
primordial secrets

he is an entity beyond existence, betrayed by his trusted subjects..He goes by many names but known as the embodiment of laziness ,a sin of sloth. Novaah likes to eat and sleep,even though he was a primordial prime being,

Kashy_Novaah_8767 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

New world

Loita's origin was almost gone,Mira was left with only origin aura.

"Big sis Loita,can you release mistress Aurora,"

"What are you, planning?"

"Lona,Mae and Frare are in danger, they five months left, before fainting they set,one time , clock teleportation."

"What happened to them?"

"You will know later,we have no time,I will use your and mistress origin to form anticlock teleportation,"


At the Red cliff,near an open cave.

"So,here is where they ran,too."

"I will do you a favor," a mortal woman was stand in front of the women.

'For saving my village,I will repay you'

A grunt escape one of them,

"Alita...you..sh..oould ...l..eav..e now."

"What do you mean? ...big sis Frare I can helping you now,"

Before she could move further,the cave was lit and silent follow ...

At sametime a group arrived at red cliff and only saw a white light lit the cave.

"Damnit, they have escaped,"


"Luna,remove these runes on me," Loita was no longer, patient.

"But.. Master.."

"Buts ...we have no time...plan as also change."

"My sisters will here soon,I have also unlock all my memories,when I was burning my origin,so this bastard locked my memories after I started regaining them."

"Mira, when they are here,we will destroy our body and nurture our souls in chaotic prime soul pond,"


"He found a bucket of chaotic prime spring water,soul prime tree and everlasting chaotic flowers,then build a huge pond in both fay and eternal garden realm, using soul eternal spring, eternal youth spring and gaya life spring,so he built chaotic prime springs,fixed the into the pond."

"How do you know?"

"Remember,my death,"

"You die ,when fay realm was destroyed."

"Was it really destroyed?"

"Wait you sacrificed your body and cultivation to fake it,do you know how I affected of your death? Did mistress know because she cry like a baby?"

"No, damn it,sis Aurora, had us before this bastard came."

"Big sis,is he really that guy's son?"

"How many bloodlines does he have?"



"But..he also doesn't have mistress bloodline,"

"Remember,what mistress told us before that oath,"

"That she was just a servant,but then the stories"

"You believed them."



"They are here,"

"Luna, give them some boost."

After a while,

"Who is her?"


"Mae,you guys can talk?"

"What is it? am tired."

"Ok,listen ,we will destroy all our bodies first before nurturing our souls,in that pond,we have to create chaotic prime souls,"



"The legendary chaotic prime soul?"

"Yes,we will also start to cultivate from mortal realm but will be cultivating new origin not dantian as mortals,"

"Supreme origin to be more accurate."


"Big sis,what of that supreme origin we have," Luna asked.

"We use it,to forge our bodies."

"What you can't be serious right?"


"You are serious."

"What are you guys talking about?..big sis Frare who are they? ..where are we?..so beautiful!!!"her eye were sparkling here and there.

"Who are you?... Big sis Loita should I kill her?"

" You dare,"

"Frare, explain yourself."

"She was trying to heal us before you activate teleportation without looking first,"

"Mira.." looking at Mira who turned away.

"Mmmh... I was just trying to save you guys so I have no time to on the targets..."

"Ok, am Loita Fay,they my sisters Mira Chaos, Frare Chaos, Mae Chaos, Lona Chaos,Luna Chaos and one over there is Aurora Chaos, she is like our mother."

"I'm Alitalia,an orphan from the village that big sis Frare saved,"

"You're lucky, you have pure soul origin,so welcome,you will be our sister."

"But to be one of us you.."

"Loita,no...let send her back."

Alitalia looked at Frare in surprise,

"Big sis Frare,you don't want me?"

"Hey,you don't understand,once you become our sister,it mean you won't have to marry your lover,and will be in danger all the time."

Alitalia looked at them.

"What danger?..why can't I marry my lover?"

"We share husband,also we are what you mortal called boundless ancient ancestral gods or primordial ancient divine gods. So you know of the danger."

"But I stand and talk with you without dying."

"Our origin are destroyed,also you can feel something in you is shaking and crambling,it is your soul that is crambling if not for the necklace you have and Frare protecting your soul,you would be dead long ago."

"What? So that how it is."

"Big sis Frare,I don't have family so I don't mind having a family even if it's dangerous."

"Will that bastard be fine with with her?"

"Who care about is thoughts,"

"Sis Aurora,how will you pretend?"

"What, mistress was awake?"

"What about the effect of that potion?"

"She no longer have her origin."

"Little Loita,why do we have to use supreme origin as the foundation of our body forging,we can use other treasure,leave supreme origin for Novaah,"

"No,we will all start from zero,Also don't think about the cores of those realms,I will merge them in this realm,this realm is our home,but since we lack our origin, it will that thousand years to completely merge."

"Hey, still have half origin,"

"No,we will use it to evolve, Luna synthetic soul to primary soul before she enter the pond."

"Mistress Aurora,who is young master?"Mira looked at her.


"What is going on here?"

"I saw him growing up,"

"Yeah..so what is going on?"

"I'm not Chaos member, I'm his fiencee and servant in his first life,"


"No..no..no,we saw you give birth to him,"

"Did you really saw that? Or it was an illusion,"

"Is it right? Big sis Loita,"

"Big sister!"

"Its secret,"

"But he called her mom,he also refuse to do it with her and knock her out."

"If he reborn again, maybe you will be the mother,am the youngest amongst us."

"What! But you took us when we were mortals,"

"Not really, those origin were your to begin with."

"Ours! what is going on?"

"Secret, you know it,in time,"

"Luna, absorb those to reach primary soul, which is same as mortal soul."

"Alitalia,since you're in, drink it and enter the pond with them."

She took it,her body disintegrate leaving a weak transparent soul, standing but also started to disintegrate.

"Jump in the pond immediately or you will die, Luna you too, jump in the pond or you will be dead."

"You remove your realm cores' and integrate them in this realm now, we still have ten years before it starts to evolve."

"Everyone enter the pond, Mira release his soul fragments before he enter reborn cycle again,also release Chronos and Lafila, after nurturing is done, our soul will be chaotic prime absolute soul.body forging will be automatic when we wake up,will have new body with zero cultivation with no memories of anything but that he is our husband,we will have new cultivation technique and a dual cultivation technique,chaotic prime grade."

"Everyone into the pond, see you gain,we will gain our memories after reaching primordial ranks."

"This is to remove any mark or tracing technique they have on us."

They entered the pond,and supreme origin lit up and forming a cocoons around them and everything turn blue.


Flashing blue light,could be seen entering a green planet.


And large Crater formed, if you look closer, you could see a black Metroid cover in blue light in the midst of smoke and flames.