
primordial secrets

he is an entity beyond existence, betrayed by his trusted subjects..He goes by many names but known as the embodiment of laziness ,a sin of sloth. Novaah likes to eat and sleep,even though he was a primordial prime being,

Kashy_Novaah_8767 · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Pill bottles appeared, containing blood drops collected.

That old man, lit the remaining blood,burning it,till a shining pure golden purple large droplet, releasing a strong pressure, which Lasted for second before it disappear.

The old man looked for it ,everywhere how can he give up on,prime tier bloodline.

But found nothing.

Luna kept it in the system inventory,how can she allow them to have it.

"Young master,that heart blood disappeared,"


"Young Man, forget about it, we don't want those families on our tail." A voice is heard and ablack shadow walked in.

"Greetings, Ancestor (Abyssal lord)."

(*Big sis,who is he,why are you trembling?*)

("Luna,we have to escape and warn sis Mira")


("He is very strong,he is half a step to 'that' rank")

(*What?,how?... nobody above prime can enter the forbidden zone,then how is he not dead?*)

"Hey, little rats wondering how can I get rid of restrictions." the shadow said while looking at a certain direction.

Loita and Luna were left speechless, how can they not know what was going on.

"Luna,use concealment full power."Loita shout without caring any more.

"So ,they took the heart blood."the old man angrily grit his teeth.

"Princess, master's soul, will as be taken,and might be devour but if you, surrender, we can only be trapped it in soul bane,you are more useful then master's soul,"Durken shouted but got no reply.

"No need to shout,they won't escape this space confinement,she can't escape, she will be used for breeding,so we can have more blood and souls from fay race,"

"Abyssal master ,but wasn't that race extinct?"

"Yes,they are, but we also bought their semen from black market , planning for breeding but no race can give has a pure blood fay,that why she is important, whether dead or life."

Loita was shaken.("Luna,use all power to make hole on the concealment,we are in danger,Mira will also be in danger,")

"Ancestor,why can't we move his soul,"

"How can you weaker ants,do anything to eternal soul? Are you looking for death?"

The form a spell,he sprinkle something on the soul,

("Luna,be ready,after he finished sealing that bastard's soul I will pull away,")

(*Can we do it?*)

("His rank will temporary drop, for half an hour that should be enough.")


'Hope, nothing goes wrong,' she thought.

"Done ,now you can take his soul,let me regain my used power," it sat cross legged meditating.

("Luna,now ,we have no time to waste.")

She started burning everything for power boost.


Standing outside,a red sphere.

"What is going on,here?"

She touched the sphere,and felt weak origin energy absorption for second.

"Devourer space confinement technique,"


"They can't be here, could it be those backstabbing abyssal rats?"

"This is not good,"

"Purple big mouth parrot, didn't see this coming?"

"No wonder,'that' family, didn't take action,what will they do? After all he still has their bloodline."

"I bet,they will do nothing,they will likely be happy."

"How can they allow,son of afallen family,into their prestige family,I pity mistress,she was r*** by this family and her remaining members were killed, her family bloodline was also cursed and now last hope for her chaos family, is about to end without an heir,"

"What a fate?"

"Wait,that big mouth parrot say something,about that necklace."

"Oh,He gave it,to Loita."

"Does she know?"


She wave her hand, forming a large water dragon drilling,the red sphere slowly, she also burn everything,to break it.

She felt like,time was not on her side,if she delayed,she will regret it.


The shadow look up,*snort*

How can an ant break his confinement .

Luna also drilled opposite side on same spot

But she was much faster,

("Luna faster,we have no time,I lock him with my aura.")

They only had seconds,before the shadow recover it's strength.

Cracks appeared on the sphere and it shattered,

"What! This ant has some strength,but it origin is almost completely burnt."

It looked at blue hair woman,

The woman wasted no time and attacked them. which left her on her knees.

"Blue princess,long time,"

She turned towards that voice.

"So 'that' family send one of their branch member to kill their own,"

"Princess, you're wrong,he is a member of that fallen family,not ours,he doesn't have our surname,oh he also doesn't have our bloodline, family master extracted it,when he was little,his whore mother will be refined into a sex doll,after we find her,you and your sisters too."

"You...." She be angry.

"young master wants new sex dolls."

She was shaken,she has no strength to fight back.

Which left her,wondering,if purple parrot didn't see it or she betrayed them.

She become helpless and her eye lost all the light.

"That more like it,you can serve young master in peace..ha haha."

/"Little Mira,get yourself together,also I will try to find away to rescue you, space confinement is gone but the space is in chaos."/ she heard a voice in her head.

"Also has that whore be cured....ha ha ha."

"Ha ha..family head is evil, how can he do that, eternal Aphrodite disserve it's name, I wish she saw me first, I would have taken care of her but why did she do that,I wonder how she will feel finding out,he dead, ha ha ha,"he laugh out.


Loita used her all strength sending that soul into the green vortex she formed.

The shadow felt something,and use it strength pull it but it was too late,it only manage pull the lower half and one hand.

Loita had prepared well,but she couldn't save his soul intacted, while Luna also send Mira to eternal garden but she was still attacked before disappearing.

Blue light lit brightly, blinding them before disappearing into the unstable space.

"Wash your neck clean,I will pay ten times, what you have done,"

A weak voice was heard in the void.


"Wait.... how?.. attacked her now."

He couldn't believe it.

The shadow attacked Mira while pulling the soul fragments that remains.

Other also attacked but it was too late, she gone but trace of blood could be seen.

"Damnit!... How can they escape through unstable space,"

"Young master,we should also report back."

"Hey,give me his origin,also don't contact has agreed or 'they' will whip out your race."

"But..you guys promised,"

"Don't worry, if I don't show,his origin and this record,others will come to whip you out for hunting down,a descendant of guardian."

"And we can't have that,can we?"

"Ok, i'll wait at usual spot."

Void realm crumble,and break into pieces, disappearing in the unstable space.

Durken stand behind the shadow, looking at the crumbling void realm into pieces before disappearing into starry space.

"Do you remember content of 'that' cultivation technique,"

"Only introduction,it was...."

"How stupid are you?... It was above a prime eternal grade technique."

"What! Is it true Ancestor?,that bastard left it ungrade,he also didn't tell me and use it to clean his legs"

"What! We must find that system,but don't worry as long as that blue hair woman is with them,we will find them, I marked her origin through the cracks,i."

"Ancestor,we should be quick,that rich bastard can sneak behind us to reap all the benefits."

"I know,but don't worry we'll do it after returning to our realm."


In abright huge hall,young man was on his knees.


"Family master,we got him,but some soul fragments escape."

"Were those rats there?"

"Yes, blue princess was there,but she also escape after burning her origin."

" Why didn't we see it?, damn it,so that was their purpose all along,"

"You can go,also give all those things to them,they are still useful,have them lay lower,"

"Council board, will be active."


The hall was silent for a while.

"No wonder."

"What Big brother?"

"Remember those two rats burnt half of their origin to escape,"

"Red, origin crumbled before she escape,we must find her no matter what,"

"How did she escape?"

"Don't worry,she is marked,"

"So,that why you let them, escape."

"How do you expect me,to corner them."

"Big brother,is wise has ever,"

"But,now it's going to be hard,"

"Look at fate strings,"

After while the was silent again.

"So that was there reason,"

"Also didn't you notice it?"


"That bastard, origin was fake."

"So, that whore was tell the truth."

"I don't know,but I also felt the breath of supreme origin on it."

"Then we have to find them,fast."

"I don't think,we need that much effort,"


"Nurturing and reforming soul, needs soul flowers, or soul eternal spring."

"Also those twins and two rats, will need it,that poison is soul decaying petal."

"Their semi eternal souls,will decay in ten months,"

"You,mean they'll look for it the spring,"

"No,they will come to get it,"


"Fairy garden,"

"That whore private garden,"

"But it was given to imperial court,"

"No, they're guarding it, waiting for the owner."

"Wait, didn't the fay and eternal realm have them,"

"But, council board destroyed those realms in anger,"

"I felt them a while ago,but it disappeared completely."

"Me too."

Suddenly someone enter the shouting.

"Master, chaos family realms,crambled and collapsed,the realm's core and resources are missing,"

"Chaos family rank is dropping,faster"

"Their names disappeared, only one is left,"

"Which is?"

"Luna chaos,she is two years old,"

"Are you sure?"

"Master,her soul has existed for two years,now."

"Was she born or synthetic soul,her origin and cultivation,"

"She has none,"

"She is a mortal,"

"Cultivating origin,is almost impossible even for primordial being,"

"She is luck ,if she truly prime being child, even if mortal."

"Why not spread it? To those primordial , to hunt her for eternal soul,"

"Master,why are seven flower,semi prime being?,they had full developed origin, why semi eternal souls?"

"You may not know,but they were for some mortal families that serves under chaos family,"

"So theyhad no core and couldn't be even immortal being let alone ascend to semi prime,"


"It a secret,we are desperate to find,"

"But,that whore is tough lips,all I know is they made an an oath to her,after saving they families from the abyssal and devourer, while loosing her entire family in the process, becoming an orphan solo heir,"


"Mira.... Mira.....Mira... Come to the red cliff,we have no time, Mae and Lona are poisoned, we have five months at most." She sent voice message and past out.

Near her were two unconscious ladies in bloody torn clothes.