
Song Mei I**

After Ling Yun and the others entered the Yin-Yang Chamber, a man and a woman landed in front of their house. But of course, they couldn't find Ling Yun and the others.

"Is this really his house, Sophie? How come there's no one in the house?" The man asked, raising his eyebrows.

Sophie nodded at him. "Michael, this really is Ling Yun's house, Mariel and I have been here a few times, so I can't be wrong, but I don't know why they aren't in this house right now."

"Hmm?" Michael thought for a moment before asking her again. "Could it be that they went to that cultivator realm?"

"That might be true," Sophie answered with a nod. "After all, Ling Yun and his women are cultivators, so we shouldn't be surprised if they go there, right?"

Michael sighed softly. "Looks like I'll have to come back later."

"Why are you so eager to see him?" Sophie asked in surprise, especially since Michael hadn't told her about his intention to meet Ling Yun.