
Primordial Aspect Of Evil

All life is sacred… Aksel Nile was a pacifist who genuinely believed this. But when he is betrayed by those he trusted, and his homeland is destroyed, he has a sudden shift in mindset. Now possessed by the Primordial Aspect Of Evil, and a special System, he vows vengeance upon those who wronged him, and he desires to live his second life the way he pleases. Not as some noble and righteous lord... but as a man willing to do anything to achieve his goals!

Khaos_Nyx · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Aspects and Essence


Sentient representations of concepts. The rarer an Aspect is, the more powerful they most likely are.

For example, there are many Flame Aspects that exist, and possessing a Flame Aspect grants you the power of flames. However, there are also fewer Aspects, like Gravity, Light, or Darkness, making them rarer and more powerful.

There are Nine Primordial Aspects that exist in the world. Only one of their kind exists, making them extremely powerful.

PS: Very little is known about Primordial Aspects.

It is possible for an Aspect Host to possess more than one Aspect, but Aspects usually demand something in return for being used, so Hosts must be careful not to bite off more than they can chew.

'The Price' is what connects Aspects to their Hosts, forming a bond that must be mutually agreed upon.

Aspects can not maliciously harm their Hosts, and Hosts can not maliciously harm their Aspects.

They are bound together by the Ancient Records of The Antecedent (The System).


The fuel that acts as energy for both the Aspects and their Hosts. Hosts use Essence as energy in order to use abilities: Magic (for Mages), Martial Arts (for Warriors), or both.

Aspects are built up of Essence, which is essentially pure energy, and this energy manifests as their respective concept, e.g. Fire Aspects use energy to produce flames and are made up of flames, etc.