer box finally dropped on the ground with a heavy sound and revealed a box with a person inside.


The crowd gasped at the sudden sight. The reporters are currently broadcasting. Hence, every people who are viewing the television could see the person inside the box.

The person is standing and is unbothered. His eyes are closed but the overall appearance of the person is out of ordinary.

The person had pale skin akin to snow and his silk like hair covering a portion of his face. However, they could clearly see his sharp features like his jawline that seemed to be able to cut a steel.

He was standing so everyone could see his outstanding height just by staring at him. His head nearly reached the top lid of the box.

Slowly, his eyes opened revealing a grand sight. His eyes were like black dazzling orbs. They gave off mighty and mysterious aura that catched their attention. Everyone concluded, " This person isn't a human! He's a robot with a perfect appearance carved by the gods!"

The person inside the box tilted his head. He could hear them talking and also understands them but he felt strange. Why is his memories blurry? Do this talking creatures infront of him also humans?

A student couldn't wait and rushed forward to stick her palm on the glass. This made the person inside really curious. As he remembered vaguely, he never touched another person except for that individual who sent him.

He also touched the glass like trying to feel the palm of the student. This made them move amazed by his movements. He doesn't speak and is curiously observing everyone's movements, he simply looks like a robot!

It was at this moment that the two reached a table wherw the transaction is supposed to be. However, they just found a piece of paper on the table.

CEO Han took the paper and read it out loud since he can speak english. "The box outside, touch it and the transaction will be done."

This made the two rushed outside the house to the box. The transaction is simple but also a top notch one. The person told them that if the transaction is complete, the person will transfer amount twice the yearly income of the company.

Once they arrived at the street, the bodyguard told them to move away. The person inside the box was shocked. He looked at the place where the two is standing. He suddenly remembered someone in his mind.
