
Primordial Slayer

Itsuki Uragiri, a reserved high school student, leads a solitary life, finding solace in the company of his mischievous sister, Tsumi. Their world turns upside down when Miharu Seiriki, a mysterious transfer student, enters their lives, claiming to be a Dark Primordial seeking Itsuki's assistance. Itsuki has doubts and uncertainties but eventually agrees to assist Miharu, setting in motion a chain of events that will test his limits and unveil hidden abilities within him. Itsuki embarks on a journey that transcends ordinary existence, venturing into a realm where creation and destruction collide.

Antivoid · ファンタジー
3 Chs


I found myself suspended in a boundless void, engulfed by unfathomable darkness stretching endlessly in all directions.

Its emptiness was all-consuming, devoid of any flicker of light or sound. It felt as though I had been swallowed by an abyss, a desolate expanse where the very concept of "nothingness" held no meaning.

Within this void, colossal bubbles scattered throughout, each containing a unique cosmology that resonated with grandeur beyond imagination. Though they appeared distant and inaccessible, their sheer magnitude permeated my being, stirring a sense of awe within me.

The weight of isolation pressed upon me, intensifying the tyrannical silence. I had transcended the cosmological realm and beyond, transforming into a ghost-like entity freed from the restraints of cosmological laws. I had ascended beyond the confines of space and time, transcending even the boundless spectrum of infinity itself.

Yet, before this transcendence, I existed in a vastly different form. Once, I wielded unimaginable power, reigning supreme over gods and demons alike. My heart burned with an unquenchable thirst for revenge against the Dark Primordials. The Dark Primordials stood as formidable rivals, beings equal in might to my own.

Forged from the very essence of creation and destruction, Primordials possessed powers surpassing hundreds of gods and demons combined. Each Primordial's power is tethered to multiple specific elements. Our paths intertwined, locked in an everlasting struggle, an unyielding pursuit of power and vengeance.

Gods held sway over various concepts, shaping reality according to their will. Demons, on the other hand, held the power to harm and corrupt these concepts. The gods, while omnipotent within their domains, were limited in their influence beyond them, while the demons thrived on spreading chaos and disrupting the order of things.

However, long before I ascended to such great heights, I was nothing more than an introverted and friendless human. I lived a reclusive life, a stranger within society's embrace.

It was not that I possessed overtly unpleasant traits; rather, an aura of disinterest seemed to emanate from me. I found no delight in the ordinary pursuits that fascinated others, and the bonds of social connection eluded me, leaving me to travel life's labyrinth alone.

Amid this desolation, one ray of light pierced through — the presence of my sister, Tsumi. She stood as the embodiment of everything opposite to my introverted nature, a radiant beacon of warmth and vivacity. Tsumi was my sole family, the one person who accepted me unconditionally. Her presence granted me comfort, a fleeting respite from the ever-looming void that plagued my existence.

But now, as this transcendent spirit, what has struck me most was the revelation that I was nothing but a figment of imagination, a fictional entity brought to life solely for your entertainment. The grim reality of my non-existence pierced my very soul, launching me into a vortex of existential turmoil.

In the timeless expanse of the void, I decided to delve into the depths of my past, unravelling the unforgettable journey that had propelled me to this ethereal state...