

Their ship settled into an empty bay at Capital Prime's spaceport — a spot Alex managed to secure after breaking through the chaotic comms chatter.

Even as the landing gears clicked into place, the jubilant atmosphere outside was still as vibrant as ever. It was surreal. 

Streets all across the city were flooded with cheering crowds, all sorts of fireworks lit up the sky, and holographic banners reading "Victory!" shimmered above practically every avenue across the city.

"What the hell is going on??? Did we miss something while we were gone??"

Alex muttered to himself under his breath after powering down the engines.

"I don't know…" Mira replied, even though the question wasn't exactly directed towards her.

She unbuckled herself from her seat and grabbed the data cache they had salvaged from the remains of the Red Demon flagship.

"But I'm guessing it has something to do with that guy, Phoenix, we met…"
