
Primordial: I Can Be As Willful As I Want To Be

Throughout history, people have been lured by the irresistible temptation of power. Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge the potential hazards associated with it. The tale of Tomoe Nox, functions as a cautionary tale, reminding us to exercise carefulness and remain watchful when seeking power. Nox himself recognizes the risks and establishes limits on his use of power, comprehending that unbridled arrogance, avarice, and disdain can effortlessly take hold. Instead, he embraces ethical values and humanity, realizing that perfection is unattainable. It is of utmost importance to maintain a clear perspective and remember our fundamental principles when seeking power, Without a strong moral compass, we risk falling into the depths of power-induced blindness. Only through meticulous reflection and mindfulness can we avoid the traps that come with the pursuit of immense power. In the words of Nox, "Only then will we be the true master of power and not power being the master of us." As Nox delivered his monologue, his expression was serene, and his eyes were filled with sagacity, Nevertheless, he could not resist grinning like a child who had just been presented with an abundance of delectable treats because only he knew he did not have to chase this power he was an invincible immortal existence after all. Additional Tags: #LOW-KEYMC #CHARMINGMC #CUTEMC #QUICK TRANSMIGRATION #SHOU MC #FACEIALPARALASISMC #HONESTMC #SINGLELOVEINTEREST

Alica_Clarke · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Will Our Responsibilities Allow It? (1)

Tomoe stood in front of the grand entrance to his new workplace, the prestigious First World University, feeling a mixture of nostalgia and excitement. As a respected clinical professor from Japan, he had spent many years dedicated to the field of medicine. Now, in this new world, he was expected to uphold tradition and honor while imparting his knowledge to eager students.

His thoughts drifted back to his homeland, where he had grown up surrounded by the rich tapestry of Japanese traditions. The honor and respect bestowed upon him in his profession had been deeply ingrained in his character. And now, in this foreign land, he carried those values with him like an invisible armor.

As he walked through the corridors of the university, he wondered about the fellow name he had heard earlier – Du Xulan, a skilled diplomat from China, tied to diplomacy and political aspirations. Intrigued, Tomoe decided to approach his long-time friend and confidant, Dr. Tanaka, who always seemed to have his finger on the pulse of the university.

Finding Dr. Tanaka engrossed in his research, Tomoe gently tapped on his door. Dr. Tanaka looked up, his eyes lighting up with recognition as he welcomed his old friend with a warm smile.

"Tomoe, my friend! What brings you here today?" Dr. Tanaka asked, setting aside his papers.

Tomoe explained his curiosity about Du Xulan and inquired whether Dr. Tanaka knew anything about his whereabouts.

Dr. Tanaka furrowed his brow in thought. "Du Xulan, you say? Ah, yes, I have heard of him. He's a prominent figure in our university, known for his diplomatic prowess and political ambitions."

Curiosity now piqued within both of them, Tomoe and Dr. Tanaka exchanged glances, silently agreeing to embark on this investigation together.

Dr. Tanaka promised to delve into the matter and find out where Du Xulan could be found. With a heartfelt thank you, Tomoe set off to his office, his mind racing with anticipation.

Days turned into weeks, as Tomoe carried out his duties with diligence, all the while eagerly awaiting his friend's findings. Then, one day, Dr. Tanaka called him with exciting news.

"Tomoe, my friend! I have discovered the whereabouts of Du Xulan," Dr. Tanaka exclaimed with enthusiasm. "He has been attending international conferences and establishing bonds with diplomats from various countries."

Tomoe's heart leaped with joy. Now, armed with this information, he could finally meet this intriguing figure himself. He thanked Dr. Tanaka for his tireless efforts and made his way to the conference where Du Xulan was scheduled to appear.

As Tomoe entered the hall, he saw a man with a commanding presence, speaking eloquently about the importance of cultural exchange and diplomacy in a world filled with uncertainties. Tomoe could sense the aura of respect and honor surrounding Du Xulan, and he couldn't help but be drawn to him.

After the conference, Tomoe approached Du Xulan, introducing himself with a deep bow.

"Du Xulan, it is an honor to meet you," Tomoe said, his voice filled with reverence. "I am Tomoe, a clinical professor from Japan. Your reputation precedes you."

Du Xulan smiled warmly, returning the bow with equal respect. "Tomoe, the honor is mine. Your expertise in the field of medicine is well-known, and your commitment to tradition and honor echoes with the values I hold dear."

From that day forward, Tomoe and Du Xulan became close friends, uniting their perspectives and strengths to create a harmonious blend of medicine and diplomacy. Together, they embarked on a journey, leveraging their respective roles to bridge cultural gaps and foster mutual understanding.

of course, this is a story for later.................................

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Their story became an inspiration, as their unwavering dedication to upholding tradition and honor formed the foundation for a new era of collaboration between nations.

Alica_Clarkecreators' thoughts