
Primordial Whisper

Forced to become an exorcist, Choolwe has to make ghosts part of her life all with the help of her new friends.

Demenssion_8888 · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Book 2: Dante's Manner

"From your curves I take it you must be Master Dante's final guest. Allow me to introduce myself...", " No thanks I'm leaving, this place's haunted. I don't do haunted places, I watch horror movies not star in them... Sooo yeah, I'm out piece sucker", Choolwe said to the battler before walking away.

" Master Dante, gets very impatient when he's guests are late.

*Snap fingers*

Maids! Drag that beautiful body back here and get her ready for dinner", the battler said as he looked at these pocket watch, before four maids rushed out of the house and tackled Choolwe to the ground like a runaway pig.

Choolwe was put in a straitjacket and forced to rest in a sarcophagus liking box. It had an opening where her face was left to veiw the world around her. Upon close observation Choolwe realized that she had been put inside a giant Russian doll.

The maid took Choolwe to a a dinner table that had other giant Russian dolls with people inside of them. Choolwe couldn't believe what she was seeing, "if this is some kind of sick joke, I'M NOT LAUGHING!!", " Pipe down new neighbor I'm tryna get some sleep. You've already pissed off the head boss man, the least you could do is just wait for that rich to return.

Word of extreme caution, he's a really creepy guy, I personally think he's got some screws lose. So try not to get him angry he might just murder you", a males voice came from the doll on the left.

"All remain silent, for Lord Dante has arrived", the buttler said and the first thought that can Choolwe had was a depiction of a slothful glutton, with little to no hair one he's head with lustful grin to match he's soul piercing eyes. But what she saw was someone completely opposite to her depiction.