
Primordial Love

Zero_Michealis · ファンタジー
1 Chs


A prince known and loved by all ascended to the heavens by his kind and heroic acts. He was the first mortal to go to heaven and become a god. However, when tragedy was brought to his kingdom he resented heaven from not allowing him to protect his people. The poor boy watched his kingdom burn to the ground, and watched the mask god enjoy the suffering he had inflicted upon the young prince. Due to the boy's rage he fought the god that brought his kingdom down and ended in defeat.

Although the young prince ended in defeat, the god didn't kill him. The god left the young prince which made the prince question as to why he let him live in the first place. After 200 years the young prince ascended again in hoping to find the god that caused him pain and suffering. When he thought he found the god that brought him nothing but pain he crossed swords with him. In the end, due to crossing swords with one of the primordial's closest colleagues he was sent to the mortal realm.

Due to the other gods' sympathy towards the young prince they blessed him with the gift of immortality and non-aging. Though he was blessed with these things by the gods he still hated them. Then one fateful night when he was trying to visit his people he became known as the god of crimson ashes. When he got this title he acted more like a demon rather than a god. He was mostly known within the mortal realm as the demon bride of crimson ashes. Due to the mix of names within the mortal realm he became as powerful as a god but became as heartless, cold, and ruthless as a demon.

Unable to stand his actual form, he started to wear a mask to hide his face from himself. As a god he would wear a mask that was smiling and as a demon he would wear a brides veil. The young prince enjoyed the veil that the mortals made for brides so instead of his mask he wore a veil. Later on when he ascended to heaven once more destroying many things he wore the mask. Although he was well liked amongst the gods despite becoming half demon he was someone who didn't know how to let go of the past. The young prince's name is Lian Wanxie. The boy wore white as a god meanwhile as a demon he wore red.

"I see thank you for the story." Lian Wanxie tipped his hat to the man, paid him and left. This is annoying how come a mortal knows so much about gods not to mention a god who became half demon because he simply hates heaven. This is a joke there is no way a mortal could know so much unless another god told them. Which god is it I wonder, although the wind god does like to talk his head off. I swear if it was him I will fucking kill him. Thought Lian Wanxie as he walked through one of the crimson forests crushing a human skull with his bare feet. As he walked through the forest with his umbrella ashes fell from him. The ashes then turned blood red as he continued walking through the forest. Then suddenly a white butterfly flew past his face and he saw the masked god in front of him. The god wore black, his hair as white as snow and his mask was a smiling face. Without any hesitation Lian Wanxie dropped his umbrella and took out his sword.

A catastrophe leveled demon was standing in front of Lian Wanxie and yet he was driven by a century old grudge against him. Wanxie knew that he was a god and a powerful one at that but within the records of heaven it has labeled him as a demon. When Wanxie was about to strike at the masked god he disappeared and mist surrounded the crimson forest. A god's weakness is something that they treasure the most and a demon's weakness is their ashes or the ashes of people they cherished the most. Within that moment Wanxie's clothes transformed into his demon attire and so did his sword.

The god was silent other than a few giggles here and there. When the masked god attacked Wanxie, Wanxie quickly turned around, blocking the god. The masked gods' clothes usually make a jingle sound but for some reason they are completely silent. Just then the mist cleared and Wanxie saw that it was due to the wind god's assistant which made the masked god tilt his head. Wanxie clicked his tongue out of annoyance and started to attack the masked god once more. However, before the blade could hit the masked god he turned into crimson flower pedals and left the scene. Wanxie clicked his tongue once more, upset that the god got away and he turned to Fu Xing, the wind god's assistant.

"Lian Wanxie, don't tell me that you were planning on committing the sin of a demon once more." Fu Xing said. When she said that his outfit and sword changed back to his god form. The mask he wore had crimson flowers on it.

"Why can't I huh? Did you forget I was outcast by heaven twice not to mention I also have a hatred for heaven and that I'm half demon now." Lian Wanxie put his sword away and he stood there staring at Fu Xing. Fu Xing then opened her fan covering her face but mainly to hide her blush. Lian Wanxie knew that she had a crush on him but he didn't return her feelings. They were in a relationship once However, Wanxie broke her heart meanwhile he felt nothing. This proved to Fu Xing that Lian Wanxie was part demon. Although she lost her respect for him she still loved him even after he killed several gods within heaven and even broke her own heart.

"The primordial one has asked to speak with you, your highness." Fu Xing said.

"Geez what does that old geyser want? I have more important things to do like hold up my reputation within the mortal realm as the demon bride of crimson ashes." Wanxie groaned. Fu Xing then walked up to him, closing her fan and smacked him on the head with it. When she did that the prince was pissed, however, he didn't make a single sound to show his anger, instead he used his words which were calm.

"Fu Xing if you ever do that again I will do more than break your heart. If that happens then I will send the wind god what's left of you. If you don't wanna go back to heaven in tiny little pieces then I suggest you take me to the primordial one right now while I still have my patience." Fu Xing was scared but she then nodded and took Wanxie back to heaven.

When they returned to heaven many gods stared at them in awe. Not liking getting stared at by the others Wanxie took off his mask enough to see his eyes. Everyone that saw his eyes for the first time just froze out of fear and stopped looking, continuing on with their day. Wanxie then quickly put the mask back on his face when the wind god's assistant looked behind her to see what Wanxie was doing. Shortly after that they reached the palace where the primordial one lived. To Wanxie's surprise the sleeping primordial one was actually awake smiling at Wanxie.

Although the sleeping primordial one was awake it didn't change the fact that he was a mute. Just then the person who speaks for the primordial one stepped up beside him and started the meeting.

"Lian Wanxie I am aware that you have come into contact with the demon called the crimson white mist once more. I get that you have become half demon with the powers of a god so you can stop this monster because of what he did to your kingdom but you have to keep in mind you are also a god. Until I outcast you back to the mortal realm you will do as I say, is that understood?" The speaker for his royal highness wasn't displaying the emotions of the primordial one rather it was his own emotions towards Wanxie.

"Yes your majesty." Wanxie said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Good now I've got a mission for you. There has been a ghost taking out people's hearts leaving the corpses. I was gonna ignore this until a well known general had his daughters heart and eyes carved out. You are more than capable of handling this yourself. Also if you ever come across the crimson white mist again be careful he is known to also have the power of a god. He is also known to be sly and deceiving other than that much else isn't known about him. Be careful when you do this mission and good luck." The speaker said and Wanxie nodded and bowed leaving the palace.

Once Wanxie returned to the mortal realm the place he was staying at was very far away. He began walking through the road of where he was before he went through the crimson forest. He then saw a man driving a wagon with some hay in it and he asked for a ride back to the village he was staying. When he got on the cart he looked through some scrolls about the other gods including himself. When the cart hit something a scroll almost rolled off the cart. When Wanxie grabbed it he looked to his side seeing a handsome young man with white hair up in a ponytail wearing black.

When the young man opened his eyes Wanxie was stunned. The man had golden eyes. There was no one within heaven or the demon's realm that had eyes as golden as the young man before him. Wanxie couldn't believe his eyes but then again his aren't normal either but golden eyes was just a legend that went around when he was still mortal. This was his first time actually seeing them with his own eyes. The young man then sat up and looked at Wanxie once more.

"Hey why are you staring? Don't you know it's rude to stare at people?" The young man said. His voice was deep yet soothing.

"Were you born like that or are you using magic to cover your actual eye color?" Wanxie generally wanted to know because not even the primordial one had golden eyes of any kind, especially not as golden as his. The young man looked at him and smirked, tilting his head.

"Believe it or not I was actually born like this. My parents are unsure how my eyes became like themselves and even the best doctors don't know." The young man said and Wanxie nodded.

"There are many tails of what golden eyes represent, most of them are not good." Wanxie said as he sat back down looking at the scroll.

"Oh which tail do you believe?" The young man looked at him resting his head on his hand. Wanxie then sighed and closed the scroll and looked at the man once more.

"I happen to believe neither tail. I will admit your eyes are very pretty and I was stunned when I saw them, however, whatever color your eyes represent doesn't matter to me." Wanxie said and the young man looked at him and shrugged as if he didn't really care.

"Oh yeah young man what is your name?" Wanxie asked the young man, which made him lift his head.

"My name is San Yi. What is your name?" The young man looked at Wanxie with a subtle smile on his face which for some reason made Wanxie blush. He then clears his throat.

"My name is Lian Wanxie. Oh yeah question, do you know anything about demons?" Wanxie asked. The boy just sat there staring at him then rested his head on his hand once more.

"Which demon do you wanna know about? There are many demons." The young man laid back putting his hands behind his head and Wanxie clicked his tongue.

"Do you know about the demon called the crimson white mist?" Wanxie said and the young man looked at him.

"I know bits and pieces." The young man said as he closed his eyes once more.

"Tell me." Wanxie demanded, which made the young man sit up.

"The crimson white mist is known to be the oldest of all the demons. There was a time where he ruled all seven realms. However, since he couldn't be in the seven realms all at once the demons had to choose a new king for their realm. As to why he wears a mask well it is said that simply due to the fact that he has no face." San Yi said. Wanxie just nodded and San Yi then fell asleep on the cart. Wanxie then looked at San Yi asleep knowing something was off about him.